
Active Member
Feb 21, 2021
My two cents? Erynn's story is just another story in the VN. She does have a distinction of being involved in the reason that MC started misbehaving, which is the real reason he ended up living with his father. But Alexis was there too. So Alexis' story is inseparable from Erynn's story. This is the way for most of the stories, but especially these two.

So why is it that Alexis' story is so much better than Erynn's? Why is it that Alexis is capable of a relationship with its ups and downs and Erynn is just kind of a drag? I don't think that it is necessarily Erynn's character. She is a perfectly lovely person. It is because people don't really know her deal. We don't need to know everything about a character, we just need to know their deal. Alexis wants MC to be her lover, and does the things to make that happen. What the hell does Erynn want?

Everybody knows by now that I'm not a fan of Erynn's story. It is too much of an ask that the author is imploring us to buy that she was carrying a torch for MC all the time he was gone, especially since he was giving her the gray rock treatment. Human beings don't function like that. Any normal person who was ignored and given the cold shoulder for years would naturally have their feelings toward that person change. Not for the better.

So the author is asking us to buy that Erynn loved this little kid. And now she is well into adulthood and he is just on the precipice of it. Despite being at dramatically different places in life and not really knowing each other after being apart for so long, she loves him with that love that is too embarrassed to speak its name. For most people, this just doesn't pass the smell test.

Alexis' story is a little more familiar if also formulaic. We are presented with what they call a meet cute. Even though they know each other, they don't really remember. Freed from this particular burden by the kindness of forgetfulness, they are able to treat their relationship as something new. Alexis is also attractive because she is optional. You can be rude to her and she disappears as a normal person would. Or you could be kind and love blooms. The past eventually intrudes, but that only happens once the reader is invested in the relationship.

Erynn doesn't seem optional, but she also isn't given good material. She always just gets shoehorned in. MC is walking around with a tack in his shoe and that tack is named Erynn. No matter how he once felt about her or the emotions that re-occur when he encounters her again, they are different people than they were during that event that was so painful to him and was just another day for her. But they don't start fresh. She wants to pick up where they left off and he wants no part of that. So their story stagnates and never really goes anywhere because they are at an impasse. They want different things, and the reader cannot buy into her because from this point on everything in her life is a contrived mess. She is a bottomless pit of need and MC has the feelings of so many other women in his life to consider.

What do you want Erynn? Do you want to be a model or a kindergarten teacher? Do you want your childhood friend back or are you in love with the man he became? Because MC needs to know and he doesn't have that much time to figure it out. He has to choose between two different sets of sisters and a gaggle of classmates. Things are weird with his mom and your mom too. If you want to work here, close the deal! Tick tock, Erynn. Let's hear your elevator pitch. Should we forget the past or is our history so important it can't be discarded? Hurry up, Erynn. I have a date. My right foot is in the car Erynn. What do you want? Help. Okay. You want help. You need a hero. Swell. I'm a teenager and there are at least two other stalkers of girls that I am dating that want to kick my ass but sure. Let me drop everything and solve your problems. Fuck this shit. My princess is in another castle.

So Erynn's story is frustrating and bewildering to many people. The author goes out of their way to make the MC feel wronged by her and then makes no effort to heal things between them before asking us to let her back into his life. We tend to reject this premise. Even if we do accept her back into his life, all she brings to the relationship is confusion and pain. She is pretty to look at, but she doesn't just have baggage but a baggage train. Almost every guy has a shitty ex-girlfriend just like her and almost every girl has a shitty ex-friend that she reminds her of. Erynn just sucks all the energy out of us because the story doesn't go anywhere. Get past a roadblock and there is just another roadblock. It seems one way but scratch the surface and what do you find? That's right. More surface.

So a lot of people will naturally take Alexis' side if forced to choose. Because it doesn't matter how you feel about somebody. What matters is how you treat them. Alexis treats the MC right. She does lie to him, but she acknowledges it and feels bad about it. You know, like a normal person. She might not be honest about everything, but she is honest about her feelings. Erynn acknowledges no wrongdoing. Everything is someone else's fault or a misunderstanding. She is the victim and everyone is against her. Why can't anyone see the love she has inside? Blah blah blah.

