It matters whether or not you knew it from the start. Would you like it if, as your name is Zastinx, people called you Zastinky instead? It doesn't have the same meaning, but who cares that it's insulting you by calling you stinky; it's close enough that people understand, right? That's what your argument is, at its core. That it's close enough and you don't care for it to actually be accurate.
Bowdlerisms, like YOU SPOONY BARD!, came about because of heavy-handed censorship of Japanese culture forcing Bowdler to recreate the script as best he could in a way that was still internally consistent. He did well with what he had to work with, but that should NOT be considered the gold standard for translation- especially because it IS NOT translation, but re-writing, aka "localization", which falsely purports to change things to make them easier to understand, when it's just trying to scrub cultural references that the ignorant won't understand or even bother trying to educate themselves on, least of all when there's an in-media note that actually explains it, like Viz Media do with the manga they translate.