The farther away you are from the base, the more resources you can obtain during harvesting. The map is quite large. In the 3rd zone, it is enough to cut down 10 trees or less perhaps.Grind.. more grind, grind with every update. .same grind all over again. None of those things you listed is not evident for new players and they will quit before soon.. I am returning and find it hard to grind again. I have played my share of jprgs and this is by far one of the most grindiest.. at least make saving possible everywhere not only in bed as danger lurks every where and under every loot box.. I find myself running back to house to save as I keep dying all the time. Not very enjoyable game design atm. .like I side, I will not fund this before it gets better.
Get 50 wood.. you possibly have to cut down 30+ trees.. or at least 15.. as it feels that I get 1 most times I harvest or loot anything.. I have no idea where to find those ppl you listed.. or is there there some pile again hidden somewhere I should magicly know about?
Taking water takes stupidly long also requiring to waste 3 wood for one portion of water is just lame.. for ever water I need to cut 1-3 more trees and risk fighting zombies.. I havent found those 0 danger areas yet with resources... really 10 sccond "animation" for 1 water?
There is a map available from the start of the game that updates every time you enter a new region. It is accompanied by a legend to indicate important buildings.
Drinks can be found during the search in ruined houses but the bucket of water is there to help if you can't find any at all so it is normal that if it is easier, there is a penalty (but this can be reduced if you upgrade the bucket to pump => multiple upgrade=multiple reduce).
The more regions you cross, the more luck you are to find a region with 0 DANGER.
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