Again, this is a flaw of the story and not necessarily a character flaw. We just haven't got any scenes that have given us any reason to give a fuck. How awesome would it have been if Erynn came up behind Ethan and kicked him in the nuts? How awesome would it be if when MC was getting attacked in the park Erynn was there to shout at the stalker and pick MC up off the ground? What if she was worried about him instead of vice versa? It probably would have felt as forced and arbitrary as the rest of the story but instead, she was off washing her hair or something. She had potential as a character. Instead, she is literally dumpstered because her story is garbage. So if the author wants people to like Erynn, they are certainly going about it the wrong way. She might end up making some guy very happy someday, but her story doesn't sell her as a character we should choose over any other random love interest.
see this is how you do it while being respectful, everyone will see these characters differently. Where you think that she wants to carry on from where they left off and he doesnt i disagree but thats because of our intentions i think, i feel like both want to carry on where they left off from the last time they see eachother, obviously both have grown up and will be different but i believe its what they both want and thats because its what i want. but as you most likely feel like you would rather someone else it wont feel that way to you and thats cool.

alexis is definitely easier to go with, you get into a relationship pretty quickly with her and she has a lot of the time so far to be able to do that. erynn one is definitely a lot more problematic, for me and my logic its harder when you have been friends for so many years before, you want to do it right and you dont want to rush in and ruin the friendship you had. whereas alexis you dont really have much past with except she was friends with erynn, yeah you kissed her as a kid but the relationship you had with erynn is a lot more deeper, alexis you have nothing to lose if it doesnt work out.

erynn route is a lot more slow burn, she has problems she needs to fix before anything really develops. some dont like her story, i dont think its poorly written its just different.

personally i like the different storys and how they mix, everyone will feel different towards each character and everyone likes different things, i dont blame anyone for wanting the LI of their choice, the only thing that makes no sense is the actual hate for some of the girls. when i started the game for me erynn pulled me in, the story of their past, how it ended, i like the story of them being best friends from a young age, developing feelings moving apart to come back together and get it right. sure she has a lot of drama around her, but ive always thought in rl if you want something good it wont always come easy, i dont mind having to battle through different things and emotions to get the person i want so on a game its not really putting me off. plus i kind of like the slow burn aspect to it.

i think as the story goes on we will find out a lot more about erynn and have more time with her to where it might change some peoples opinions.


Apr 24, 2017
My two cents? Erynn's story is just another story in the VN. She does have a distinction of being involved in the reason that MC started misbehaving, which is the real reason he ended up living with his father. But Alexis was there too. So Alexis' story is inseparable from Erynn's story. This is the way for most of the stories, but especially these two.

So why is it that Alexis' story is so much better than Erynn's? Why is it that Alexis is capable of a relationship with its ups and downs and Erynn is just kind of a drag? I don't think that it is necessarily Erynn's character. She is a perfectly lovely person. It is because people don't really know her deal. We don't need to know everything about a character, we just need to know their deal. Alexis wants MC to be her lover, and does the things to make that happen. What the hell does Erynn want?

Everybody knows by now that I'm not a fan of Erynn's story. It is too much of an ask that the author is imploring us to buy that she was carrying a torch for MC all the time he was gone, especially since he was giving her the gray rock treatment. Human beings don't function like that. Any normal person who was ignored and given the cold shoulder for years would naturally have their feelings toward that person change. Not for the better.

So the author is asking us to buy that Erynn loved this little kid. And now she is well into adulthood and he is just on the precipice of it. Despite being at dramatically different places in life and not really knowing each other after being apart for so long, she loves him with that love that is too embarrassed to speak its name. For most people, this just doesn't pass the smell test.

Alexis' story is a little more familiar if also formulaic. We are presented with what they call a meet cute. Even though they know each other, they don't really remember. Freed from this particular burden by the kindness of forgetfulness, they are able to treat their relationship as something new. Alexis is also attractive because she is optional. You can be rude to her and she disappears as a normal person would. Or you could be kind and love blooms. The past eventually intrudes, but that only happens once the reader is invested in the relationship.

