
Jul 23, 2020
Apparently GPT MTL are starting to be used more, do they give better results than other MTL methods?
I have seen that at least it gives slightly better translations than google translate.
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May 24, 2017
Alot ppl discussing here how bad translation ist-> just play and you see that its absolutly playable, even story rich as the game is you can follow the story and understand everything.

For me an awsome game and a good translation-> Thanks!!

Some Questions:

* Was going (of course) to collect as much screnes as possible-> is there a way to to End/Win the game with high carnal desire? I just get game over with all options the and had to cheat it lower:p

* Is the door in the church above Maramoto bugged, maybe through translation?

* where to go when Rio sticks 2 Finger in main protagonists ass?
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Jan 24, 2020
It's not just an issue with grammar. Like you know how in English, some words are spelled the same way but have different meanings? What a rough MTL tries to do is spit out a "translation" of what it thinks is the most likely the correct word or phrase in a context and string them together. You'll get mistakes like "daughter" when the more appropriate translation would be "girl/young woman" (that's not necessarily anyone's child in the context of the story or conversation) or issues where the MTL doesn't realize that it's a proper noun and instead breaks down the "words" that comprise the name into their "translations" and attempt to rewrite the sentence in a way that "makes sense", throwing the whole thing off. Then ChatGPT comes along and tries to sand down everything into a smooth sentence, so you never realize the entire sentence was wrong to begin with. One sentence isn't too big of an issue, but a constant stream of mistakes throughout the whole game can throw off the entire story. You could be getting the Kung Pow experience without even knowing it.

Like it's alright if you have absolutely no standards when it comes to language, but other people do.
That is to be expected with machine translation.
Even an AI can't understand context in the same way a human can but manual translation require way too much time and work so chatGPT at least can put out a decent translation (even if it's not 100% correct) in a relatively short amount of time and I'd take chatGPT over those horrid google translate mtls any day of the week.
But if you play mtl of any kind and you expect it to be as good as a human translation then you're the one at fault.
It's fine having standards but expecting everyone and everything to conform to them is not fine.
Honestly all of the complaints about grammar and linguistics are kinda out place here because if you play a porn game for the story then do yourself a favour and play a proper RPG if you want an engaging story because porn games plots, barring some exceptions, are not that great.
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May 8, 2017
Man, the games of this dev have really gone downhill. What a shame, especially considering the art.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
That is to be expected with machine translation.
Even an AI can't understand context in the same way a human can but manual translation require way too much time and work so chatGPT at least can put out a decent translation (even if it's not 100% correct) in a relatively short amount of time and I'd take chatGPT over those horrid google translate mtls any day of the week.
But if you play mtl of any kind and you expect it to be as good as a human translation then you're the one at fault.
It's fine having standards but expecting everyone and everything to conform to them is not fine.
Honestly all of the complaints about grammar and linguistics are kinda out place here because if you play a porn game for the story then do yourself a favour and play a proper RPG if you want an engaging story because porn games plots, barring some exceptions, are not that great.
Okay, but that's not the point I was making.

I was pointing out that MTL isn't just an issue with grammar, which seems to be what people keep asserting. And the argument that "it's a porn game, so it doesn't matter" isn't a good one. There's plenty of adult games that have genuinely engaging plot and well-rounded characters that I wouldn't have been able to appreciate if it was a run of the mill MTL + ChapGPT. Like you wouldn't know if a game is one of those exceptions if all the different flavors of text have been reduced to a homogeneous, bland slurry.

Like it goes both ways with what you guys are saying, some people don't mind that the story is off, and some people do. But for some reasons, y'all act like we should be kissing the ground that a flawed translation exists at all. And this was before ChatGPT came into the picture. It's also hypocritical to specifically target me, when I typed that in response to someone asserting
i think its fine because the purpose of language is too convey meaning
the meaning here being the story so who cares if they aren't completely 100% grammatically correct
Like that has to be the worse interpretation of language I've ever seen. Like fuck me, dude, if it weren't for the capitalization mistakes, I'd think this shit was MTL too. Like that last sentence I typed wasn't directed at everyone, it was directed to this mf in particular. Bro, of course MTL doesn't bother this guy. MTL is like their mother language.


Jan 24, 2020
Okay, but that's not the point I was making.

I was pointing out that MTL isn't just an issue with grammar, which seems to be what people keep asserting. And the argument that "it's a porn game, so it doesn't matter" isn't a good one. There's plenty of adult games that have genuinely engaging plot and well-rounded characters that I wouldn't have been able to appreciate if it was a run of the mill MTL + ChapGPT. Like you wouldn't know if a game is one of those exceptions if all the different flavors of text have been reduced to a homogeneous, bland slurry.

