How can one who dislikes NTR, who also has three women loyal to them, enjoy a game with brothels, strip clubs, gloryholes & sex clubs?


Apr 12, 2021
Apologies if this was mentioned already, but if the MC grew up with criminals and pimps, wouldn't it be likely he just would not care if the 3 woman are screwing around? That is if it was for business.
So it would be simple management porn. I suppose...

Deleted member 3145675

the more I read this thread the more I realize that should "The Godfather"* be released nowadays nobody would understand it...
since we're talking about pimps strippers hookers brothel and so on - there are (were?) simple rules that apply to such Tags -
- Do as you say.
- Say what/who you are (stand for).
- Never lie to someone who is/was faithful/true to you.
- Never betray your Family!
- Don't steal from those who belong to your world. (in peace times)
- Never disrespect what/who is Greater than yourself.

Now - in this world (yeah I'll say it - a Crime Family Business) - mothers wives and GFs are "non toccare" (don't touch) - others... Considering the "NTR" topic - it's easy - the ONLY way to be ntred by a hooker/stripper is when she does not ask for money in exchange of her services!
and when she does ask for money - well she's actually a good worker and should be praised as such!

(regarding the 3 Loyal women - in case it was not obvious - they are not to concern themselves with their Man's business and stay in the kitchen) (this comment is wildly ironic but not completely false)

(use the 1950s Film Noir rules)

*A most excellent movie.


Apr 12, 2021
the more I read this thread the more I realize that should "The Godfather"* be released nowadays nobody would understand it...
since we're talking about pimps strippers hookers brothel and so on - there are (were?) simple rules that apply to such Tags -
- Do as you say.
- Say what/who you are (stand for).
- Never lie to someone who is/was faithful/true to you.
- Never betray your Family!
- Don't steal from those who belong to your world. (in peace times)
- Never disrespect what/who is Greater than yourself.

Now - in this world (yeah I'll say it - a Crime Family Business) - mothers wives and GFs are "non toccare" (don't touch) - others... Considering the "NTR" topic - it's easy - the ONLY way to be ntred by a hooker/stripper is when she does not ask for money in exchange of her services!
and when she does ask for money - well she's actually a good worker and should be praised as such!

(regarding the 3 Loyal women - in case it was not obvious - they are not to concern themselves with their Man's business and stay in the kitchen) (this comment is wildly ironic but not completely false)

(use the 1950s Film Noir rules)

*A most excellent movie.
This is was saying, I could'nt say more right that!


Nov 1, 2019
I don't like to '' share '' if get what i am saying , so i can understand the question.
But unless you have a relationship with the women, ( close friend, love ) i don't see it as NTR. Not even close.


Aug 12, 2017
Im amiss as to how a Non-NTR lover cant like it?
NTR is by defentition something BAD happening, humiliating, degrading and against your will. Youre often forced to watch, while talked down to. Its your love interest giving it to someone else, despite your interests and making you painfully aware of it.
A stripper having a client has nothing of the above. Not a single one of them.... unless you force it into the story.
Same with brothels, same with gloryholes. Same with harems.

There is no need to dislike either thing, just because they can and do have sex with others. I just dont want it blasted in my face that they do, or even less watch it and even less again with it being NTR. I dont need to be thrown into a cacophony of insults and smalldick diatribes to actually know in reality that a brothel caters to clients for income. The difference is HUGE and it still boggles my mind that NTR fetishists cant concieve that their fetish isnt liked by everyone else.


Game Developer
Sep 16, 2020
We need a thread titled "Ask an NTR Hater" so we can go to them like a local rabbi. "NTR Hater, is it acceptable for a man to engage in coitus with a woman if she does not explicitly state she's a virgin?"

"Yes NTR Hater, but what if the stripper was coated in latex? So no man has truly touched her?"

"NTR Hater, my game contains a succubus. Obviously she would- Yes, alright... I'll remove her."

I kid, I dislike NTR, but does get a little nutty to twist the story logic around a strict interpretation.
Jan 9, 2019
Yeah, let me share mine too

View attachment 1147207

background texts are from my game thread :HideThePain:
*appears from out of left ass*

Oi, I feel personally attacked! :LOL:

Real talk though...that image is hilarious and is definitely needed for some people...Geez!!!
...I don't keep all of the imaginary whores to myself...
*averts eyes and kicks dirt*
*hides again*
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Apr 27, 2020
Preface: I have not read through all of the thread.

however, the closest thing I can think of for the scenario you propose is to give me, the player, a compelling reason to risk the women i already have in a system that maximizes player agency and challenge.