Erynn doesn't seem optional, but she also isn't given good material. She always just gets shoehorned in. MC is walking around with a tack in his shoe and that tack is named Erynn. No matter how he once felt about her or the emotions that re-occur when he encounters her again, they are different people than they were during that event that was so painful to him and was just another day for her. But they don't start fresh. She wants to pick up where they left off and he wants no part of that. So their story stagnates and never really goes anywhere because they are at an impasse. They want different things, and the reader cannot buy into her because from this point on everything in her life is a contrived mess. She is a bottomless pit of need and MC has the feelings of so many other women in his life to consider.

What do you want Erynn? Do you want to be a model or a kindergarten teacher? Do you want your childhood friend back or are you in love with the man he became? Because MC needs to know and he doesn't have that much time to figure it out. He has to choose between two different sets of sisters and a gaggle of classmates. Things are weird with his mom and your mom too. If you want to work here, close the deal! Tick tock, Erynn. Let's hear your elevator pitch. Should we forget the past or is our history so important it can't be discarded? Hurry up, Erynn. I have a date. My right foot is in the car Erynn. What do you want? Help. Okay. You want help. You need a hero. Swell. I'm a teenager and there are at least two other stalkers of girls that I am dating that want to kick my ass but sure. Let me drop everything and solve your problems. Fuck this shit. My princess is in another castle.

So Erynn's story is frustrating and bewildering to many people. The author goes out of their way to make the MC feel wronged by her and then makes no effort to heal things between them before asking us to let her back into his life. We tend to reject this premise. Even if we do accept her back into his life, all she brings to the relationship is confusion and pain. She is pretty to look at, but she doesn't just have baggage but a baggage train. Almost every guy has a shitty ex-girlfriend just like her and almost every girl has a shitty ex-friend that she reminds her of. Erynn just sucks all the energy out of us because the story doesn't go anywhere. Get past a roadblock and there is just another roadblock. It seems one way but scratch the surface and what do you find? That's right. More surface.

So a lot of people will naturally take Alexis' side if forced to choose. Because it doesn't matter how you feel about somebody. What matters is how you treat them. Alexis treats the MC right. She does lie to him, but she acknowledges it and feels bad about it. You know, like a normal person. She might not be honest about everything, but she is honest about her feelings. Erynn acknowledges no wrongdoing. Everything is someone else's fault or a misunderstanding. She is the victim and everyone is against her. Why can't anyone see the love she has inside? Blah blah blah.

Again, this is a flaw of the story and not necessarily a character flaw. We just haven't got any scenes that have given us any reason to give a fuck. How awesome would it have been if Erynn came up behind Ethan and kicked him in the nuts? How awesome would it be if when MC was getting attacked in the park Erynn was there to shout at the stalker and pick MC up off the ground? What if she was worried about him instead of vice versa? It probably would have felt as forced and arbitrary as the rest of the story but instead, she was off washing her hair or something. She had potential as a character. Instead, she is literally dumpstered because her story is garbage. So if the author wants people to like Erynn, they are certainly going about it the wrong way. She might end up making some guy very happy someday, but her story doesn't sell her as a character we should choose over any other random love interest.
That a wonderfully stated point of wiew. I maybe wanted to add somthing here and there but your opinion perfect as it is. Thank you!
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
Somehow i have the feeling that Erynn and MC are not supposed to become a couple. I think in further chapters it will turn out that she is gay and will end up with Iris. That would also explain why she never had sex with MC yet or any of her clients and Ethan but just this one guy with who she is on the Video.
This is just my assumption i get by the story around Erynn so far and the fact that Iris is interested in her.
But who knows what Erynn fans are capable for in begging Nyx to completley turn tables to make Alexis to a partner of Ethans crimes and all other 100 girls into relatives or siblings to MC so that only Erynn is left . Because any male competition is obviousley not present in the game sincae all girls like MC only.
Is this really what Erynn fans want? Shit dude. This is the darkest timeline. Picking Erynn for lack of any other options.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
She was upset that Alexis didn't tell her MC is back in town, not that Alexis fucked him. Has been discussed multiple times also confirmed by Nyx.

