
Feb 6, 2020
Yeah. I understand that. I just want developers to be as userfriendly as possible. its wishfull thinking, i know that. Now several warnings and deletion messages later i see that thats not what is wanted here.

im sorry
You speak truth. Do not let these weirdos tell you otherwise. Been watching this game for years now and development is an absolute tragedy. Team Sad Crab has got to be one of the worst developers for milking patreons. They wouldnt even be here had someone not leaked the game. Now they come on here moderating like this is free advertising. Deleting latest version downloads posted by heroes. Now silencing deserved criticism. How can anyone trust anything here when its hand picked by the game devs. And shame on the moderators at f95 who allow it. Were pirates damn it. All we have is each other. This site is quickly becomming itchio and it makes my head hurt.


Game Developer
Apr 4, 2017
Love the art, usually i dont even give an opportuny to 2d games, this one have a really really hot art! But, its a little grindy to my taste, i played hours and got tired of the null progress sexwise... Then downloaded the unlocker and surprise, theres barely any sex scenes. Whats the stimated play time so far?
Toys and fingers: Luna - act 2 ch 1 old plot

Spanking and titjob: Susan - act 2 ch 1 and new plot, Elf maid - act 1 ch 3 and act 2 ch 1 new plot

Handjob: Hermione - act 2 ch 2 old plot

Blowjob: Ginny - act 1 ch 5 old plot, Xandria act 2 ch 2 old plot , Parvati 2 act 2ch new plot

Sex: Daphne - act 2 ch 1 old plot, Vampire - act 2 ch 1 new plot, Minerva - prologue, Jinny act 2 ch 2 new plot


Jul 27, 2017
You speak truth. Do not let these weirdos tell you otherwise. Been watching this game for years now and development is an absolute tragedy. Team Sad Crab has got to be one of the worst developers for milking patreons. They wouldnt even be here had someone not leaked the game. Now they come on here moderating like this is free advertising. Deleting latest version downloads posted by heroes. Now silencing deserved criticism. How can anyone trust anything here when its hand picked by the game devs. And shame on the moderators at f95 who allow it. Were pirates damn it. All we have is each other. This site is quickly becomming itchio and it makes my head hurt.
I sincerely believe that they allow the bugged version here to get you paying the 20 dollars when you reach the point you are unable to play further. You get invested in the time you have spend in this game and it frustrates you that a minor bug gets in your way. 20 dollar feels like a small amount to get rid of this frustration. Getting people to pay you for their convenience is a simple, manipulative but understandable business model. Khan is openly promoting that. But its their right to do so. Like the other guy wrote here. Its a pirate site, we cant expect to get anything here. We just have to wait and STFU xD


Jul 27, 2017
Toys and fingers: Luna - act 2 ch 1 old plot

Spanking and titjob: Susan - act 2 ch 1 and new plot, Elf maid - act 1 ch 3 and act 2 ch 1 new plot

Handjob: Hermione - act 2 ch 2 old plot

Blowjob: Ginny - act 1 ch 5 old plot, Xandria act 2 ch 2 old plot , Parvati 2 act 2ch new plot

Sex: Daphne - act 2 ch 1 old plot, Vampire - act 2 ch 1 new plot, Minerva - prologue, Jinny act 2 ch 2 new plot
We are talking 6 years of active development. Now with 11 people in the team

That makes 1 sex scene every 6,54 Months.

Your game in both plots together is now 8 Hours long. (many assets were reused but who cares)

6 years and 8 hours of gameplay is precisly 11 minutes of gameplay each month for 22k Dollar per month.

If you wanna be rude you could say every person on your team creates roughly 1 minute gameplay each month. For 2000 dollar a month from patreon supporters alone. (you have subcribestar and 20 dollar (tips) for new versions ect. too)

thats the biggest mismanagment i have ever seen.
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Jun 22, 2017
I sincerely believe that they allow the bugged version here to get you paying the 20 dollars when you reach the point you are unable to play further. You get invested in the time you have spend in this game and it frustrates you that a minor bug gets in your way. 20 dollar feels like a small amount to get rid of this frustration. Getting people to pay you for their convenience is a simple, manipulative but understandable business model. Khan is openly promoting that. But its their right to do so. Like the other guy wrote here. Its a pirate site, we cant expect to get anything here. We just have to wait and STFU xD
For a pirate site, I'm surprised the dev are active here. Pretty glad that they haven't tried to shut this thing down.


