Oct 31, 2021
Game Devs make a game with great kinks and fun characters and don't immediately ruin it with fat ugly fucks and whoring girls out to other men challenge (impossibru difficurty)


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
I havent played for many weeks, and just getting back into it.. But Ive forgot how to raise her lewd.. the hint says I need her 160, but shes 150.. I had her locked for 2 weeks, and then let her cum thinking it would raise her lewd. but it didnt.. So how do I raise her Lewd stat ?


Mar 26, 2022
Great corruption game but keeping Gloria from killing you is such a fucking chore. If she's at high on Monday then forget about doing anything that week, it's click->click->click till Saturday. I don't see why he can't just enable the point dump into lowering Gloria's kill level everyday instead of just weekends. Or better yet, make it raise much slower. You can call me an idiot for not understanding it or whatever (and maybe I am completely misunderstanding it), but ultimately I'm here for porn game and not click click click to lower pointless mechanic.

iN Spite of that, 5*


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
Thats why I took a break from the game, it was stressing me out trying to fight it. So hard to gain points (most of the time you getting +1 points) and you then blow it all on gloria on the weekend so she dont murder you. (I got the event with Eshsa dad saving me which I thought was game over, got that feeling that was a warning, that next time it wont happen, that be game over) But now that I return its been days since I asked and well I cant even raise her lewd anymore to progress the story :/
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New Member
Nov 3, 2022
Yo, Advent, do you plan on adding any farting to Gloria's final events? As a form of being even past corruption, just a little extra. Without any hint of scat ofc, that just ruins it and goes too far.

Great game btw, and hope you're feeling better.


Oct 11, 2017
Hi mates! Need a hero to share news
Yogurt night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Patreon)

In terms of events, I think I finished what I wanted. 1 event that I planned initially was kinda similar to what I put into the others. And, you know, after all the activities I made Gloria come through, I started to look kinda like this:


Very dried out and overfed with debauchery. So I decided to let it go. Maybe I'll add it later, in the finishing patch. But maybe not.
Anyway. The next step will be making all the camera animations for each event. Which is A LOT easier than writing/animating events: the scene is already set, no need for dialogs, just a little bit of positioning and creativity in loops. Mostly mechanical work with no planning required. Recently, I found doing animations a lot easier, relaxing and almost meditative compared to all the thinking that writing a scene requires, and even worse - the different game logics stuff.
Well. That should be it for now. The gap between the last post was bigger but I really wanted to finish all the events.
I'll report back once I'm done with the cameras. That's when this update's release date might become a little more possible to predict.
See ya!



Oct 11, 2017
Belli! (Patreon)

Yeah, I finally found a somewhat working mod for stuffed bellies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Wonky as hell (clothes are ripped and/or ignored), but better than nothing. At least it can be used for when she's naked already, and has several stages of "stuffed".
As you can see, Gloria had a pretty damn hard day working at the club. Don't worry though! She's a trooper. Plus, she doesn't need lunch money anymore ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Okay. I finished animating and writing for 3 of her activities: office, subway and the club. I'm not doing new camera shots yet, but they should be much faster to pump out later, the scene is already built for them. My vision is still blurry about how much of them I'll need, so I'm doing other stuff for now. On to the next activity!
Earlier, a sketch version of this event was posted on , and .
I'm trying my hardest to avoid spoilering stuff, that's why all these screenshots are uninformative. I think you'll have more fun seeing it all in action once the patch's fully ready!
Ayway. See ya sometime soon

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