Tested out the Womb filling with semen. Nice! Maybe a few things you should concider (i would like to see).
Rly there is so much potential for kinky stuff when you get the base system right with the semen/womb/pregnancy thing. Rly looking forward to what you are doing.
Oh that is a nice long and detailed comment. I spoiler it if you did not mind.
Now a bulk of everything comes in one response on 1-4:
Okay I did not think about it - till now - how quickly it should be removed from the womb, and I guess a 3 day emptying out would be appropriate. Maybe 6 days? But 6 is a way to long I guess.
because: Te semen have 17 stages - images - in the womb (0 is where nothing in it, the base empty stage) so I have to plan with the 18 number. I think right now you can go over it but that wont change anything on the womb image - wont show you more then it has to show with the eighteenth stage. Because every client will increase the stage with 1 every time of ejaculation and - if I right - right now you can go over 18 if you use the energy cheat. So that is why right now it resets out every night.

I hope it is understandable.
But! and here comes the big but...
The final plan with this is every client will ejaculates different amount of semen. - and the tentacles will also fill her up with white semen - And of course the tentacles will give way more semen the human clients.

Maybe a full load of semen...
Pregnancy is implemented - show in the womb - and next to it on the breast iamge you can see het belly and breast growing.
I did not complicate it too much, currently pregnancy only appears on the statistics page. - her breast change -
I'm not plan the changing her look in the game outside the statistics window. - This can only be considered as soon as the game is ready and I have time and energy to add a little more extra
About 5th: Was there something like that in VN?

I've been playing with it for a long time ago, and I do not remember.

It is a good idea, but I guess it will be added not long before the finish line.

I have way other things to finish before that.