Sep 16, 2021
My major gripe with the game, from what little I have played, is the terrible translation.
We are talking 6 years of active development. Now with 11 people in the team
Speaking of the 11, I'm only criticizing one person here: PLEASE, Khan, your team needs a better translator. As it stands now, the gorgeous art and mood of the game are just ruined by the awful English; it's simply breaking the immersion having to auto-correct everything as we read. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but it's the truth.


New Member
Jun 8, 2017
Yeah. I understand that. I just want developers to be as userfriendly as possible. its wishfull thinking, i know that. Now several warnings and deletion messages later i see that thats not what is wanted here.

im sorry
It seems like you already have a strong opinion and don't want to change it. People provided arguments but you continue to be vitriolic and create your own assumptions. We have a Discord server, which you probably know about, and we are online there every day. Instead of asking us there you decide to put your frustrations here, where most of the devs from the team don't even read them, and then you again get frustrated that there's no discussion. By the way, your comments are not deleted by the devs, but by the moderators of this forum, yet you again get angry at the game and the devs for some reason.

Your first argument was about us "making" people to pay in order to get fixed version. This is not true and something you came to as your own conclusion. Now look at this from another angle - we release first version (0.9A), which has a bunch of bugs. Patrons are not happy and we immediately start to fix them. Then someone leaks this version and people here get mad too due to gamebreaking bugs. After that we release the fixed version (0.9.1A), but no one leaks it. Patrons are now happy, the game works, but since no one here leaked the fixed version, people, in order to justify their frustration and fuel up their anger, start to come up with some crazy conspiracy theories that, for example, we deliberately put bugs into the game and then fix them in the next version. Okay, how should we as devs make you happy in such situation? Should we just say to our patrons that sorry guys, someone leaked the first version, but didn't leak the fixed one, so we have to upload it ourselves, we hope you understand. Is that what you propose? Or should we always release bug free versions first time so that people here are happy when someone leaks it? Just stop and think for a second about what you are complaining about.

Next you said that it's 6 years of development and it's still in alpha (?). Have you actually looked at how our release cycle works? If not please spend a bit of time to prepare before starting a discussion.

You then mention that you built larger scale games in a year and have experience with game development. Could you at least provide a link to any of such games? Are they built in Ren'Py and have multilingual support, Live2D animations, art that is at least close to IW, active devs who respond in Discord to everyone, and so on?

You also said that we haven't released a new version in three months. That is true. However, in case you haven't noticed, there's currently a war happening in the world, and our team was directly influenced by these events, which caused the development of 0.9B to be stalled. This in details was mentioned multiple times in the news posts on Patreon, both in public ones and in the dev. reports for patrons. Do you want us to personally solve the world crisis just so that you and your wiener are happy? Or maybe you want to develop the game from the basement while the bombs drop on your home? We already solved most of the problems caused by this madness in the world, and are working on bringing the next version to people as soon as possible, but I guess this doesn't really matter to you since you already decided that the devs are evil and crave only for money.

Finally, almost all people in our team have full-time jobs. We do not develop the game 100% of our time. At some point some of the team members considered leaving their jobs and use Patreon as their salary provider, but after lengthy considerations they decided against it. You might ask why, but the answer should be pretty obvious. For example, at any moment the payments can be completely cut off, like it happened recently, you just can't rely on them. Therefore, the game is developed after the main work. Also, Patreon is not a marketplace, we do not sign contracts with people and we do not sell the finished product. Instead we make the game people like and want to support. And we try our best to make people who support us to be happy.

I hope this answered at least some of your frustration (which you created yourself).

edit#1 - grammar and typos
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New Member
Jun 8, 2017
My major gripe with the game, from what little I have played, is the terrible translation.

