Jul 5, 2019
I didn't say thier still friends,but odds are they remained friends at least till prom.
I am genuinely curious what leads you to believe this? Pretty much all Erynn or Alexis has ever said is about how terrible he is/was and their dislike/hatred for him.

EDIT: A snippet from my last post:
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That definitely doesn't read like "Oh, I continued to be friends with him for the next two years"
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2020
I didn't say thier still friends,but odds are they remained friends at least till prom.
For that to be the case she would have to be lying, which i guess it's possible but there are no signs corroborating it.
She was opening her heart, telling a whole story about being blackmailed, a lot of things that she is ashamed of... afraid the MC would hate her for it... but decided to tell a lie about this one (kind of irrelevant) thing? Doesn't compute.

And of course opens up a whole can of worms, are other characters lying?
For example, Did Alexis hook up with Ethan and is now lying about it?

Keep in mind that most girls have their own douchy guy... Layla has Lucas, Erynn has a tag team of Zane/Ethan, Gabi is married, Cara has E-Manual, Nikki had... ex-boyfriend from the bar.
For Alexis this spot is still to be filled.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
nope just little stumps,,,:WaitWhat:
I forgot that in this forum it is necessary to speak clearly, ironies are not available to everyone...
So, I'll explain myself.
I was asking if in this game women do not have legs because no panoramic view of the girls in the game start at the feet, it seems that only the tits are of interest, have I explained myself well now? Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2020
Yeah the part that it makes Erynn remember that claim from Ethan makes sense, that is not the point and that it might make her more likely to believe what Ethan said then as well at that moment in her anger.

The thing is though that Alexis sleeping with Ethan at that time according to Ethan, should have never been a point in the first place unless Erryn had a claim to Ethan when that was supposed to happen in the first place. Also her connecting it to stealing MC away from her, indicates even stronger how she would have considered Alexis sleeping with Ethan then. Namely Alexis sleeping with what was hers at that time. (Edit; Just as that even though Alexis slept with MC, that should have not been a thing that should have bothered Erryn in the first place or Alexis if we did not know there had been conversations between Alexis and Erryn that make Erryn lash out and Alexis feel guilty about that fact, though even there it is mainly speculation since we do not know the exact nature of that claim Erryn made about her feelings concerning MC to Alexis .)

The remark says something about Alexis possibly and something bad she might have done earlier, it also says something more even about Erryn though and how she saw the relation with Ethan at the time this was supposed to have happened. Even if I would also prefer if Erryn had never cared about Ethan, that is not what I (read clearly I, Nyx may fully disagree or have meant it different as I see it) take away from all the hints and history shown.

My take is way more that Erryn was interested, Ethan blew it due to being a supreme asshole (likely at least twice) and now as the asshole he is will do whatever is needed to still posses her whether Erryn still wants that or not and most indications is that now she does not, which landed Erryn in the mess she is in now. Not really helped by some of her own choices.
One thing I find confusing about Ethan saying he had slept with Alexis

er "He tried to break that friendship too. He almost succeeded when he told me that Alexis slept with him."
if Alexis_End == False:
mc "{i}(She would never, right?){/i}"
mc "Did she?"
er "She always denied it and I believed her but..."
mc "But because she didn't tell you about us you think she lied about that?"
er "..."
mc "{i}(Fuck! I have to ask her. I hope she didn't...){/i}"
mc "Did she?"
er "No. Alexis would never. She actually hates Ethan."

She says that she believes Alexis didn't sleep with him, but immediately before says that when Ethan told her it nearly ended her friendship with Alexis.
Unless she thought it was the truth, why would it damage her friendship with Alexis (and if she thought he was lying, it should have ended her friendship with Ethan). For at least a short period of time, she either beloved it was true or thought that it was a possibility. She seems to have a habit of just accepting whatever Ethan tells her.

We do not know exactly when in the timeline this happened, but I suspect it was shortly after the blackmail started. In that case Erynn may have been thinking 'How could you sleep with the asshole that is blackmailing me'. (I doubt Alexis actually knew about the blackmail, but she does know he had been destroying her friendships). It doesn't help that even though they are supposed to be BFF, it seems that Alexis actually has no clue what is going on between Ethan and Erynn.

