- Dec 25, 2017
- 159
- 53
Furthermore, I've just realized how big is Kira when compared to the others... Surely she works out but her size is just way out of proportion. If they could take her stature down a couple notches though...I definitely agree - the tits are getting out of hand
Maybe there is a 0.0036 on the way? They still haven't updated their blog for some reasons.Wait so no new vicky?!
Yeah... Guess I'll just get used to itGreat update, and i have to disagree with some people here, i think it's great that every character has a unique look and
The difference are that the public relase is less buggy and maybe have one or to things moreAre these early alpha versions the same as what will eventually become public releases? Or are they simply incomplete, test versions of the game? I'm just curious as to whether I should download the alpha v0.0035 now or just wait for the public release.
You have to remember most people that comment for change can't distinguish between reality and their own fantasy reality. They want everything to appeal to them primarily and specifically, and think fuck everyone else. It's truly disheartening and from what i've seen, a major reason why some games turn to shit and/or the devs quit. You can't please everybody and the good devs know this and ignore people like CreepyGhost who wouldn't know what normal was if it sat on his head.The mother's body is the best of them all, also the most realistic in a non porn star kind of way. I don't know what you consider "normal" but looking at your avatar with the fake tits, if you think that is it, I'd take the mom in this game any day.