Speaking of the 11, I'm only criticizing one person here: PLEASE, Khan, your team needs a better translator. As it stands now, the gorgeous art and mood of the game are just ruined by the awful English; it's simply breaking the immersion having to auto-correct everything as we read. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but it's the truth.
Yep, some lines are a mess. However due to chaotic nature of the development that we had before it was not feasible to edit the texts professionally, since they could be completely changed/replaced/deleted literally in the next version. Some of the parts were edited and should be fine, but this is far from ideal. Now we have a good and well documented plan, and once chapters 4 and 5 are integrated into the new plot, we will prioritize the editing of those chapters that won't change in future. So rest assured, it's on the list and will be done in the future.
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Sep 28, 2017
We are talking 6 years of active development. Now with 11 people in the team

That makes 1 sex scene every 6,54 Months.

Your game in both plots together is now 8 Hours long. (many assets were reused but who cares)

6 years and 8 hours of gameplay is precisly 11 minutes of gameplay each month for 22k Dollar per month.

If you wanna be rude you could say every person on your team creates roughly 1 minute gameplay each month. For 2000 dollar a month from patreon supporters alone. (you have subcribestar and 20 dollar (tips) for new versions ect. too)

thats the biggest mismanagment i have ever seen.

Dude, they started the first year with $0 and had to invest their own money to develop a game.

This guy never pays for the game any lying around. I can feel it.
  • Angry
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Active Member
Jan 11, 2021
There's something i wanna say:
+ This is not a free-to made-product, it cost a lot and patrons pledging to help the devs complete it and they receive a reward is the early access. What's the point of criticize them for not letting you get the reward from people who paid them? And if any of those patrons want to share there reward, they posted it here, and Sad Crab didnt do anything to prevent them from that (which is many others devs doing, Inusen is an example). And eventually you will play the exact same version from them (which is, again, many others game's public version wouldnt let you)
+ 2D handdraw requires time, much time. Have u ever tried to draw something decent? Especially Serg works is masterpiece and not many others artist can have such a talent like him (i dare u find another game with decent art can be compared to IW on f95 with a faster release?). I admit that the game progress is slow, but in 0,9 they showed us a really big update compare to those before, so what to complain now? (take a look to Witch Hunter Trainer, a totally scam that make u think again about Sad Crab)
+ If you are willing to play the pirate version, you have to face the bug problem of course (unless some generous patrons share the bug fixed version here). You have to know the trick to deal with those but not crying out loud and blame the devs for not fixing them for you, if you blaming about public version, yes you have the right. But patrons paid 20 bucks to have the right accessing the alpha version, what make u think a random dude like u can have the same right?

Stop criticizing them, just giving out suggestions and together we will make the game to success
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  • Sad
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Sep 16, 2021
Yep, some lines are a mess. However due to chaotic nature of the development that we had before it was not feasible to edit the texts professionally, since they could be completely changed/replaced/deleted literally in the next version. Some of the parts were edited and should be fine, but this is far from ideal. Now we have a good and well documented plan, and once chapters 4 and 5 are integrated into the new plot, we will prioritize the editing of those chapters that won't change in future. So rest assured, it's on the list and will be done in the future.
Thanks for the clarification, but I really do hope you can manage to find a more proficient specialist in the matter. Not only for the game itself, but also for your official website as well.
Good luck with your future endeavors.


Jul 27, 2017
It seems like you already have a strong opinion and don't want to change it. People provided arguments but you continue to be vitriolic and create your own assumptions. We have a Discord server, which you probably know about, and we are online there every day. Instead of asking us there you decide to put your frustrations here, where most of the devs from the team don't even read them, and then you again get frustrated that there's no discussion. By the way, your comments are not deleted by the devs, but by the moderators of this forum, yet you again get angry at the game and the devs for some reason.