Like it goes both ways with what you guys are saying, some people don't mind that the story is off, and some people do. But for some reasons, y'all act like we should be kissing the ground that a flawed translation exists at all. And this was before ChatGPT came into the picture. It's also hypocritical to specifically target me, when I typed that in response to someone asserting

Like that has to be the worse interpretation of language I've ever seen. Like fuck me, dude, if it weren't for the capitalization mistakes, I'd think this shit was MTL too. Like that last sentence I typed wasn't directed at everyone, it was directed to this mf in particular. Bro, of course MTL doesn't bother this guy. MTL is like their mother language.
I get what you are saying and you are right on the fact that mtl often fucks up the plot of a game not only the grammar but also the meaning.
The only thing that conveys perfectly what the words mean is a manual translation but as I have already said that's not always possible to have that.
People here are not getting upset because others would have preferred a manual translation but insted because some people as soon as they see mtl they start complaining to no end and that is wrong for 2 reasons:
1) what's the point of complaing? It's not like crying would make a manual translation magically appear out of nowhere.
Again you prefer a manual translation? That's perfectly fine.
But if you jump on a thread and complain about mtl just for the sake of complaining then i think you can make a better use of your time.
2)It could be much worse: i don't know other's people experiences with mtls but I have played both shitty google translate mtls and chatGPT.
Google translate ones made me want to gouge my eyes out but the ChatGPT ones were actually pretty good and conveyed very well the plot. Sure a human translation is better but beggars can't be chosers.
The only advice I can give is to actually try the chatGPT ones instead of whining as soon as you see the word mtl.
Also I wasn't specifically targeting you but instead replying to your post and giving my two cents on the matter.
Not sure why you felt attacked.
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Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
I get what you are saying and you are right on the fact that mtl often fucks up the plot of a game not only the grammar but also the meaning.
The only thing that conveys perfectly what the words mean is a manual translation but as I have already said that's not always possible to have that.
People here are not getting upset because others would have preferred a manual translation but insted because some people as soon as they see mtl they start complaining to no end and that is wrong for 2 reasons:
1) what's the point of complaing? It's not like crying would make a manual translation magically appear out of nowhere.
Again you prefer a manual translation? That's perfectly fine.
But if you jump on a thread and complain about mtl just for the sake of complaining then i think you can make a better use of your time.
2)It could be much worse: i don't know other's people experiences with mtls but I have played both shitty google translate mtls and chatGPT.
Google translate ones made me want to gouge my eyes out but the ChatGPT ones were actually pretty good and conveyed very well the plot. Sure a human translation is better but beggars can't be chosers.
The only advice I can give is to actually try the chatGPT ones instead of whining as soon as you see the word mtl.
Also I wasn't specifically targeting you but instead replying to your post and giving my two cents on the matter.
Not sure why you felt attacked.
I thought I was pretty civil in my post and people still come out the woodworks acting like I insulted their ancestors. Again, the intent was to point out that MTL destroys context. Like you seem to get it, but the guy I replied to didn't. I felt targeted because language and linguistics was on-topic with the conversation chain.

I never said that I never tried chatGPT and I don't know why people assume people who dislike MTL haven't either. Like the sentences are more coherent, but the root of the problem is that chatGPT tries to make a coherent sentence out of an incoherent word soup. It has no more of an idea of what the sentence is supposed to be saying than we do, and for sentences that are extra incoherent, it's probably straight up wrong. At that point, you literally can't even call it a translation anymore because the new arrangement of words could be even less accurate than that word soup. It doesn't so much as translate as it rewrites. And I feel like a lot of people are missing that point. It doesn't actually solve the problem, it just transforms it into a different problem.

P.S. if anyone here's played Winter Memories, which is MTL+chatGPT, you may have noticed that it's gone through several translation revisions. The names of items and skills were different between different menus and sentences. Certain menus and UI were completely untranslated at first.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2017
Like it goes both ways with what you guys are saying, some people don't mind that the story is off, and some people do. But for some reasons, y'all act like we should be kissing the ground that a flawed translation exists at all. And this was before ChatGPT came into the picture.
I've never suggested that people should be worshipping MTL translators. And in fact before ChatGPT, I was a staunch hater of the horrible Google Translate or other various garbage MTL services people were providing. There were a few users here that I won't name specifically, but whenever I saw their name attached to a translation post I noped out immediately because those folks weren't even doing the bare minimum of fixing word wrap issues, let alone worrying about the destruction of the English language with supposed onomatopoeia like "Bread! Bread! Bread!"

These GPT MTL's, on the other hand, are not that. If you've played one (which based on your recent comments I'm going to presume you have) then you understand this.

There is a big difference between "kissing the ground someone walks on" and thanking or recognizing someone to show appreciation for their efforts. (God, this feels like I'm arguing with reddit. Like I have to explain that not everything is just black or white, but grayscale and colors also exist...)

