Thank you for this beautiful answer which proves that .... You've never played this game...
I summarize your answers because it's often the same thing and I answer them with tips :
- Resources to make food and drink reappear. Zombies killing you while harvesting water in the river.
There are hundreds of fruit trees, mushrooms, berry bushes, fish,... Just harvest them without the risk of making noise (0 battle) and they come back after a few days (game time) and without giving resources.
The bucket to collect water from the river is in the base behind the starting house = 0 zombies. There is no limit to its use.
- The equipment was quickly destroyed.
The stick has 50 durability points, it takes 4 hits to kill a zombie so it is possible to kill 12 zombies at least with the stick. This leaves 2 durability points that can be increased by using wood to create a weapon repair kit and its durability can be increased up to 100.
Defense equipment has 20 durability points each, but wearing more than one reduces the probability that it will be hit several times in a row. Increasing the 8 pieces of equipment increases the total durability to 160 and the chance of losing the 1st to 80 hits received.
And these are only the lvl1.
- Moving = getting killed by a zombie.
You run faster than zombies. It is possible to move them and even block them in obstacles. Also, zombies only see you if you're in front of them.
Possibility to heal yourself + possibility of 4vs1 combat + Your hps increase with the exp (I forgot to say it in the tips post) ++++
- Getting ressources is the problem.
Because there is 1/5 of meeting a zombie and it kills you... The solution is in the previous point.
- The resources at the beginning are not enough to craft equipment.
The stick is free and there is enough to make 5 pieces of defense equipment.
- The problem isn't that there is a quest system, the problem is that yours is punishingly difficult and unintuitive.
Example : Anne's Quests
Install a hook in the basement = unlock Touch
Find the pliers = unlock Blowjob
install a bed in the cellar => 10 woods and 5 cloths = unlock Titfuck
Find Handcuffs => unlock Fingering
Find gagball => unlock Fuck + 1st quest Amelie (Her quests = Find her and then play with her)
Fuck her => unlock Anal
- The "To do" does a completely shit job, judging by how many people have questions about doing things in the game.
4 steps to follow to understand how the game works and there is only 1 person and you who complained about it.
- There are also opportunities to obtain resources without the risk of fighting. => Such as?
Explain in one of my posts yesterday.
- "I get killed by the basic zombies before I can gather enough resources to upgrade or build anything". Your response that has been, "gather resources and upgrade and build things."

It seems to me that I regularly talk about :
=> how to get resources without fighting,
=> how to avoid walking zombies to reduce the number of fights,
=> how to heal yourself with resources that are easily obtained, ]
=> how to get more fighters, ] Several tricks that facilitate fights without resources that
=> ... ] are obtained with a risk of battle.