Your first argument was about us "making" people to pay in order to get fixed version. This is not true and something you came to as your own conclusion. Now look at this from another angle - we release first version (0.9A), which has a bunch of bugs. Patrons are not happy and we immediately start to fix them. Then someone leaks this version and people here get mad too due to gamebreaking bugs. After that we release the fixed version (0.9.1A), but no one leaks it. Patrons are now happy, the game works, but since no one here leaked the fixed version, people, in order to justify their frustration and fuel up their anger, start to come up with some crazy conspiracy theories that, for example, we deliberately put bugs into the game and then fix them in the next version. Okay, how should we as devs make you happy in such situation? Should we just say to our patrons that sorry guys, someone leaked the first version, but didn't leak the fixed one, so we have to upload it ourselves, we hope you understand. Is that what you propose? Or should we always release bug free versions first time so that people here are happy when someone leaks it? Just stop and think for a second about what you are complaining about.

Next you said that it's 6 years of development and it's still in alpha (?). Have you actually looked at how our release cycle works? If not please spend a bit of time to prepare before starting a discussion.

You then mention that you built larger scale games in a year and have experience with game development. Could you at least provide a link to any of such games? Are they built in Ren'Py and have multilingual support, Live2D animations, art that is at least close to IW, active devs who respond in Discord to everyone, and so on?

You also said that we haven't released a new version in three months. That is true. However, in case you haven't noticed, there's currently a war happening in the world, and our team was directly influenced by these events, which caused the development of 0.9B to be stalled. This in details was mentioned multiple times in the news posts on Patreon, both in public ones and in the dev. reports for patrons. Do you want us to personally solve the world crisis just so that you and your wiener are happy? Or maybe you want to develop the game from the basement while the bombs drop on your home? We already solved most of the problems caused by this madness in the world, and are working on bringing the next version to people as soon as possible, but I guess this doesn't really matter to you since you already decided that the devs are evil and crave only for money.

Finally, almost all people in our team have full-time jobs. We do not develop the game 100% of our time. At some point some of the team members considered leaving their jobs and use Patreon as their salary provider, but after lengthy considerations they decided against it. You might ask why, but the answer should be pretty obvious. For example, at any moment the payments can be completely cut off, like it happened recently, you just can't rely on them. Therefore, the game is developed after the main work. Also, Patreon is not a marketplace, we do not sign contracts with people and we do not sell the finished product. Instead we make the game people like and want to support. And we try our best to make people who support us to be happy.

I hope this answered at least some of your frustration (which you created yourself).

edit#1 - grammar and typos
Thank you for your reply mate

i cant and wont promote my work here for the reason of crosspromotion.
I work with unreal and unity (my older projects) and my games even have fully voiced texts and facial motion capture. And no ... im not only working with BP, i really code things myself. I understand that my way of seeing work and passion is different from others. I would never ask for 20 dollar for a version of my build instead giving everyone to opportunity to play and leave a tip for me. Its a business decision to do so and i respect that. Is renpy really this hard to work with? if yes you really should concider taking the effort and changing your engine for the sake of efficency. I studied game desgin back in 2012 and now have years of experience in this field.

You sound genuine to me, and i am sorry for attacking you so fiercly but there are lots of things i really dont understand. like 11 minutes of gameplay (+-) every month with a team in a text based game will mostly still images. But thats not my business. You have to aknowledge the problems people see with your product even when they are not your customers. and i think its great you made your point clear. i respect that.

I hope everything will get better for you guys in future and wishes you just the best.

my goal wasnt to attack the developer, its about the decisions that are/were made.

Love every one here mate


Feb 6, 2020
It seems like you already have a strong opinion and don't want to change it. People provided arguments but you continue to be vitriolic and create your own assumptions. We have a Discord server, which you probably know about, and we are online there every day. Instead of asking us there you decide to put your frustrations here, where most of the devs from the team don't even read them, and then you again get frustrated that there's no discussion. By the way, your comments are not deleted by the devs, but by the moderators of this forum, yet you again get angry at the game and the devs for some reason.

