
Oct 22, 2017
So my computer keeps saying 'Failed to load mono' whenever I try to play this game. I read somewhere you need to try to download the game again, so I have tried with every single link for this game but I keep getting the same message... anyone know anything that could help?
Feb 14, 2018
Never used cheat engine successfully and haven't tried it on HuniePop 2 yet. Where is the save file or what do I open to edit it? If there's a tutorial n this I missed it
It edits stats live, without using save files. You just "open" the game in Cheat Engine. Then you look for stats in the game you want to alter. The stat you should change in this game, in my opinion, is the stat of how many tries you have left in the mini game. Now you have to find this specific stat in Cheat Engine. Therefore you have to put in the value this stat has at the moment and press First Scan. For example 20. Now Cheat Engine will scan all stats in the game that have the value of 20 at the moment. Now make a turn in the game. You will now have 19 tries remaining. So the stat changed. Now in Cheat Engine type 19 and press next scan. Now out of all the stats that used to be 20 before, it searches for those who changed to 19. You repeat this process until you only have 1 stat left in Cheat Engine. This will be the one you were searching for. You can now press the red arrow to put this stat in the menu below. There you can change it to whatever value you want. To make it permanently stay that value, you can check the check box left to the stat. Now you will have unlimited tries. (You can literally cheat anything with that. In other games for example money, ammunition, stats...whatever you like)

Also a little hint if you actually want to alter the "tries" value in this game. In this particular case there's not only 1 value in the end. There are actually 3. Just get all 3 down in the menu, make them the same value and check the box on the left. That will do.

As you may have seen I'm horrible at explaining, but maybe I could help you a little.


New Member
Aug 17, 2018
Welp, I did it. Beat the game, ground out all the costumes, learned all the girls stuff, etc.

As a fan of Huniepop 1, but with the only returning characters being ones I didn't much care for in the first game (Really? Lola and Jessie? Ugh!) I went into Huniepop 2 with just timid hype. While I won't say I was disappointed, I certainly wasn't impressed either.

The new cast are a mixed bag. Some of them I really enjoyed (Ashley, Lillian, and Candace are hilarious, and Leilani is adorable), some I was just mostly indifferent to (Polly (not the trans thing, couldn't care less, I don't like her retro costumes), Abia, Nora), and some are just awful (Zoey, who has LESS personality than Rei Ayanami, Brooke, because we really needed two milf characters :rolleyes:, and well, everything that needs to be said about Suki / Sarah has already been said but that's not gonna stop me). Of course Jessie and Lola return, with nothing new to offer.

That said, while I did enjoy some of the new characters, the entire cast is overall less compelling than HP1's was. Coupled with the fact that the buildup is too fast to develop any real attachment to the characters, in that regard the story (which otherwise would be great) kinda falls on its face.

As far as gameplay goes, I felt like HP2 actually out-shined its predecessor in some ways, with some really great "tweaks" thrown in... which would be fine, if they weren't cripplingly punishing if you got the wrong baggage and a shitty board. In particular for me, the worst offenders were Zoey, and Lillian, with their switch to Broken Heart Tokens. I literally intentionally threw any attempt at the final marathon finish date if I got these two in conjunction with each other, because it just wasn't worth the frustration.

TLDR: While it's definitely not a masterpiece, it's neither as bad as some say, or as good as the Steam reviews say. And yes, I paid for it.


New Member
Oct 17, 2020
Game was alright overall, but I feel there were some missed opportunities and some questionable decisions that didn't allow this game to outshine its predecessor. Not sure why the creator even bothered to give players the opportunity to determine whether Polly is trans or not, as there's never a scene where we see her naked from the waist down. Like, you went through all that drama... for what? If the sole intent was to drum up attention through said drama, then kudos I guess, but for the people that actually wanted to see such content.. feels like they got shorted. Also, the game's difficulty is insane, even on normal mode. Not sure if that was the creator's intent, but what drew people to Huniepop in the first place was not the puzzles, but the characters and the ridiculous, over the top dialogue we'd get from them which leads to my final statement.

Audrey should've been in the game. Full stop. Behind Kyu she's one of the most notable girls from the original and it's crazy how she got sidelined over characters like Zoey and Lilian.. who tries to act like her but doesn't even come close.


Jan 15, 2018
Works perfectly. I didn't do anything special for HuniePop either. So I can only guess what might be wrong.
You need a 64bit prefix. That's the most common mistake.
No dice for me, is not working in my case, the screen freeze and the only thing I can do is kill the process.
Thnk anyways.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
The puzzle mechanics aren't too bad. People forget how grindy the original Hunie Pop was. Also, the girls are going to be slutty, because you've already met half of them. If you've already slept with a woman, obviously if you did a good job, she's going to be interested in doing stuff again.

However, I found the sexy pictures to be... extremely bland. Most of the time it's just one half the body of a single lady, rarely any full body shots. There was a huge hype built around Polly's gender, and it's never even directly addressed nor is her genitals ever shown. It's like the artist is afraid of drawing dicks. Although, to be fair, people rarely draw dicks well.

Seems like fingers and dicks are the hardest things to handle. Pun intended.

