Anyone figure out what the items do? I have the two nipple rings and cursed panty but can't find the last piece of the set. Also what does slime do?
So I found the whole set of cursed equipment. If you get only a few pieces, it lets you do part x-rays on those areas.
If you find all 4 of them, you can hit F7 and have the MC be naked in your menu. Not in game though. I don't think there is a nude sprite outside of some monster attack animations. Never mind, you can press F7 anytime. Im not sure what the lewd equipment does at all. Maybe just changes what the nude character art in menu looks like I guess?
While in lewd mode (when you get enough lewd points using aphrodisiac from trap chests, stimulant, or when just getting caught by monsters), the slimes in your inventory when used will attack you randomly at times I think (slime 1 and slime 2 have different animations). They will always attack you the first time you use them in lewd mode.
can anyone help me here, im stuck on dungeon 5, the lever stick that I press forward doesnt open the cage door on ground floor or bottom floor, any idea how? thanks
On the floor, there's two pots. If you jump between them a secret elevator goes down. go down the elevator, then jump on the elevator again, but jump off immediately, and then jump down the hole under the elevator. That's right, it's a double secret path.