Your first argument was about us "making" people to pay in order to get fixed version. This is not true and something you came to as your own conclusion. Now look at this from another angle - we release first version (0.9A), which has a bunch of bugs. Patrons are not happy and we immediately start to fix them. Then someone leaks this version and people here get mad too due to gamebreaking bugs. After that we release the fixed version (0.9.1A), but no one leaks it. Patrons are now happy, the game works, but since no one here leaked the fixed version, people, in order to justify their frustration and fuel up their anger, start to come up with some crazy conspiracy theories that, for example, we deliberately put bugs into the game and then fix them in the next version. Okay, how should we as devs make you happy in such situation? Should we just say to our patrons that sorry guys, someone leaked the first version, but didn't leak the fixed one, so we have to upload it ourselves, we hope you understand. Is that what you propose? Or should we always release bug free versions first time so that people here are happy when someone leaks it? Just stop and think for a second about what you are complaining about.

Next you said that it's 6 years of development and it's still in alpha (?). Have you actually looked at how our release cycle works? If not please spend a bit of time to prepare before starting a discussion.

You then mention that you built larger scale games in a year and have experience with game development. Could you at least provide a link to any of such games? Are they built in Ren'Py and have multilingual support, Live2D animations, art that is at least close to IW, active devs who respond in Discord to everyone, and so on?

You also said that we haven't released a new version in three months. That is true. However, in case you haven't noticed, there's currently a war happening in the world, and our team was directly influenced by these events, which caused the development of 0.9B to be stalled. This in details was mentioned multiple times in the news posts on Patreon, both in public ones and in the dev. reports for patrons. Do you want us to personally solve the world crisis just so that you and your wiener are happy? Or maybe you want to develop the game from the basement while the bombs drop on your home? We already solved most of the problems caused by this madness in the world, and are working on bringing the next version to people as soon as possible, but I guess this doesn't really matter to you since you already decided that the devs are evil and crave only for money.

Finally, almost all people in our team have full-time jobs. We do not develop the game 100% of our time. At some point some of the team members considered leaving their jobs and use Patreon as their salary provider, but after lengthy considerations they decided against it. You might ask why, but the answer should be pretty obvious. For example, at any moment the payments can be completely cut off, like it happened recently, you just can't rely on them. Therefore, the game is developed after the main work. Also, Patreon is not a marketplace, we do not sign contracts with people and we do not sell the finished product. Instead we make the game people like and want to support. And we try our best to make people who support us to be happy.

I hope this answered at least some of your frustration (which you created yourself).

edit#1 - grammar and typos
9.1 has been leaked and removed here.

the "release cycle" is made to milk patrons

plenty of larger better made games have been made in a fraction of the time this game has had.

This crap has been going on long before the war started.

With the money the patreon alone rakes in off of this one game you could easily hire full time devs. People are supporting the game. Not your lifestyles.

I hope this exposes some of your bullshit. (which you created yourself)


Game Developer
Apr 4, 2017
no good scenes with a main titfuck from Susan, no bj from all 4 girls lol
no titfuck or bj from Minerva
what kind of impotent made this game...
Lie there is at least:

Toys and fingers: Luna - act 2 ch 1 old plot
Spanking and titjob: Susan - act 2 ch 1 and new plot, Elf maid - act 1 ch 3 and act 2 ch 1 new plot
Handjob: Hermione - act 2 ch 2 old plot
Blowjob: Ginny - act 1 ch 5 old plot, Xandria act 2 ch 2 old plot , Parvati 2 act 2ch new plot
Sex: Daphne - act 2 ch 1 old plot, Vampire - act 2 ch 1 new plot, Minerva - prologue, Jinny act 2 ch 2 new plot
And more then 50+ any other ero/porn content


Jul 27, 2017
9.1 has been leaked and removed here.

the "release cycle" is made to milk patrons

plenty of larger better made games have been made in a fraction of the time this game has had.

This crap has been going on long before the war started.

With the money the patreon alone rakes in off of this one game you could easily hire full time devs. People are supporting the game. Not your lifestyles.

I hope this exposes some of your bullshit. (which you created yourself)
(which you created yourself) was a great ending note. Appreciated :)
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3.00 star(s) 321 Votes