How the hell do you use gifts during a date?
You have to assign the date gifts to them ahead of time, through the HunieBee app. They have one to four gift slots available, depending on how far you've advanced their affection, by giving them normal gifts (unique items and shoes) during the pre-date interactions.
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May 3, 2018
I believe it was Brooke and Ashley, no baggages that would've deleted it like one of Suki's.
I think that's Candace you're thinking of not Sarah. But yeah neither of them got anything like that, though they do have moves that make it so you can't use certain gifts, so there a chance that the game glitch and removed the gift because of that. Anyways I feel sorry for you.
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New Member
May 27, 2018
Welp, I did it. Beat the game, ground out all the costumes, learned all the girls stuff, etc.

As a fan of Huniepop 1, but with the only returning characters being ones I didn't much care for in the first game (Really? Lola and Jessie? Ugh!) I went into Huniepop 2 with just timid hype. While I won't say I was disappointed, I certainly wasn't impressed either.

The new cast are a mixed bag. Some of them I really enjoyed (Ashley, Lillian, and Candace are hilarious, and Leilani is adorable), some I was just mostly indifferent to (Polly (not the trans thing, couldn't care less, I don't like her retro costumes), Abia, Nora), and some are just awful (Zoey, who has LESS personality than Rei Ayanami, Brooke, because we really needed two milf characters :rolleyes:, and well, everything that needs to be said about Suki / Sarah has already been said but that's not gonna stop me). Of course Jessie and Lola return, with nothing new to offer.

That said, while I did enjoy some of the new characters, the entire cast is overall less compelling than HP1's was. Coupled with the fact that the buildup is too fast to develop any real attachment to the characters, in that regard the story (which otherwise would be great) kinda falls on its face.

As far as gameplay goes, I felt like HP2 actually out-shined its predecessor in some ways, with some really great "tweaks" thrown in... which would be fine, if they weren't cripplingly punishing if you got the wrong baggage and a shitty board. In particular for me, the worst offenders were Zoey, and Lillian, with their switch to Broken Heart Tokens. I literally intentionally threw any attempt at the final marathon finish date if I got these two in conjunction with each other, because it just wasn't worth the frustration.

TLDR: While it's definitely not a masterpiece, it's neither as bad as some say, or as good as the Steam reviews say. And yes, I paid for it.
Im with you on this one, the characters really are much much worse in this game compared to the first. And it's not like the first game had some kind of stellar character writing it's just like, so uninspired and bad. The only characters I really liked were Ashley and Leilani. And that's pretty sad because I actually really like Lola in the first game but god she's just completely uninteresting in this game, all the characters are really. I think the constant need to have 2 characters on screen really sort of limited what could be done with the girls but they also didn't even really take advantage of it to have the girls interact with each other. A lot of missed opportunities in the writing.

The voice acting also needs both praise and criticism. A lot of the voice acting was actually really really good but holy shit was Brooke's voice bad. Her VA was clearly a younger woman told to do her best "middle aged woman voice" and it did not come out well. Polly as well, very clearly told "pretend you're from the 50s" and it's not necessarily a bad attempt at it, it's just very annoying. Candace is also pretty fucking annoying but i think that was on purpose? I dont fully forgive them for it but i mean it's what what was supposed to happen with her, the same as with Suki.

As for the gameplay, it's just HP1 but worse imo. The implementation of Stamina is actually what really triggers me. Gone is the smart use of gifts to allow you to maximize your moves and create constant 4+ matches because now you'll just fucking lose because you'll run out of stamina. It's such a shitty mechanic and I understand that it's to stop you from only paying attention to one girl but there should have been better ways to do it. Maybe if the baggage system wasn't so shitty and poorly done it would work. Like Ashley's work well for that, they incentivize you to swap partners. But like, what the fuck is Nora? Lose 5% of your goal for swapping to the other girl? Man, sure am glad there's a fucking stamina mechanic that literally forces me to do that. IDK man, I beat the game, but like, I really did not enjoy it, at any point. If this was an actual rating I'd give it like a 2 out of 5 and only because the art is good and because Leilani is pure sugary goodness.


New Member
Mar 24, 2020
It edits stats live, without using save files. You just "open" the game in Cheat Engine. Then you look for stats in the game you want to alter. The stat you should change in this game, in my opinion, is the stat of how many tries you have left in the mini game. Now you have to find this specific stat in Cheat Engine. Therefore you have to put in the value this stat has at the moment and press First Scan. For example 20. Now Cheat Engine will scan all stats in the game that have the value of 20 at the moment. Now make a turn in the game. You will now have 19 tries remaining. So the stat changed. Now in Cheat Engine type 19 and press next scan. Now out of all the stats that used to be 20 before, it searches for those who changed to 19. You repeat this process until you only have 1 stat left in Cheat Engine. This will be the one you were searching for. You can now press the red arrow to put this stat in the menu below. There you can change it to whatever value you want. To make it permanently stay that value, you can check the check box left to the stat. Now you will have unlimited tries. (You can literally cheat anything with that. In other games for example money, ammunition, stats...whatever you like)

Also a little hint if you actually want to alter the "tries" value in this game. In this particular case there's not only 1 value in the end. There are actually 3. Just get all 3 down in the menu, make them the same value and check the box on the left. That will do.

As you may have seen I'm horrible at explaining, but maybe I could help you a little.
what engine did u use?


May 2, 2017
Guys, just got "Birthday suit" for Abia...
Isn't supposed for her to be fully naked? Or is it censored?
She's more clothed than most outfits she has...


May 2, 2019
Well I realized that I can't play in full screen as no matter what I turn the ratio too it cuts off some of the screen which was making it so I couldn't advance
Try changing the resolution of your monitor to 1280 x 720 then you should be able to see the settings.
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