I'm throwing a quick "Dead Developer Log" here, as I'm getting pretty giddy about this. A half dozen people or so are gonna be very happy when I drop this update. lol
1. Fixed random meet bugs that occurred after Trial 1 ended; now no more annoying loops
2. Shortened the length of time to reach the Trials (instead of requiring 10k processed sperm; now requires 2200)
3. After Trial 1, can use processed sperm to make lactation pills and give to anyone in the building. No limit.
4. Trial 2 is currently being coded where any and every NPC will be able to experience it; your choosing - just drag em all through it if you want
5. Coffee Break and Rest Break in Medical Room added
6. Made the game (hopefully) a bit more gamey in that while players are trying to fill up the machine continually, it can be a challenge with people walking in on you, or wanting BJs or sex all the time
7. Added a couple new voyeur scenes
8. Fixed secretary fetch request bugs
9. Fixed Heath's walking pattern bugs in Lab A
10. Fixed clock issues (stays digital after the intro) and GUI tweaks
11. Left to code: enemy cutscene about to invade building; a couple more NPC walk patterns and voyeur interruptions; introduce Serena as a permanent character
If the game were properly finished:
PLAYER has X number of days before enemies breach the building. The further PLAYER is able to finish all Trials, the more tools he will have at his disposal to beat the bad guys (and discover the full truth of these experiments). You can "win" no matter where you're at in the Trials, but the more tools you use, the more spectacular the ending.
The climax of the game is a birds eye view "dodge 'em" game where your pheromones are sky high and every woman in the building is chasing you. You have to avoid being caught, while leading them to bump into each other, so they have sex with each other, rather than you. Your maxed out pheromones must be saved for the evil nun.
When I drop this, I think I can confidently say that it's just over 40% complete. I'm going to shoot for end of August on this. I hope whoever is out there keeping tabs on this enjoys it when I do. Cheers!