I had forgotten the phone, it worked here, thanks, I got the bath scene, now only the Ayano scene is missing, I'll see if I can find out
With the upcoming update, there is a progression-screen available in which the individual events can be tracked with hints per stage included. That is the bugfix/technical update. Thereafter a content-update will follow. Both are expected to be released this week.
Also, a gallery will be added later!
how much content in this game so far?
*This game is still in a very early stage*
In order:
- The reunion of the family;
- Hitomi's story progression.
In total it is 1266cg and ~40+ animations.
For the upcoming update I had a poll posted to vote either for bugfixes+progression screem OR story-progression for both Asuna and Sakura. The people chose for the first option. But a content update is planned for this week after the bugfix+progression update.