Been a while and not sure how to search it, but is there a way to level up your... er... "vitality"? I rolled into a pervy character who can only do it twice apparently and I don't recall if the male enhancement adds one permanently or just gets you more excited.
What the male enhancement drug actually does is a little bit of both. It increases your current vigor by 2 (even going past the current max), and permanently increases your max vigor by 1, to a limit of 9. So say you have 2/2 vigor now,drinking it would increase it to 4/3. Drinking it again the next day will further increase it to 6/4.It does give you a extra point of vigor, don't think it's permanent (but it might be). You can't increase your vigor like you can with stamina, unless you you want to cheat a bit and try CLORO's mods.