AdventAnyx can chime in to correct me, but I don't think the issue is with the prons... it's with the tedium of doing game design AND not fucking it up. Crapping out a simplistic pron games is easy, all you basically need is arts and something that presents the art in a marginally logical manner (a game engine, since you're probably not also doing that yourself); having a story is arguably optional. How well you want to art is up to you... and is probably why half of the amateur-produced games on this site are somewhat simplistic pron games, easy to set up on Patreon and milk those $1 donations (moreso if you live where there's a decent exchange rate). Even easier to abandon!
Producing a quality game (pron or otherwise) is much harder. UI needs to be simple enough to grasp without too much explanation, but able to handle possibly complex underlying systems. Possibly complex underlying systems need to be designed, coded, and implemented. Have a story. SHOW, DON'T TELL, a story. Likely throw in some minigames, which can't be too hard (nobody will get past it) or too easy (because why even bother adding the minigame then?). The necessary level of art quality is debatable, but at least needs to look consistent (almost better to have consistently bad quality than 17 different artists with 17 art styles). Audio is nice, even if it's just alert noises.
The point is that it's always WAAAAAAAAAAAYY more work to do something well, including porn games. So if someone burns out after having successfully experienced the process, don't be surprised. They could have easily burned out BEFORE finishing it... there's plenty of abandoned/semi-abandoned games on F95, take your pick!