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Stay Frosty

Jul 17, 2017
So this latest version has the aunt, anything else? I read that the twin sister is supposed to get an animated scene.

Deleted member 359852

Text is missing for decisions. Is there a fix or font I am missing?


May 26, 2017
When i complete the mom's puzzle in hard and middle difficult the game return to the main menu so i can't progress with boldness and relation with mom, there's no cheat codes to avoid the mini games?


Active Member
May 4, 2017
You have to remember most people that comment for change can't distinguish between reality and their own fantasy reality. They want everything to appeal to them primarily and specifically, and think fuck everyone else. It's truly disheartening and from what i've seen, a major reason why some games turn to shit and/or the devs quit. You can't please everybody and the good devs know this and ignore people like CreepyGhost who wouldn't know what normal was if it sat on his head.
Well, the girl on my avatar is has the perfect body (I know she has fake tits xD ) but I think mother has kinda huge tits for her head size. I'm not complaining, this game's artwork is nice. Wish I could draw like that, I would make a sandbox game full of art myself. Sister's body type is closer to my tastes. Well, let's agree it's a great game and we REALLY want more of it!


Active Member
May 20, 2018
I never disagree whith no character in all games I played or posted any game thread in this forum. Chars are designed as the dev flavour or taste. In any case I suggested or asked the dev If he/she can add any character of my taste or adding more content of my favourite char. If I don't like tiny bodies or tiny tits chars in a game I just don't play those characters and focus in mi favs. If in that game all chars have tiny bodies and tiny tits I'm just quiting, but i don't go to that game thread to complain about it. My taste It's just mine but not the only so I respect other tastes.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2017
It's here! The latest public build is now live! Read below for the patch notes and changes from the last public version (There's a lot!)

Previous save files from older builds are compatible!

0.0036-Alpha Changelog

-Added new Sam scene with an animation! It involves the player having a dream about a fictional scenario. Requires Relationship level 11.
-Increased Sam's relationship level cap to 11.
-Added new Simone conversation if you did the threesome with Simone and Kira.
-Added new Julia conversation.
-Julia's name no longer appears in the gallery if you haven't met her in-game before.
-Fixed grammar error in one of Janet's conversations.
-Fixed grammar error is one of Simone's scenes.

0.0035-Alpha Changelog

-Added new Aunt Janet scene. Requires Boldness level 6 and Relationship level 6.
-Increased Janet's relationship level cap to 6.
-Fixed not being able to access the Gallery.

0.0034a-Alpha Changelog

-Added Aunt Janet gift.
-Fixed player having a blank face in Janet's scene
-Fixed not being able to get money in one of Janet's scenes if you already got money from one of Sam's scenes.

0.0034-Alpha Changelog

New Content/Features
-Added new character Aunt Janet! After 10 days have passed and cousin Julia has arrived, Janet's intro scene will play. You will need 4 boldness to access her main scenes, which are available in the Outside zone.
-Added dialogue for Aunt Janet
-Added scenes for Aunt Janet
-Added "Swimming" mini-game for Aunt Janet.
-Added new locations
-Added Gallery which can be accessed in the Player's room via dreaming. The gallery lets you quickly view unlocked images and animations!

-Fixed being able to rename Julia before you meet her.
-Fixed using player's default name in Vicky's second scene.
-Fixed typo in Vicky's second scene.
-Fixed grammatical mistake in one of Kira's scenes.

-All minigames now give money rewards.
-Added an item that counts as a completion of the review typing minigame, as an alternative way of getting to Vicky's scenes.
-Putting a period at the end of sentences in the typing minigame is no longer required.
-Items to make minigames easier now cost $5 instead of $15.
-Racing minigame on easy was made slightly easier.
-Motivational Audiobook costs $5 instead of $10.
-Gifts cost $4 dollars instead of $5.
-Gifts now give 4 relationship points instead of 2
-Swimsuits cost $12 instead of $15.
-Added something that may reduce the size of save files, after sleeping to get to the next day.


Jun 7, 2018
Dang it, I just downloaded 0.35. Oh well.
Meanwhile, Janet's such a PERFECT AUNT. Short black hair, decent boob size, thicc as a brick. Love every inch of her. Operation Cumslut Aunt is a GO, fellas.


Jun 18, 2017
the only complaint I have about this game is that the race mini-games do not work. when they change to a new letter that you must mash, the game does not recognize that I am doing it making it impossible to win. I have never won a race in this game. Other than that I love this game. Especially since I can just buy gifts for Kira and Aunt to bypass the races. I must repeat... This game is well done, good story that is pretty damn sexy at times, I like the art with different body types (Kira and Mom my favorite, aunty coming in HOT though!, don't hate the loli girls either!) Easy top 10 for me
Edit: has anyone here won a race? and if you have is there a picture or dialog you get after winning
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