After the first release, I was totally concerned with negative criticism. I had the feeling to have to justify myself. Meanwhile, I totally shit on it
I like constructive comments like yours, from presumably adult people who can differentiate and consider many aspects. I also like constructive suggestions that inspire me for changes and further developments. For example, there were adjustments made to Masha for Chapter 2 - Which only a few people noticed. Most of the comments here are extremely focused on Chapter 1, which is being re-rendered in parallel to the implementation of Chapter 3. But most of them didn't notice that either, because most of them are not only disrespectful and opinionated, but also too lazy to inform themselves.
Offensive comments with "ugly" or "shit", only ... I skip meanwhile because they do not provide any added value and contribution.
The masses here don't seem to be my target group at all. However, I have resigned myself to that, at least for my first project. For those people there are other games here to spend their time with. I'm glad that I'm personally having fun, and have gotten some companions who support me and think what I'm doing is great.