If you don't help her with Ethan, she's gone. Yeah, you have to help look for her because the parents asked you to do so and it's part of the story, but the relationship is done. You can ignore Alexis on the plane and be done with her but she also shows up in another scene. You can be done with Gabi, she's still your teacher and you'll probably see her at school, etc...

She was hit by Ethan, blackmailed,... to do things she doesn't want to do. I think she's getting abused...

They are getting to know each other and it's up to the player if you want to be with her or not. You can easily just do a friend route with her and she's very accepting of you dating others.
Oh, you were referring to her relationship with Ethan, not MC. Horse of a different color.


Jun 14, 2020
About all this debate about Erynn. That's a point that occurred to me after playing this update.
Alexis parece a LI principal, e parece uma verdadeira história de amor. Erynn é uma personagem importante para a história com certeza, mas mais como amiga do que como LI.
I saw a comment similar to my thoughts as well.
But it's basically this, I'm beginning to believe that Erynn is actually just a catalyst for all this whirlwind. The MC is closer to having a loving relationship with his mother than he wants with Erynn. Probably Lexi is the main LI here, at least along with Layla are the LI with the most screen time.
Erynn's story seems something doomed to failure from the start, whenever you think "now goes" a new shit pops up. She is no longer a virgin (at least now it seems that the video is true and she had sex with her ex), but when finally Mc and she "hit" she backs off at h time, and I understand, traumas and all. But their romance seems to be declining. They see each other other times (example in the mc room playing video games), but nothing interesting happens. Looks like they're back in the friends zone.

Edit: Forget what I said about the bedroom scene if it is on Erynn's solo route rolls a few.

You reading my review now may think I don't like it her. But I'm actually here in her name, her story intrigues me and makes me curious to know what comes next. She is definitely my first choice so far, can change with the following events. But sometimes I think Dev wants to make the player not fall in love with her, but feel sorry for her and not love.

And damn, I'm distressed by this ending, I hope she's okay, I also hope she's a Li and that the MC has a deserved ending for both of them. I also hope it doesn't become another "gangbang rape" cliché that happened to her. If she is already traumatized enough with the "deflowering" recorded to the point of not entering the supposed love. If that won't make her have sex again in her life.

But I don't know, everything leads me to believe that she's in this story as a martyr. But fingers crossed so you don't do it.

I haven't been this anxious since Got sundays.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2022
Is this really what Erynn fans want? Shit dude. This is the darkest timeline. Picking Erynn for lack of any other options.
I noticed a lot of communication between Dev and Erynn fans..:)....so i would not be surprised that in later chapters Alexis will turn out to be togther with Ethan and they want to drag Erynn down together. Erynn already broke up with Alexis because she slept with Ethan or at least she believes it. (Which is again strange because Erynn claims not to be together with Ethan ..so what?) What if this is true and Alexis and Ethan work together and the reason why Alexis is after MC is just
to hurt Erynn and keep him out of the way of Ethans business?...
I am just spinning here but who knows...:)
I played the game now several times differently and its fact that the Alexis path is really the most dense engaging and beautyful written one
above all other female characters. Erynn Fans claim that dev has stated that Erynn is LI Nr. 1 for MC if its true. There must be a reason why the Dev put yet so much work into Alexis path. Maybe for a better effect in a later twist?


Apr 24, 2017
I noticed a lot of communication between Dev and Erynn fans..:)....so i would not be surprised that in later chapters Alexis will turn out to be togther with Ethan and they want to drag Erynn down together. Erynn already broke up with Alexis because she slept with Ethan or at least she believes it. (Which is again strange because Erynn claims not to be together with Ethan ..so what?) What if this is true and Alexis and Ethan work together and the reason why Alexis is after MC is just
to hurt Erynn and keep him out of the way of Ethans business?...
I am just spinning here but who knows...:)
I played the game now several times differently and its fact that the Alexis path is really the most dense engaging and beautyful written one
above all other female characters. Erynn Fans claim that dev has stated that Erynn is LI Nr. 1 for MC if its true. There must be a reason why the Dev put yet so much work into Alexis path. Maybe for a better effect in a later twist?
No, author just comunicate with people she think understand her grand plan. That comfortable not to recive critics to improve your work but to just have nice talk.

