
Jul 13, 2019
anyone got the news from patreon? the last one?
I guess u wanna see the photo, right?

Hey everyone,

This is your regular portion of news about Innocent Witches. Since we’re getting closer to the release of 0.8B, we’re currently hard at work and can’t spend too much time on the news. Nonetheless, we have several things that we wanted to share with you today.

Let’s start with the mandatory preview of the upcoming content (available in the following post). This time it’s the Live2D idle animation for Daphne! As you probably remember, we recently had a voting process regarding the distribution of the animator’s resources. The results showed us that the players mostly voted for scenes and idle animations. Therefore our animator is now working on animating the idle pose for Daphne. This will include all her clothes, emotions and, what is most important, hand and body motions ;) Yummy!

Next, the development status. We’re still aiming at the 31st of October, which is fairly close. However, there’s always a chance that we will have to delay it for a couple of days, so please be prepared for that :) The good news is that the texts are already finished and being translated/edited. Next, the art tasks are due to be finished on ~23rd of October, which is also nice. We shall therefore have a couple of days to put everything together and test it.

Now, here’s a short recap of what has been done during the past 10 days.

We were conducting an extensive testing and prototyping procedure to pinpoint the causes of crashes on Android devices, especially Samsung phones running Android 11. We are closely cooperating with Renpytom, the creator of Ren’py (game’s engine) and we think that at least one of the major causes for this bug is known now. Without too many details, it’s the subsystem that periodically flushes RAM in order to free up the device’s available memory for new objects that go there as you play. For some reason, this procedure is not executed often enough, which results in good ol’ memory leak. Hopefully, we will be able to rectify this issue one way or another, which should finally make the game playable on most of the Android devices.

Additionally, we were optimizing and tinkering with the Live2D engine to support the features we need now that we have more Live2D stuff coming. This should result in the whole scene playing as one long animation, without too noticeable tearing or stops/pauses in characters’ motion. Another thing is that those movements that use the same texture will blend seamlessly. For example, if the same movement has three different speed modes, when changing from one mode to another the animation will not be interrupted in any way, the speed will just be changed naturally.

Finally, we recently started testing the framework that allows people to contribute translations. We’re about halfway done with it, the only major thing that is left now is to make a couple of scripts that automatically export and import the translations in the required format. After that is done, we will publicly launch the resource and everyone will be able to relatively easily tinker with translations and make the game more accessible for players all around the globe. Yay!

Let’s look at the results of the previous voting, the topic of which was the naming scheme for the releases past version 0.9:


Most of the players voted for continuing the naming scheme we have now and just go past 0.9 to 0.10, 0.11, etc. This goes along with the team’s thoughts about this question, since this way we won’t get lots of angry messages about the game not being finished when 1.0 drops :D Anyhow, we will follow this scheme for the future releases and continue until the true 1.0 version is finally ready ;)

Now, onto today’s vote. As you know, we have several fullscreen scenes already, and many more are on their way. When it comes to this type of content, we usually choose from two major concepts - interactivity or linearity. Both of them have their pros and cons. For example, a linear scene allows for relaxed flow without too many interruptions. On the other hand, interactive scenes provide the player with the choice of how the game characters should interact with each other. Lately we leaned heavily on the more linear scenes so that our players could enjoy them without having to click/tap too often. However, we would like to know which type of scenes you as the player prefer more? Are you happy with the linear scenes like Daphne’s or Susan’s, or would you rather interact with them more like in Minerva’s, Ginny’s or Luna’s scenes? Let us know by voting or leaving a comment :)

This is all for now, folks! Thank you for the support and we’ll see each other in the next batch of (release) news.


Team Sad Crab.



New Member
Feb 24, 2019
How can I unlock a full save on MAC. I feel all the info I find in the tread are for the PC version. Anyone knows?


Active Member
Mar 22, 2018
I deleted the save files in app data and the game folder and replaced them with the saves and persistent yet it still doesn't work. Do the files have to be updated or am I doing something wrong?


