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Dec 29, 2019
to start with -

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As for the lack of choice regarding convincing Cass not to do the coup, since we will get the throne anyway, I think this is a misplaced point.

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Active Member
Aug 21, 2020
so, can we fix her or going with Cass == tyrannic path
don't really want to off her from the start - it's kinda MC's fault she is like this in a first place, but not sure there even will be options, corpses keep piling fast with her on a side


Jun 17, 2020
This is not a precedent. This will happen all the time in the future. I'm not moving the story along the routes, because in my game I don't have separate routes that don't overlap at all. The in-game story moves through time, and as in real life. For example, if you do not go to school, it does not mean that you will spend your free time in the same amount of social communication. The intensity of events in your life literally changes depending on your choices. So if you need an equal amount of content for ANY choice, I can't help you. Perhaps you should wait a serious amount of time and return to the game, for example, in version 1.0. In this case, you will not know what content was added to which version of the game and you will not feel "under house arrest while other children are playing". I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this is how I plan to continue working on the game.
Hey LM, I gotta say you did a great job.
I saw some people complain to you that they didn't like the short updates on a certain route. I think this is really unreasonable. so I want to tell you that I support you, this is an unfinished game, and if it were to provide the exact same content for each route with every update, the end result would be a mess. Take me as an example, my main route is related to the Queen, but I still enjoy this update focusing on Cass, because even if this game leaves the R18 content, its story is still very attractive to me. It is not worthwhile to add inappropriate content for some people and destroy the overall coordination.
It's weird that if these people want the full game content with every update, why don't they just play a few different routes or just wait for the game to be finished instead of complaining here.
However, some plots of the story can be more detailed, such as gaining enough trust from Cass to refuse the coup and promising her enough power after the coronation. Or maybe there is a hidden reason behind her coup, let's wait and see.
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Aug 20, 2023
how to get isis in v0.6 update or any walkthrough mod of new update
I think Isis is only present if you wed her, probably gave her the ring, and you need to not agree to overthrow the king with Cass in 0.5 and let her go, after she comes with Ophelia, you accept the deal, and then you meet Isis in the dining room.


Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
Has anyone tested yet if there is any difference in Cass's behavior if you are on her path when you reject the coup offer? Does she treat the MC differently while he is in prison/afterwards, or does her path automatically end when you reject the offer?
I did.
If I accept the offer when she first offers it, I can make her submissive and fuck her a couple of times.
If I reject at first, then refuse to stab her, then she drugs me during the coup and later says she did it out of concern to not harm me.
She then threatens you to become her puppet. if you accept she lets you out and about and things seem okish.
if you refuse a second time then you end up escaping. then leading nobles to take the city. cass kills a bunch of people and sets the city on fire (but rain saves the city from burning down) and she rants a bit as she is dragged away to prison. you also call her names at various points. its very clear you are refusing a second time because you think she is insane and untrustworthy.
I think Isis is only present if you wed her, probably gave her the ring, and you need to not agree to overthrow the king with Cass in 0.5 and let her go, after she comes with Ophelia, you accept the deal, and then you meet Isis in the dining room.
Yea, I wed aurora so isis is gone.

Aurora is useless in fighting off cass.
On the other hand, Isis being useful at it is a big part of the problem.
Her clan is definitely planning to assassinate your entire family once you produce an heir with Isis. I don't want them anywhere near the palace.
Then again, cass' family is not much better
so, can we fix her or going with Cass == tyrannic path
don't really want to off her from the start - it's kinda MC's fault she is like this in a first place, but not sure there even will be options, corpses keep piling fast with her on a side
So far going with her has MC gleefully killing his father. So I am thinking Tyrannic path, which was disappointing. It should have given us an option to be more gentle with dad and try to reign cass in a bit while she is going full tyranny on the noble guests.
maybe MC will develop to reign her in later on in that path
Mar 18, 2020
My friend... I do not condemn you for your expectations, but I think you are an adult enough to understand that expectations can be very different and from many people, I cannot fulfill them all, which means that the surest solution will be to work in the way that is сomfortable for me in the first place.

You correctly noted in my example that you do not have to stay at home at this time. But in my game world, you HAVE TO. Because as I wrote earlier, I can't work through EVERY choice. So yes. It is literally the author's canon that in the world of "Imperial Chronicles", if you
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, NOTHING happened to you until the very moment 0.7.
And please, never appeal to the fact that you "paid" again, my games are free, and all donations are voluntary. If you are really so upset that I did not add content for the route you are interested in, you are free to stop supporting me. This is your legitimate and just right, which I respect.

It's all. I don't want to discuss this ever again.
Never compromise. That's one of the best qualities for any artist to have.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
That is actually fairly easy to answer.

1. she is backed by her maternal family and a coalition of nobles seeking to return to "better times" when the empire was more vicious.

2. she is vindicated for capturing the guests by the fact that
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thus she "proves" that her despotic actions were right as they "caught" the assassin.

Some of the nobles might still raise their banners against them for the insult. But the coalition of the "good old times" nobles backing cass and maybe the MC (whether as puppet or willing participant) there should be few nobles rising in rebellion and the situation should be handled
None of that really proves how Cass remains alive after being captured though. Which is what that post was based around. It's based around MC capturing Cass. Thus, the question of how she remains alive after her coup attempt failed. Why would the nobles help her and out themselves? Why would MC also join Cass side after what she attempted to do with his family?

1. Being backed by her mother's family doesn't mean they're capable of getting her out easily. It also doesn't mean she's not expendable for them. Priscilla throws her under the bus, if you don't know her identity and the coup doesn't happen at all if you kill Cass. Those other nobles that are fence sitting and igniting the flame also don't care. They made sure that only Cass would be implicated, if it failed.

2. That wouldn't work on certain paths though because like I said above. Priscilla throws Cass under the bus and removes blame from herself, if you don't know her identity. Where as, if you know her identity, she tells you straight up that it was for her sister and she would've done that to the King regardless. In both of those situations, Cass is still to blame for putting her there with the King. Even more so, when it's pointed out that it's her Aunt.

MC would also know these truths on certain paths and Priscilla telling him that Cass put her with the King would fall right back on Cass anyway. Priscilla's words won't really matter beyond that with the Aunt and Niece connection between the two being formed. It would be clear as day that they're working together.

MC would pretty much have to hand wave some of these things for Cass and Priscilla to not get executed. Assuming he knows some of those things.

New Kid

Apr 2, 2018
What an amazing update, with the sheer number of path variations we can get so far it was crazy that pretty much all of them got a resolution in terms of the coup.

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