You know that joke/meme about how we men are so dense as fuck, that even if a girl told us "have sex with me" we wouldn't get the hint? Yeah, this MC is living embodiment of that joke. Almost every female human being that knows him is making advances on him, some of them have verbally stated their desire to fuck him, and he is still asking himself "what's her deal?". DUDE!
Jokes aside, this shows some promise. I'm tired of your regular incest game where BOTH characters spend in-game MONTHS teasing each other and borderline having sex, but "dO hIm/HeR rEaLlY wAnT tO hAvE sEx?". You just sucked each other nether regions one full weak every friggin' day, of course you both want to fuck, goddamit!
...I feel like I went off a tangent. What was I saying? Ah, yes, the pacing. This maaaaaaaaaay be going a little too fast, but it is a nice welcome compared to the usual pacing. Nice work and good luck with your project!