Based on the various flashbacks, Ethan was a known 'bully' of the MC, who hated the very close relationship Erynn and MC had. There's a lot of indications in the flashbacks, and from Erynn herself, that this was not the first time she had problems with the Ethan and the MC. So staying back to argue *yet again* would accomplish what? The message hadn't sunk in to that point, why would it yet again?Erryn didn't chase MC because she was literally doing what people said she should've done, chewing out Ethan for bullying MC. Yea, Erryn could've responded to his declaration of love better, but you try having some shit like that sprung on you and see how you react; it takes time to process. As far as she knew, Ethan did stop. MC wasn't talking to her, and his only other interaction with Ethan after that was something that Erryn didn't know about.
As for asking Emily, Emily told her to leave him alone; what do you think would've happened if she forced herself into MC's space?
So, yeah, in that situation, Erryn was blameless. Erryn can be blamed for a lot of stuff, but that situation wasn't on her.
For that matter, regardless of timing of the confession, why would she leave MC to go listen to Ethan talk about a social media post? Really? That's an appropriate time for that, since she liked the MC? Even if she was embarrassed, there's no way to say that's blameless.
Lexi left Erynn and Ethan and must have "forced" herself into the MCs space when he was sitting outside then too. She even had a conversation with him, kissed him on the cheek, and wished him happy birthday. Perhaps if Erynn had, instead of arguing yet again with Ethan, gone after MC she could have had some "forced" time instead of Lexi to talk about it. But no, she wanted to stay and argue with Ethan, yet again.
So no, Erynn was not entirely blameless. Taking all of the flashback details, and MC's confrontation with Erynn about his confession, into account. MC is also at fault for being stubborn-headed and not actually letting people talk, and making wild assumptions, as seen throughout the entire story to-date.