I read that she wanted to rerender some thing from first ep, why not change some things that improve your work? I fell she just keep throwing Erynn on players as a couple or friend even if some people may not want it. Even if they see her story flaws with her not bieng fault in enithing like NewTricks say'd. When we have beautiful portrayed story of Lexi who is not saint enough and can apologise for her flaws. Even then if player chose cut tyes with E its still affect story with A. "Cut ties with my favorite char is bad thing" - that what author tell as when he show as that something happened to her in ep9 or when Eathan try to mock MC telling him how good E was in bed with him(if you chose not to help her and go home with groceries). Why MC should care? There planty of woman who can apologise properly and have nice talk on her problems after. Why author portrait decent woman character who can acknowledge her mistakes and give apology for them: Lexi,Lyala,Cara. And in same time give us miss saint who dont have mistakes and when she f**k up its always someone else fault when it clearly not.

I foreseen that we find her, help her even if we chose before to not get in her mess and then will be difference. If we chose not interfere before she go away or be friend on beckground. And if we chose help her before either to keep relation with Lexi or someone realy want date Erynn. We got her as couple or friend on that path.
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Aug 30, 2021
No, author just comunicate with people she think understand her grand plan. That comfortable not to recive critics to improve your work but to just have nice talk.
That's not true. You probably never even talked to her. She listens to what people say and criticize, just not haters who think know better.

And if you hate the dev and game so much, why are you here and constantly complain?


Apr 24, 2017
That's not true. You probably never even talked to her. She listens to what people say and criticize, just not haters who think know better.

And if you hate the dev and game so much, why are you here and constantly complain?
And how she dicide who haters and who give valid critics? Just like you?

When i say'd "i dont like the game"? All my comment was about poorly written Erryn story in the game not game in general. And comments was invented, so people can shere there opinion. If i dont liked game i wont be here, or its not a chat for DISSCUSION a game?

I can tell you the same thing, if you dont like my opinion dont reply to me, dont read my messages. I see moderators delite our previous comments so try to not insult peolpe or attack them with your agression.

The Senior Perv

Active Member
May 4, 2022
see this is how you do it while being respectful, everyone will see these characters differently. Where you think that she wants to carry on from where they left off and he doesnt i disagree but thats because of our intentions i think, i feel like both want to carry on where they left off from the last time they see eachother, obviously both have grown up and will be different but i believe its what they both want and thats because its what i want. but as you most likely feel like you would rather someone else it wont feel that way to you and thats cool.

alexis is definitely easier to go with, you get into a relationship pretty quickly with her and she has a lot of the time so far to be able to do that. erynn one is definitely a lot more problematic, for me and my logic its harder when you have been friends for so many years before, you want to do it right and you dont want to rush in and ruin the friendship you had. whereas alexis you dont really have much past with except she was friends with erynn, yeah you kissed her as a kid but the relationship you had with erynn is a lot more deeper, alexis you have nothing to lose if it doesnt work out.

erynn route is a lot more slow burn, she has problems she needs to fix before anything really develops. some dont like her story, i dont think its poorly written its just different.

personally i like the different storys and how they mix, everyone will feel different towards each character and everyone likes different things, i dont blame anyone for wanting the LI of their choice, the only thing that makes no sense is the actual hate for some of the girls. when i started the game for me erynn pulled me in, the story of their past, how it ended, i like the story of them being best friends from a young age, developing feelings moving apart to come back together and get it right. sure she has a lot of drama around her, but ive always thought in rl if you want something good it wont always come easy, i dont mind having to battle through different things and emotions to get the person i want so on a game its not really putting me off. plus i kind of like the slow burn aspect to it.

i think as the story goes on we will find out a lot more about erynn and have more time with her to where it might change some peoples opinions.
Nice comment. I don't really mind if people dislike Erynn, we all have different tastes after all. The problem I have is those haters that give Erynn credit of things she never did just to justify their dislike towards her. It sometimes seems they just saw the prologue scene in the airplane and that's all they needed to hate Erynn, not even giving her a chance to explain herself after the restaurant "date" with Ethan.


