Hey guys, I got a little problem... A couple of days ago I feel like the placement of characters in any H scene is off in my game as in there are lots of clipping problems. I'm aware that this can easily happen with some types of hair or big accessories, but it happens with the most common animations, e.g. in various common positions.
The hands of characters are placed to high, limbs are clipping, positions don't match, etc. The weirdest thing is that this wasn't the case when I installed the game first a couple of weeks ago. I feel like this might have started after some updates I did...
Does anyone of you know what the reason for this issue could be (or which update might have caused this)?
And maybe even how to resolve it?
Thanks a bunch in advance!
it maybe caused by allot of things, since we all mostly use a heavily modded game structure the reasons couldn't be any more.
best thing to do is to try use both the stock male and female characters (including their clothing, body and all) and try them in to a H-scene, if everything is ok and working, then it has to be the chara cards you are using. just like you mentioned, could be clothes, heels, accessories or even bones and colliders on characters themselves.
if it's still there, make sure to check all plugin settings you'v changed on "F1" screen, betterpenetration or anything else that deals with positioning or offset.
but if the stock characters were still off, plugin settings are OK and still have the same problem, then i has to be a mod or a plugin u added. try reviewing those updates that you made, look for the things you included and try remove them then check again. in this case, it's probably a plugin, i highly doubt any sideloader mod can cause this but do it anyway.
sorry but i'm new to moding and i don't fully undersand what the "grayscale shader" thing here what does it mean?
and if i understand correctly skinoverlay means it's already applied to the skin so if i choose this skin for any character the tattoo will be there right?
nope and never mind the whole shader thing

a skinoverlay is a plugin that allows you to load and add an overlay texture to a character while on the character maker, it is not embedded in the skin files and it works exactly how the body/face paint does, think of it as a coating layer over any skin. it wont permanently be bound to any skin and it saves the data on a character's card, so it only loads when you load that specific card. it also has an option to load over and underlay stuff like eyeshadow, lipsticks and paints..etc
how to use:
while on the maker, you will notice the skin overlay option to the left when selecting the "body" tab.
1.opens the skin overlay menu.
2.creates a UV template as a reference image if you would like to create your own overlay tattoos or else.
3.loads a premade overlay.
now in able to use this plugin you have to get skin overlays that matches the HS2 chara specifications (mesh UV), or maybe create your own? using the template from step 2 and with decent knowledge with photo or image editing programs you will be able to create your own tattoos from images, fully colored or not it won't matter.
just note these two thing when you work on textures; first you have to follow geometry of the skin provided by the UV template for positioning. like where it will be placed and if the orientation is correct..etc. second, the skin overlay uses .PNG files and the negative space around the images in textures has to be transparent, otherwise it will also appear as a texture on your character. Ex. if you download an image that has a white background surrounding the image, and used it in your overlay, you will have that appear on your character as well. have to be removed.
if creating a texture is not your thing, maybe you should look for skin overlays made by the community instead. i'm sorry if i made this more complicated for you but its the only way i can put it ^^'