P.S. if anyone here's played Winter Memories, which is MTL+chatGPT, you may have noticed that it's gone through several translation revisions. The names of items and skills were different between different menus and sentences. Certain menus and UI were completely untranslated at first.
This is not a bad thing, despite your apparent desire to frame it as such. They are fixing errors or discrepancies as they find them, and they're using a small-scale crowdsourcing method to do it by creating a git depository where other users can submit errors and fixes as well. If your argument is that the translator should have waited to release it when it was perfect, well then I've got some bad news for you... if we all went along with that mentality then very little would be released here.

EDIT: Let's also remember Shadeishere who is a manual translator currently working on Imouto! Life ~Fantasy~ [v1.4.3] [Inusuku] and has been for some time now. He translates this game entirely by hand and releases iterative updates as he finds and fixes bugs. When his first version of the TL was released, there were also some untranslated texts and images and many grammatical errors. Do you feel this is the wrong way they should be translating this game, then? Based on your previous comment, it sure sounds like it... /EDIT

Relatedly, I have to ask: Have you seen some of the "official" translations released by JP RPG circles themselves? Many of those works are just like that Google Translate quality crap I mentioned above. Would you accept that low quality translation just because it's considered "official" and posted by a native Japanese speaker? I doubt it.

Asking for "perfection or nothing" is setting yourself up to receive a whole lot of nothing, regularly.
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Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
There is a big difference between "kissing the ground someone walks on" and thanking or recognizing someone to show appreciation for their efforts. (God, this feels like I'm arguing with reddit. Like I have to explain that not everything is just black or white, but grayscale and colors also exist...)
While an exaggeration on my part, I don't get how fiercely defensive people get of MTL. Of course I understand there's a sliding scale of appreciation, but the general breakdown of MTL defenders comes down to "well we probably weren't going to get a proper MTL anyways" and "someone went through the effort to put it here! we should be grateful!" Like bro, running it through one more automated process isn't exactly hard work either. I'm not going to pretend unedited shovelware translations are commendable work and you're free to think badly of me for it. It's sure as shit not going to stop the people doing these "translations" nor is it going to stop you from consuming it.

This is not a bad thing, despite your apparent desire to frame it as such. They are fixing errors or discrepancies as they find them, and they're using a small-scale crowdsourcing method to do it by creating a git depository where other users can submit errors and fixes as well. If your argument is that the translator should have waited to release it when it was perfect, well then I've got some bad news for you... if we all went along with that mentality then very little would be released here.

EDIT: Let's also remember Shadeishere who is a manual translator currently working on Imouto! Life ~Fantasy~ [v1.4.3] [Inusuku] and has been for some time now. He translates this game entirely by hand and releases iterative updates as he finds and fixes bugs. When his first version of the TL was released, there were also some untranslated texts and images and many grammatical errors. Do you feel this is the wrong way they should be translating this game, then? Based on your previous comment, it sure sounds like it... /EDIT

Relatedly, I have to ask: Have you seen some of the "official" translations released by JP RPG circles themselves? Many of those works are just like that Google Translate quality crap I mentioned above. Would you accept that low quality translation just because it's considered "official" and posted by a native Japanese speaker? I doubt it.

Asking for "perfection or nothing" is setting yourself up to receive a whole lot of nothing, regularly.
I'm not trying to frame it as a bad thing and at no point did I make the stance that a translation needs to be perfect. I was trying to highlight that the first iteration of a "translation" using chatGPT can't even be considered good enough. Like having a person go through it and try to make everything at least consistent is actual effort that I can appreciate. I don't understand why people assume MTL haters lump edited MTL with unedited MTL.

Honestly, the most frustrating part of all this isn't that people like MTL, it's the assumption that people who dislike MTL are these irrational elitists that don't have any common sense. Like y'all acting on the assumption that I don't know these things and haven't thought of these things. Has it occurred to you that you might be the one thinking in black and white and making assumptions about the other side? Like fuck dude, I don't know if I'm actually phrasing my posts this badly or if y'all replying are just the shoot first ask questions later sort.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand why people assume MTL haters lump edited MTL with unedited MTL.

Honestly, the most frustrating part of all this isn't that people like MTL, it's the assumption that people who dislike MTL are these irrational elitists that don't have any common sense.
You have folks like croPath and their ilk to blame for that. They're present in every single MTL thread, regardless of the MTL's quality. Remember that this person started the entire MTL discussion train with a wholesale dismissal.

Remember what started this entire discussion:
more MTL garbage. Calling it GPT mtl doesn't do shit its just MTL and bad as usual
These folks *do* lump edited MTL in with unedited MTL. To them, it's the same regardless of quality. And they are very elitist about this. It's human translation or nothing for these folks.

I'll give you credit at least, Ferghus, you're more logical and well-reasoned in your opinions than most MTL haters on these forums. Even though we disagree, I appreciate the fact that you take the time to explain your thought process and opinion and have a conversation about it, as opposed to the caveman chud approach of simply grunting and screeching. Agree to disagree! (y)
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