Active Member
Feb 21, 2021
Nice comment. I don't really mind if people dislike Erynn, we all have different tastes after all. The problem I have is those haters that give Erynn credit of things she never did just to justify their dislike towards her. It sometimes seems they just saw the prologue scene in the airplane and that's all they needed to hate Erynn, not even giving her a chance to explain herself after the restaurant "date" with Ethan.
exactly man, idc if someone dislikes any character, but as you say when they make things up or bring out a truth but twist it to fit their narrative it just becomes weird. Its almost like they believe it themselves too so its like they need to give themselves the reason to dislike.

we are all different people and have different tastes, it would be boring if everyone liked the same thing and thought the same way.

if i was in the MC position, told a girl i like her, she talks to her friends and laughs and i think that it was towards me, sure id feel a certain way. I wouldnt move though lol id end up speaking to her again and it would have been sorted. this is obviously a game though and certain things need to happen to progress it so i get it. Once i knew that i was misunderstood i wouldnt care, i wouldnt need a apology for that. i wouldnt be mad that she went and spoke to her friends. the reasons i see are just weird to me


Apr 24, 2017
mans really stuck on that apology lmfao, who knew a simple sorry could change so much to someone
Yes, realy how much that simple word in right context can change story in eyes of people. Its like right spice in dish can give good aftertaste.
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Aug 30, 2021
And how she dicide who haters and who give valid critics? Just like you?

When i say'd "i dont like the game"? All my comment was about poorly written Erryn story in the game not game in general. And comments was invented, so people can shere there opinion. If i dont liked game i wont be here, or its not a chat for DISSCUSION a game?

I can tell you the same thing, if you dont like my opinion dont reply to me, dont read my messages. I see moderators delite our previous comments so try to not insult peolpe or attack them with your agression.
Again, I didn't insult you. It was my opinion that offended you, which again confirms what I've been saying this whole time.
It is very easy to know if someone gives feedback or is just hating for no apparent reason.

Why don't you try and talk to her and say what you think is wrong with the game? She might agree with you and change it, you never know.
But you won't do that. You rather just keep complaining here.
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Active Member
Feb 21, 2021
Yes, realy how much that simple word in right context can change story in eyes of people. Its like right spice in dish can give good aftertaste.
LOL maybe you just give more importance to that word than i do, If i could see by action that someone cares and that it was a misunderstanding then i wouldnt need a apology to make me feel different. I would rather that than someone saying sorry but seeming to not care or show they care through actions. I know people who will say sorry for everything and also who will never apologize but you can tell that they either want to or are remorseful, some find it hard to say it.
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Jun 14, 2020
mans really stuck in that apology lmfao, who knew that a simple excuse could change so much for someone
But she already not apologized? Want a shower of rose petals and a speaker? Sometimes, despite my best efforts, I don't understand people.

For me these waters are already at sea. Both were wrong, she erred in not going after the MC since she cared so much, MC erred by not reading a simple letter. Damn, I know he was upset, and I thought she had no feelings for him. But for God's sake, wasn't he curious what a person who supposedly had no feelings for him wanted to send so many letters?

And even if she hadn't apologized, if she didn't have feelings for him. What the fuck is you who knows that a girl who was your friend, that you loved, your neighbor, daughter of a person like Melissa, who is suffering blackmail and physical and mental loss, she would not help? Why didn't she apologize to you for coming after you? or because ne feels the same thing as you? So you'd let her be raped, assaulted, killed... So?

Empathy sends a memory.
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Jun 14, 2020
LOL maybe you just give more importance to that word than i do, If i could see by action that someone cares and that it was a misunderstanding then i wouldnt need a apology to make me feel different. I would rather that than someone saying sorry but seeming to not care or show they care through actions. I know people who will say sorry for everything and also who will never apologize but you can tell that they either want to or are remorseful, some find it hard to say it.
Not to mention who often the "apology" is from the mouth out. And the actions, well ,as is the saying the saying even?
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