Thanks again, Ptolemy! And thank you, TechCarmin.
Here's an unofficial fix for some minor errors in day6.rpy and day7.rpy. This is only for the path where Christine rejects Andrew in the end of day 6 and Andrew doesn't kiss hot doc in the sauna. Other possible path lines where they differ from each other, are untouched. Things that are fixed:
- The name "Andrew" displayed instead of "Christine" in a dialog with Matteo in the end of day 6;
- a typo (wrong kind of bracket) at the start of day 7;
- in the dialog between Andrew and doc on the street - "Do you ever stop working?" is probably what Andrew should ask there, not doc. So I switched them for that question;
- some little spelling, grammar and other errors that I noticed in dialogs. I hope I didn't "fix" them the wrong way, because English isn't my native language, either.
Just extract the attached fix 7z archive into your game root folder (where the exe file is), let it overwrite original files.
If anyone (
@Ptolemy , maybe?) wants to look at all the differences between original day6.rpy and day7.rpy, maybe before replacing their originals (or just fix their original files by patching, not replacing them), standard patch files are attached, too.
(Notepad++ displays patch files nicely in color, BTW - easier to read)
I hope you don't mind, Pto?
Oh, almost forgot: Happy new year to everyone! :biggrin: