I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/mechanics/clock.rpy", line 255, in <module>
File "game/scripts/game_callbacks.rpy", line 10, in daily_save
Exception: Not saved - no valid save locations.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "script.rpyc", line 59, in script call
One third removed.
File "/private/var/folders/c4/s6c1v6411nvg_ylf0pf7tmkh0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/4236013B-A8F0-4D3B-9AD0-DB412738CA2C/d/Innocent Witches.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/loadsave.py", line 437, in save
location.save(slotname, sr)
File "/private/var/folders/c4/s6c1v6411nvg_ylf0pf7tmkh0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/4236013B-A8F0-4D3B-9AD0-DB412738CA2C/d/Innocent Witches.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/savelocation.py", line 429, in save
raise Exception("Not saved - no valid save locations.")
Exception: Not saved - no valid save locations.
Innocent Witches 0.6-beta
Mon Oct 5 20:19:44 2020
I looked into this very briefly. It looks like the previous version (the alpha for this version number) saved files to folder named Innocent-Witches-0-6-4 but this version didn't create a new folder for its version. I tried creating what I thought would be the corresponding save folder (Innocent-Witches-0-6-5) but to no avail.
Now to be totally fair, since no Mac version of the new version was posted, I took the Mac version of the alpha and merged the new game folder from the Windows release of the beta into the old Mac one. That strategy usually works for Renpy games (all of the game scripts are completely interoperable) but something made it not work here. I have no interest in digging further.