Usually choices like that cascade out, you get different things for making different decisions. It could've been help Erynn and you miss out on meeting someone else as you carried on your journey but that doesn't happen, all that happens is that the Erynn path and Alexis path get closed by that decision, it makes sense that there should have been something opening up from that decision too.
Another relic of that abandoned storyline is the fact that Zach has relationship points in the code, and the things you do that give points with him are attempting to manipulate girls or treating them like shit, like spying on them in the locker room. Yet he still betrays you no matter how many points you have with him.
Yeah normaly that's the case and i would find it nice if we would get something in return, like a scene with a other LI.
That being said, my main reward is that i don't have to deal with the blackmail drama, i just can't stand it at this point.
Unnecessary prolonged drama, which should have been resolved long ago, but isn't because the characters tend to have no common sense or are just plain stupid just so the drama can go on...mind you it's not just Nyx which does that.
It also feels extremely weird, if on one hand the MC's best friend/crush is in serious trouble and on the other hand you do pretty much anything else, beach, visiting other cities etc without a care in the world...any kind of seriousness or feeling of urgency is completely lost.
Not sure if the Zach points were intended for the dark path, something else which is yet to come, or had some other purpose which got scrapt.
But yeah Zach points are in essence acting like a moron (or a Zach) and losing half the LI's paths...
tbh I never will understand a take like this on any game not just cause im a Erynn fan. It always seems weird to me someone would want to get rid of a character entirely from a game even if it's someone I dislike. As to me it's one thing to say no to them and not play their path or whatever that I get. But when you get rid of a character from a game to me it feels like you are missing part of the game, which is also why I hate ignoring her in the Alley and feel like it makes no sense to me. As well I think it's bad game design / story telling to just make a character vanish unless there is a story reason behind it.
I do have another reason why I personally will never get it. To me it almost feels a bit disrespectful to want to get rid of a character existence just cause you dislike them when you could not play their paths, since devs work hard to create them. But that's just me at least when you say it you say you have no interest in them for X reason. So it comes off alot better than most people and well Nyx does give you that option not like you are saying this when the option doesn't exist haha.
It's not that i hate Erynn or want to get rid of her, i lost my interest in her long ago, but i just have zero interest or patience in that blackmail nonsense at this point.
There is also the fact that Erynn and Alexis are my most disliked LI's in the game (besides Tori) so i really don't care if i lose their paths.
In other games i also play the paths of LI's which i don't like, like Kaija, just so i can see different angles of the story or get information i otherwise don't get.
But here it's not the case, i just couldn't care less, same for a Maya from a other game, which i wish i could get rid off.
I also don't see it as disrespectful not playing content/character paths you are not interested in, that's rather natural imo, only exception is if the story really interests me and it makes it worth suffering throught such a path.
I do agree with this on Erynn path, even though I don't like her it's not worth it to lose both Erynn and Alexis paths over this
In general yes, but i don't like either of them's really no lose for me.
If it would be Gabi, Nikki or Elena paths i'd lose my opinion would be different of course and i'd suffer the blackmail drama.