The turn based mode is quite literally what Classic Mode from the
Remaster is

Unity Edition is a side project by a fan of that; some of the systems in place are leftovers from that turn based mode. Do be aware that not all forms from Unity Edition are in Classic Mode, however!
The content that is there isn't always functional, either. Unfortunately, they've stopped working on that mode in order to focus on their
fanfic that completely changes the tone and even retcons a character's gender just to shoehorn in the genderswap fetish that's completely taken over every game on Adventure Mode. Maybe we need someone to go full circle and make a turn-based module for the Unity Version.

Then someone can remake it in Inform, for no reason other than the irony of it.
Since I'm (kind of) on the subject, there was something else I was gonna say in response to an earlier post, but I was originally gonna wait until I had put together something I was planning.
HOP was basically created because there's very few games where being TFd is not an immeadiate fail-state, so if you already know about and played both Adventure Mode and Classic Mode in the remaster, I'm afraid you're out of luck.
That's true about games where you get turned into a monster, but not so much for games where you get genderswapped or sissified, which is apparently the main thing people think of when they say "TF" these days. I can't tell you how excited I was to find out existed, only to learn that it ended up becoming focused entirely on genderbending at some point. I thought I'd found the holy grail, and that it'd just take some sorting to find the kind of games that I was looking for, but you can't even rely on the game ratings because everything with genderswapping gets hundreds of likes by default, and even games that aren't about that still end up having it shoehorned in to appeal to the community there.
It was honestly shocking how few of the games in a place called were like House of Pandemonium. This was seriously a diamond in the rough. But on top of just getting to continue playing after getting transformed, what I was really hoping to find were games where you do the transforming, especially ones where you're not necessarily a "victim" yourself. I mean, you'd think somebody somewhere would have made a game where you play as some kind of Demon Lord who goes around capturing heroines and transforming them into your minions, right? I did find the seriously underrated and overlooked
Crimson Veil, which is unfortunately mostly your standard "Game Over Game" where all the erotic content is primarily centered around ways to lose and have the protagonist turned into a vampire (or other types of monster, in the optional side quests), but does have a sort of alternate "post-game" route where the protagonist becomes a master vampire. Unfortunately, it was only recently added and barely has any content, and the majority of the game's focus is and always will be on the still-incomplete main route. It is something worth considering for people who are looking for "a game where being TF'd isn't an immediate fail-state", even if it still is 90% of the time.
But that's why I was so passionate about my suggestions/requests for being able to transform your allies in this game without switching factions or making things worse for yourself. There are lots of games where you're a victim of TF, but not enough where you're really in control. Now, this was gonna be the part of my post where I'd say the following: "I know my expanded betrayal request isn't even in the 'we're seriously considering it' stage, but I've put together some samples of alternate transformation text for when you betray your allies and turn them into your minions. Consider it a sort of 'fanfic' for now, a what-if example of what a feature like this would be like." Unfortunately, I got sidetracked, and never made it... It was going to (and still will, if I get around to it) be in picture form with the accompanied transformation states, so not just something for me to type up right here and now. I think I'm gonna get started on that in a few minutes, assuming I don't get sidetracked again.
Edit: I got sidetracked again. But I'm making some progress.