EDIT : last paragraph is incorrect. See timeline in stuffstuffstuff's response below
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
a "I wanted to tell you many times. I was just so afraid it would end badly. I didn't want it to end. So, it was always, one more day, just one more day."
a "And because of my hesitation, I made it even worse."
a "I even lied to Erynn. I never lied to her. She'll probably never forgive me for this." a "She was actually the one who was supposed to go to the concert with me. But I lied to her, telling her I couldn't go. Because I wanted to spend one more day with you."

She has no reason to lie to MC here.
Jul 5, 2019
One thing I find confusing about Ethan saying he had slept with Alexis

er "He tried to break that friendship too. He almost succeeded when he told me that Alexis slept with him."
if Alexis_End == False:
mc "{i}(She would never, right?){/i}"
mc "Did she?"
er "She always denied it and I believed her but..."
mc "But because she didn't tell you about us you think she lied about that?"
er "..."
mc "{i}(Fuck! I have to ask her. I hope she didn't...){/i}"
mc "Did she?"
er "No. Alexis would never. She actually hates Ethan."

She says that she believes Alexis didn't sleep with him, but immediately before says that when Ethan told her it nearly ended her friendship with Alexis.
Unless she thought it was the truth, why would it damage her friendship with Alexis (and if she thought he was lying, it should have ended her friendship with Ethan). For at least a short period of time, she either beloved it was true or thought that it was a possibility. She seems to have a habit of just accepting whatever Ethan tells her.
We do not know exactly when in the timeline this happened, but I suspect it was shortly after the blackmail started. In that case Erynn may have been thinking 'How could you sleep with the asshole that is blackmailing me'. (I doubt Alexis actually knew about the blackmail, but she does know he had been destroying her friendships). It doesn't help that even though they are supposed to be BFF, it seems that Alexis actually has no clue what is going on between Ethan and Erynn.
Actually just past that (I missed this too when I was looking at that convo) is:
er "After all that, I broke my friendship with Ethan. Something I should've done way earlier. We didn't hang out anymore, didn't even speak to each other."
er "Everything became somewhat normal again."
er "*Sigh*"
mc "That normal didn't last long, huh?"
er "A while..."
scene 07_538 with Dissolve(1)
er "In my senior year, I started dating Zane."

So it gives a rough timeline for these events.

MC leaves -> Ethan pretends to be nice, doesn't work -> Ethan resumes assholery -> Ethan tries to break up Erynn and Alexis -> Erynn ends friendship with Ethan -> some length of time passes (at least a few months, possibly a year or more?)-> Erynn starts dating Zane -> Ethan Blackmails Erynn.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
like i said, before the MC came back Erynn was to far down the rabbit hole she was just trying to survive, now since the MC came back its gave her the wake up call she so badly needed and she started to rebel against Ethan, she just needs that little guidance now to overcome her fears and finally rid herself of that douchebag
Thats all i want.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2020
One thing I find confusing about Ethan saying he had slept with Alexis

er "He tried to break that friendship too. He almost succeeded when he told me that Alexis slept with him."
if Alexis_End == False:
mc "{i}(She would never, right?){/i}"
mc "Did she?"
er "She always denied it and I believed her but..."
mc "But because she didn't tell you about us you think she lied about that?"
er "..."
mc "{i}(Fuck! I have to ask her. I hope she didn't...){/i}"
mc "Did she?"
er "No. Alexis would never. She actually hates Ethan."

She says that she believes Alexis didn't sleep with him, but immediately before says that when Ethan told her it nearly ended her friendship with Alexis.
Unless she thought it was the truth, why would it damage her friendship with Alexis (and if she thought he was lying, it should have ended her friendship with Ethan). For at least a short period of time, she either beloved it was true or thought that it was a possibility. She seems to have a habit of just accepting whatever Ethan tells her.
We do not know exactly when in the timeline this happened, but I suspect it was shortly after the blackmail started. In that case Erynn may have been thinking 'How could you sleep with the asshole that is blackmailing me'. (I doubt Alexis actually knew about the blackmail, but she does know he had been destroying her friendships). It doesn't help that even though they are supposed to be BFF, it seems that Alexis actually has no clue what is going on between Ethan and Erynn.
Here's a thing, if the sextape is real, it actually exists, Ethan telling the truth about Alexis would be an interesting twist.
Like he's a prick but he doesn't lie.