So for example, you might dangle hot/interesting characters outside the starting 3 as the incentive with the player chasing clearly understood "things" to acquire them, maybe even only temporarily. Those things might be money, connections, drugs, outright removal of rivals, etc. then you offer the player several ways to acquire those things with gambling the main girls as a way to speed up the process or help raise the chance of success . . . the catch being you might lose them.

what you're aiming for is the feeling of being on a knife's edge between success and defeat, or a mastermind trying to hold on to a rapidly unraveling ball of plots, interests, etc. the key, in my opinion, is to maximize player investment in the characters, to build tension, and then make sure the gameplay never hard-locks the player arbitrarily. the player should clearly understand the risk, the player should have a number of well balanced "tools" to modify their risk/reward and "make plays" to reward good understanding/skill, and finally, the player should be able to recover from losing . . . perhaps by taking even greater risk.

leane 2: leane of legitimate crown is almost a good example of this in that you can get good at the army combat game-play, risk your female generals, and the story is compelling. the issue is that it fails to find a way to inform the player about key game mechanics relevant to the NTR before the big twist. so unless you play with a guide it's easy to play a long time, get to the twist half way through, and be utterly screwed into the "avoidable" NTR. It was very much like getting to the end of a 10 hour tutorial only to get an game over because you didn't guess the important mechanics not introduced.

was it a good NTR? probably. Was it fun for anyone that doesn't want to role-play a beta? no, not at all. which is unfortunate because it has a lot of clear effort put into it and is by far one of the better built RPGM games. and what's really unfortunate, is that all the tools were there. it's a game of kingdoms and great battles, but the player is never given the option of changing his lot. no coups, no rebellions, no stealing the crown. without a guide (and what's the fun of always following a guide?) it's basically a hard railroad onto the NTR path that makes less and less sense the further from the, I'll admit, well done mid game twist one gets.

That's the key that most NTR games miss, and why I feel it's so hated. most games with it are a binary. you're either on the NTR path or you're not. There's very rarely the option to flirt with that line and because of that a lot of NTR also fails to really build the tension that's supposed to define the genre: that feeling of being stolen from and watching the whole world crumble down. Without risk and player choice I'd argue you're not writing real NTR because you're not capturing that tension and without risk and player agency the "NTR Haters" will always be fully justified in loudly denouncing the railroading.
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Jun 5, 2021
The best advice I can offer, bearing in mind I don't hate ntr per se and in fact enjoy it in certain contexts, is to make your game as if ntr haters don't exist. Ntr haters are a special breed of people who will always find a way to hate your game if they percieve ntr within it.
Hello there that is why i am trying to create a game which satisfies everyone's need...... More about it here


Jun 5, 2021
Crap. This is one problem I cannot solve, but I appreciate your honesty. This is EXACTLY the feedback I was looking for. I understand how you feel. It breaks immersion to know renders exist of her with other guys, even if the guy is an alternate MC you can pick. I understand.


I really hope you guys can get over this issue. Hear me out. What makes things meaningful in life? RISK & CONSEQUENCE. Without those two things, everything would be shallow and meaningless. I've setup a game where if you just take the risk and avoid the consequence; knowing full well it's there, it will deepen the connection you feel to the main girl. You ever play a game where the sex scenes just feel shallow and empty, but you don't know why? IMO, it's because there isn't any risk or consequence, there was no hefty investment. You got the reward too easily and too fast. That's my take. I hope I can change your mind on this topic.
Hello there that is why i am trying to create a game which satisfies everyone's need...... More about it here


Jun 5, 2021
I don't want to claim my content will be best. When the time comes, I'll let people decide. Let's just say that I strongly agree with you. I hear you loud and clear on how ntr & non-ntr can lead to a subpar experience. Being totally aware of this is the first step in avoiding the problem.

The script is written to allow the MC to be the most evil if you go that route. Special consideration was taken to address your exact concern.

This is what I was worried about. I appreciate your honesty. I've actually pondered this problem. The only solution I currently have is to let the player choose between two male MC's at the start, two males who are completely different people. Would that be acceptable? If you choose the masculine default character, then he'll never even be optionally humiliated or cuckolded. Would that be okay?

Hello there that is why i am trying to create a game which satisfies everyone's need...... More about it here


Nov 6, 2020
Like mentioned early in this thread, make sure to keep distance between the MC and the women that would be sleeping with others. By not establishing a strong emotional connection and limited communication, the player could be rather oblivious to the detailed actions the women are engaged in unless they choose otherwise. Meanwhile the genuine romantic interests could be kept on a loyal path with MC, since they're more fleshed out characters, the player is unlikely to even care about the women with one dimensional personalities doing stuff in the background.