Besides that Masha is ugly and I don't only mean her body her face is almost worse than her body, what really ruins her character for me is her backstory with her being a former escort and that is a shame because I like the setting of the game. The writing wasn't bad either until the talk about their sexual life and Masha's time before she met Victor started. After that talk, I stopped playing.
Probably my VN is just not for you and those who think like you. That's totally fine.
But maybe you can understand my thoughts and ideas about Masha. It could be that you give chapter 2 a chance after all.
I have like many here played several VNs. And the plot was always the same. There was a decent MILF, a normal world, law and order, a big house, possibly wealth and money, and a boy who tries to manipulate everyone in the household.
I find it boring. That's why I gave Masha a special past. And chose a special plot for it.
She has made crass decisions in life, she has let herself go, she was naive and reckless, moreover totally dirty and addicted to more and more sexual experiences, without any real ideas about her future and her self-realization. She was young and adventurous. Today, of course, she is more mature and wiser in some respects.
But the extreme change in her life, the worldwide catastrophe, traumatic experiences and the uncertain future, the disappearance of normal civil society - only all this drives her to despair, forbidden emotions and further crass decisions. The same applies to Alex, only that he first makes his own experiences. His future is just as screwed up and completely unclear. He is a man, has stronger urges and takes advantage of the situation. He doesn't have to manipulate much, since the circumstances play into his hands.
In addition, I skipped 7 months. During which, in particular, Masha shed many tears, depressed, lonely, unsatisfied. First innuendos and flirtations were exchanged, embarrassing situations may have occurred. And the desire would become stronger and stronger. At the same time, inhibitions were disappearing more and more, and perversion and unethical and contradictory thoughts and fantasies were developing more and more.
This was also the trigger why Masha started to talk freely about her tainted past. And this is what it is. This is not something to be proud of and it can turn some people off, but not Alex, who, like Victor, as a porn fan and popular student, sees such a past a little looser and gives people a chance to do better deeds in life.
I'm not a fan of magic. Not a fan of childish innuendo, or childish fantasies. I go for hardcore. Protagonists who have lived through crass things and are prone to crass actions and behaviors. And the appearance of Masha does not correspond to the standard ideas of the western world. That is also totally okay. But I have seen many women with such facial features in Eastern Europe. And with similar body proportions. That fascinated me.
Thank you!