I won't appreciate your preconceived notions, so you are trying in vain. After all, I know how good the game really is. "Deviant Anomalies" has exactly the same weighted average rating as "iNSight of you" - 4.5 stars, which only confirms that I'm not alone in my opinion on the merits of DA. So if you want to express your dissatisfaction with the game, write directly to the profile thread of DA, where your criticism will see the developer.
Relax. Just because you like this particular game doesn't mean it is really that good. You've recommended it, I checked it out and dare dis-recommend. Life.
While AdventAnyx appreciated the graphics there, I am glad he did not follow in the footsteps of DA's dev with implementation of pointless activities, just to give an impression that the game is a life-sim, not a VN. And here we are, in early 2023, with InSightOfYou a nearly finished, nice little game which will not steal your time and your recommendation still dawdling about with jerking off to stolen panties and brushing teeth in the bathroom, the activities neither of which affect anything so far.
My guys/girls. I'm drunk. And wish to open discourse with my fellow VN lovers. Are there any other homies out there that discovered their enjoyment of a certain type of NTR from this game?
You're not drunk, you're just confused. You've confused infidelity with pornography. To put it clear and simple, pornography is activity whereby men (mostly) become sexually aroused by watching or reading about women they do not know or care about engaging in sexual activities with men (mostly) other then themselves, while fully aware there are other other men being sexually aroused by the same pornographic materials.
If you're still confused, then consider these essential conditions for basic pornography and enjoyment thereof:
1. A porne, which is a sexually promiscuous performer of pornographic act.
There's no porn without
whores sex workers; watching a loving couple having an intimate moment is a bit shameful to say the least, and among cultured people would often be considered invasion of privacy. You wouldn't just walk in to your roommate's room to find him or her having sex with his significant (key word) other and just start jerking off. Even a reasonably porn-addicted person would apologize for the intrusion and walk out closing the door behind them. To be able to enjoy porn without feeling guilty about it, one has to at least assume that the pornographic act is a conscious performance done by either professional porn actors or amateurs who want others to see them doing porn, even if they wish to have their privacy protected by not showing their faces, etc. The promiscuity itself does not have to be literal: there is a lot of pornographic material done by couples living in exclusive, monogamous relations. The act of indirect exhibitionism is the only promiscuous element there: while the two may be 'doing it' just with themselves (or even one person masturbating), pretty much anyone is free to watch. Or free having paid for subscription and being of legal age.
2. Lack of any real life relation / emotional connection to any performers (real or just imaginary).
It's not your typical porn experience if you watch a close relative or even someone you know having sex; by default you are just an unrelated viewer watching/reading about unrelated people having sex. It would be an altogether different story if you were aroused despite or even because of the fact that you knew (and, what's more important, cared about) the people doing porn you're consuming or wish to consume. That could be entering NTR territory. In most cases however, the performers could be just faceless bodies with genitals. And often are, with deliberate framing or masking, when it comes to visual porn.
3. Awareness of real or potential presence of other porn consumers.
As weird as it may sound, pornography is (despite apparent solitary act of consumption in most cases) public and sharing pornography is an indispensable part of the porn experience. Just look at what we're doing here: a bunch of men discussing porn games and what they find most fap-worthy about them. We fap to porn alone, yet we discuss porn with other fellow degenerates. It is not really porn if, for example, you have sex video recordings or writings which no one else has ever seen or were told about. It is - just like poetry or any other art-form - a social, or parasocial activity. You may have a lewd photo or a flic of your ex, which you keep as a treasured memory and being a gentleman, never even mention this photo to anybody, not even the ex. Going back to that photo when you're alone is different from watching porn when you're alone. A friend of mine has once shown me a private recording of himself having sex with a someone. What he did by doing this, was trying to pornify his shenanigans by sharing. The only problem was I was not interested in seeing it and I don't think his sex partner in that video was even aware she had been recorded.