- Jul 21, 2018
- 1,360
- 1,929
Maybe, maybe not. Someone might've already been porting it to UE with a lot of influence from Strive for Power and various other games in one gigantic new game. Or maybe not. They have confidence issues. If it isn't perfect, no release. X_XNot a chance.
*Edit* That was fast, a pm from someone about it. No, I'm not answering questions about them, just was mentioning. Who knows, they're very flighty when it comes to committing to anything full in life. They still have a bunch of 0.9 versions of software and stuff they write with no release because they're never happy with it despite them being quite ready for the public.
Actually yes, I was just finishing up with it all. If you can set up a ciopfs you won't need to do anything else, and it should run fine. I've got a finalized build ready for testing with ciopfs. Works on my end, not sure of anyone else's. You may need to install a few Qt5 libs. The attached build appears to be working. (I've played about an hour trying out various areas of the game just to see.) Because I'm still running on a case-sensitive file-system, a few images don't show (of all the images, less than 80 roughly by grep for case-sensitivity and nothing seems broken despite). I did add a debug print for any URL/URIs being patched to escape SPACES, but it'll be up to *nix players to figure out what file/folder is cased incorrectly. For example, some requests to 'UI overhaul', 'Ui overhaul', 'ui overhaul'. -_- It is best played on a ciopfs for now. It'd be nice if the devs replaced all spaces in the content folder and went all lower-case. It'd be easier to port to Android, Mac, Linux, etc. (This Linux build could compile for Mac, too.) Symbolic links do not seem to work*, so I may just upload a ZIP with a bunch of symbolic links to drop in. *shrug* Run from console/shell/terminal to see some dbg output. The only ones you'll be interested in are the URL/URIs. They're printed regardless. Those messages are only about whether they were space-escaped or not. They have nothing to do with casing, but I thought it's better to print URL/URIs regardless. Should be able to play the entire game and merely find missing images in output, create a proper case copy for what it needs and simply be fine.Thanks for all this, any chance you could upload your current version? I don't have a problem using ciopfs or dealing with minor other bugs. Unless ofc the list items missing is game breaking.
I just added auto-loading of the QSP file to my offline build. May update here sometime or later.
I've also noticed a bug in the Linux port. If sound has been muted via the QSP window, and you attempt to visit any area that changes music it will SEGFAULT. My offline build has a fix. May update here. For now, use the 'in-game' option for audio muting and *not* the menu.
*Edit* See latest post of mine on page 237.
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