I've tried a few paths and looks like MC keeps her as a secret or not see her as a relationship. At most, if you choose Nikki, Alexis and Valeria, he makes some comments on it. Also, any other double relationship but no mention about Gabi.
Gabi? Yeah for sure. It's not an official/exclusive relationship, so why would he say he's in a relationship with her? If MC didn't "turn" on Gabi (stealing test or blackmailing her) and are continuing to see her, the MC promised to never tell anyone. So I suspect he's keeping his promise to her, in order to not hurt her.
Now if she stays just a side fling/character, I'll be disappointed. But I don't see that every happening because I don't think the story will run to the end of high school. So they'll never be able to be official. At best, becoming official could only happen after he's graduated from high school, where she'd not be at risk of losing her career.
I never seen Gabi's name come up with Nathan(and trust me she was in quite a lot of those saves

It's always Nikki/Cara... that Nathan already has prior knowledge, with some combo of Erynn, Alexis, Layla, Val getting discussed.
Iris name comes up in the park and the dialogue changes depending on how many points you have.
Low it's just remembering the photo and getting Nathan up to date with Iris and John living in MS, with high there are questions wether the feelings are still there and the "never broke up" thing comes up.
Yeah, I meant any combination of 2 girls that MC dating by double relationship. Btw, do you guys think Ethan did something to Val? Usually, Nyx teases players by showing potential danger then it turns out nothing ie Erynn's death but afaik she said Val gonna die. Are we in endgame now?
I don't think she's gonna die, young girl murdered midtown in the middle of the day would've had repercussions.
It's not something easy to hide, Rachel was an adult slut without many connections, it took a few days until people questioned her last employer.
Val has a mom and a dad(whom we never met but we know he lives in town) and is a HS student.
Adriana would already be informed(and questioned, not as a suspect btw) as school principal, she would probably be a wreck about something like this and so would Layla.
And Ethan wouldn't be chilling at a club 2 days later, also his reaction to Zach bringing her up can be described as "that's gonna be a little awkward"... I know he's a jackass but that's waaaaay into sociopath territory if he just killed her.
She most likely ran away(she's a sprinter after all), maybe got a few bruises.
This game is meant to be played messy. Sure, you can remain loyal, but what fun is that?
I agree, there's so much detail and effort being put into showing girls being jealous of each other, wary/scared of potential threats... friends being split on what to do... this all gets lost if you play strictly loyal.
Playing solo can have it's endearing moments... but overall, meh