This has come up before and is something we may potentially add for some monsters in the future. It's unlikely to happen for all monsters, as each "friendly" monster would need a seperate AI to disable their ability/impulse to TF downed enemies.
We've looked at this and while it's not impossible, it requires very specific code to be added to specific monsters. For the foreseeable future this will remain something exclusive to demons and cupids; when the other cupid types from the Handbook are added they'll be included in the handbook as well.
Dev specifically didn't want to be linked on here, so I can't do that. Sorry! I'll repeat, however, that while I am not actively developing this game through actual coding I am pretty involved in general (next version will even have a monster of two made by me

). If there's ideas here that haven't been tabled before, I'll pick them up with tl to discuss possibilities. I can only very rarely make guaranteers about what will or will not make it in since I'm not the one coding, and I don't want to put the dev on the spot.
Alternatively, since you're familiair with the TFGS post, there's a forum thread there that the dev DOES visit, so that's an option too.
It's 3D Custom Girl (or 3DCG for short) with a crapton of mods to create all the monster forms (and in fact, all humans have modded parts too...)