Active Member
Aug 23, 2021
When you send him a letter via owl, click on the Hogwarts seal to remove it. Letters with the seal are official, without the seal are unofficial.

An unofficial summoning will have him come at 10pm for drinks. You can talk to him about how to leave the office then. I'd advise checking the walkthrough in the first post. The game is pretty obtuse.


New Member
Jul 23, 2018
I'm always getting an exception during act 1 chapter 5. Old plot. Android.
It happens EVERY time when I use the potion to get outside during the night. After falling I manage to see the MC at the gates and then it crashes.
Ignoring it does nothing, can't rollback. My only option is quitting.
It says:
"Compiling ATL code at game/scripts/plot/act_1/chapter_5/menus.rpy:2862

At the end it says: NameError: name 'xpos' is not defined.

Any way to fix it? or ignore it?
Btw, what's the difference between the old and new plot?


New Member
Feb 26, 2021
I'm always getting an exception during act 1 chapter 5. Old plot. Android.
It happens EVERY time when I use the potion to get outside during the night. After falling I manage to see the MC at the gates and then it crashes.
Ignoring it does nothing, can't rollback. My only option is quitting.
It says:
"Compiling ATL code at game/scripts/plot/act_1/chapter_5/menus.rpy:2862

At the end it says: NameError: name 'xpos' is not defined.

Any way to fix it? or ignore it?
Btw, what's the difference between the old and new plot?
yeah am having the same problem
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Feb 17, 2019
I've downloaded the full, not the compressed version but it does not have a 32 bit exe. Is this fine, or where could I get the 32 bit one?


Engaged Member
Sep 19, 2020
how to cheat memory fragments (blue flames thingies) i tried to change values i main folder and roaming .save files...but itreturns to its original value

have some issues with swimsuit . i used that bikinish red thing from hermi -> put into hat. click then on other girls name -> generated some other vaiations -> hang back in respective room -> it returns back to old form plus extra items dissapear -> F , ragequit.

i probalby need saves. anything closer to some lewdness action? (if any. cannot see much indication of that in walks) all those chores doesnot seem worthy... it might be intro build up ...but feels too long especially if stuck with smth. (like i failed to notice phonix bird in mc room)
i tried saves for 1.5 but incompatible. how to?
Last edited:


Sep 9, 2017
I've downloaded the full, not the compressed version but it does not have a 32 bit exe. Is this fine, or where could I get the 32 bit one?
They have stopped shipping the game with a 32 bit version a while ago. I suppose you can make your own by copying the 32 bit .exe file and the lib\windows-i686 directory from either the Ren'Py SDK (version 7.4.8) or any other game running on Ren'Py 7.x (Love and Sex Second Base, Lab Rats 2, and Witch Trainer Silver come to mind) to the game folder.

You will also need to copy a 32 bit version of Live2DCubismCore.dll to the lib\windows-i686 directory. Not sure where you can get that other than the Live2D website, or another game that uses Live2D.

Not sure how well the game will run, but it should at least boot up without any issue. Better than nothing, I guess.


Engaged Member
Aug 18, 2017
Hi I thought I would pass this on as it looks brilliant and it's something to watch while we wait for the next update

How many threads are you going to post this in. People lose their accounts for shit like this?
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Engaged Member
Aug 18, 2017
The combination of four qualities - graphics, music, atmosphere, text - make Innocent Witches the best game to play.
The drawing is beautiful. Thanks to such a drawing, a passion for women is well instilled and you are imbued with sympathy for men.
Music sinks into the soul, and eventually evokes nostalgia. Therefore, I play Innocent Witches even just to listen to music.
The atmosphere is top notch! I would like to live in such a fairy tale)) That is, everything corresponds to the world of Harry Potter, nothing superficial, everything is in a consistent style. It's nice to be in such a magical world))
The texts are laconic and literate, therefore it is interesting to read, you cannot flip through.
Favorite characters Sonya and Minerva))
Assuming you're a bot here.
Reported for having malware links in any case.
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