That scene where even his henchman had to avoid telling him how pathetic he is... was just a terminal shot to his (already low) credibility.
Maybe his dad will take the lead...
His dad? Oh no. It seems that the Vader parallels fit Ethan too.
Although Ethan is the moldy, dust speck on the discount, clearance sale, not fit for charity donation, consigned to the rubbish bin version of Vader.
But you know what that means?
If Daddy Ethan is the real big bad baddie-ala-The Emperor, that means this f*cking blackmail plot won't end any time soon.
More blackmail plot means less time for boobies, drama and relationships ...
Damn. Double damage. Burns Zach and burns Val since it's literally playing into one of her fears (having her intimate pics shared). Impressive.
Since Val dropped her phone, do you think Ethan took the phone and will threaten to spread her intimate pics? Double blackmail? (Which could backfire on Ethan since Val and mom immediately take legal action)
I need to buckle up and do the no friends playthrough. Be nice to Alexis on the plane, fuck Rachel, hook up with Alexis later on at the bar so I can have that blowout with Layla later on. Go all in on Erynn way too soon and get kicked off her route and then don't help her with Ethan, so it tanks Melissa. Not sure what to do with Gabi. I might fuck her but I don't want to go into the blackmail plot because I want Layla to fail. Do everything I can not to have a good relationship with Emily so no bike. Blowing up Layla and Alexis kills Val's route. All that would be left is Nikki/Cara, and Julia takes care of that. Definitely gonna do it to Cara though. Maybe I could fuck Tori at every chance? Then hook up with Mira in the latest episode.
Hopefully I didn't miss anything.
Gabi - Fuck her once, Reject her at training camp
Fuck her twice, don't fuck her anymore after you knock her shopping bags out of her hands
Tori - Fuck her but reject Tori after you win the race or lose the race and she rejects you
Brooke - check out Brooke while she's changing in the locker room area (minus points), don't pursue her
Iris - keep things friends only with Iris, don't like her new hair, She would still talk to you, but a lot of her content is blocked behind Lexi
Gianna - Don't check her out
Sha'Carri - Don't check her out, if you lose your race she gets disappointed, I am guessing Sha'Carri content is locked behind Val path
Lakeyn - ???? Fuck or not to fuck, She's one of the few people left in the game who might or will still talk to you
Dylan - he's always there
John - say no to John dating Emily
Darryl - Continue World War with him
School points - Be a smart ass to all teachers, and be a bad student: Adriana, Coleman, Naomi Davis