So finally played it (figured beyter 2gb than wait untin that becomes 10 GB)
So 2 feedbacks:
1stly, the english needs to improve a lot, it's way too broken to properly convey a coherent story the way you want to.
2nd, get rid of the videos.
Not only are they the the main culprits for the huge file size, it's very annoying losing control of the pace of the game.
With pics you decide how fast you click but with videos you have no control.
Some are fine, like the train ride (transitions are great places for videos).
Some are unnecessary, like all those videos of the landlady, school, etc (pointless, can be easily be done as well using pictures).
Some were just annoying & irritating, like the sex scene videos (either sit through the whole vid slowly, or skip everything)
I probably won't follow it unless the english becomes more coherent (too hard to follow) but good luck nonetheless