If the sextape doesn't exist, the Alexis angle is also untrue.

Also to shoot down the Erynn>Ethan, this is Erynn's response to "you know what i want" (they are suppousedly talking in private, neither person knows the MC is around the corner).
Calls him delusional and mocks that he "still thinks that would ever happen".
If they were a thing in the past it would be more like "that will never happen again".

Oh and she also signed to an agency without knowing the owner is father of her archnemesis (and yes that's quite dumb).
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Jun 6, 2018
Keep in mind that most girls have their own douchy guy... Layla has Lucas, Erynn has a tag team of Zane/Ethan, Gabi is married, Cara has E-Manual, Nikki had... ex-boyfriend from the bar.
For Alexis this spot is still to be filled.
My poor sweet Lexi... Not even douchbags like her. All she have left is bullying her own boss :D


Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2017
If the sextape doesn't exist, the Alexis angle is also untrue.
Calls him delusional and mocks that he "still thinks that would ever happen".
If they were a thing in the past it would be more like "that will never happen again".
Oh and she also signed to an agency without knowing the owner is father of her archnemesis (and yes that's quite dumb).
Don't waste your time and please stop raping that keyboard, it's not worth it, bro'. Like our friend Bailz said, it's like talking to a brick, and I agree with him on that... would've preferred to argue with the brick tho, coz at least the brick doesn't shitpost and understands what you try to explain to it.;)

Instead of talking about the same nonsense over and over again without having proof to prove some absurd claims or completely ignoring the ACTUAL proof that's in the game, there's a simple solution, completely avoid Erynn :WeSmart:(you can do that) and be the "amazing" friend that some claim she is. Or, better yet, take this fine lady's advice into consideration, it helps.;)(y)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Don't waste your time and please stop raping that keyboard, it's not worth it, bro'. Like our friend Bailz said, it's like talking to a brick, and I agree with him on that... would've preferred to argue with the brick tho, coz at least the brick doesn't shitpost and understands what you try to explain to it.;)

Instead of talking about the same nonsense over and over again without having proof to prove some absurd claims or completely ignoring the ACTUAL proof that's in the game, there's a simple solution, completely avoid Erynn :WeSmart:(you can do that) and be the "amazing" friend that some claim she is. Or, better yet, take this fine lady's advice into consideration, it helps.;)(y)
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You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
I'm with you. I don't get all the Erynn hate. Also, punching that scumbag and helping her out is a lot of fun. Though this event did generate a lot of... reallllly odd... discussions about groceries... here in this forum. o_O


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Erynn was embarrassed by MC's confession (It was unexpected and it happened in front of her friends). Her going to look at the text instead of answering was more like a way to collect her thoughts on what to do/say. Nothing to do with choosing one over the other.
Also, was MC's confession genuine at that point? (There's something in the game that hints to ...).
Like I said before. Read between the lines.
That's all you guys get.
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2020
I'm with you. I don't get all the Erynn hate. Also, punching that scumbag and helping her out is a lot of fun. Though this event did generate a lot of... reallllly odd... discussions about groceries... here in this forum. o_O
Maybe we were supposed to compare the value of punching Ethan once compared to the cost of the groceries and continue hitting him until we felt that we had received our money's worth. :devilish:


Jun 11, 2017
Maya from Being a DIK
My bad. I don't pay attention on all chain of comments and thought you are talking aboout character with blue hair that Erynn cosplayed as a model. When MC look at her picture with blue hair Erynn said something about themed photoshoot.
But now, when I gave it some thought, Maya from BaDIK's appearance is totally from Borderlands character. Not only the same look but the same name as well.


Sep 22, 2019
Erynn was embarrassed by MC's confession (It was unexpected and it happened in front of her friends). Her going to look at the text instead of answering was more like a way to collect her thoughts on what to do/say. Nothing to do with choosing one over the other.
Also, was MC's confession genuine at that point? (There's something in the game that hints to ...).
Like I said before. Read between the lines.
That's all you guys get.
Ohhh. I hadn't thought of that. Clever. I like it.
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