
Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
I added another slave to the json list, but now my game crashes occasionally during the slave auction. I'm guessing it's trying to load my custom image but failing. I used another json file as a reference to enter in the filenames for my images, so i'm pretty sure there aren't any errors there. No file extensions, path directories are typed in just like the reference. The only difference is that my custom images have random names like 2182_sex rather than the format the other files use like water_general_milf etc. I've also matched the resolution and file format of the images I added to the others in the folders they're in. The only difference is that my images aren't transparent since I didn't bother cropping my character out of the background. I changed the slave index json to 2181 first and 2182 last to force my slave to load so I'm pretty sure there's something about my slave that's causing the crash.

Any ideas?
- "my custom images have random names like 2182_sex"
Maybe because of that.

- "The only difference is that my images aren't transparent since I didn't bother cropping my character out of the background"
That might be a problem also. Because "scenes" don't need transparency, but slaves full pictures might... After all, how could you see the game-backgrounds behind her if she has a fullscreen image? Maybe the game doesn't like that.
Just replace the full picture of the added slave with one that already exists and see if the crash persists.

- If you modify your json files, it's better to start new games to avoid bugs.


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
- Make sex_quality correspond to the level of diligence and sex skill of the slave in the specific skill you're teaching. :Kappa:

Is done now, in the end I made it to be based on diligence, and master tutoring skill + master sex skill in that specific area. Basing it on slave skill was a little annoying code wise, and gameplay wise, this feels better in my opinion.

What color do you want "Cold" to be? These are the colors I can set it to (basically normal skill colors):
$_font_col_rep[0] = '<font color="#cd0000">'
$_font_col_rep[1] = '<font color="#C71585">'
$_font_col_rep[2] = '<font color="#4B0082">'
$_font_col_rep[3] = '<font color="#0000CD">'
$_font_col_rep[4] = '<font color="#008080">'
$_font_col_rep[5] = '<font color="#008000">'
! grey color
$_font_col_rep[6] = '<font color="#C0C0C0">'
! for stats that higher than 5
$_font_col_rep[7] = '<font color="#556832">'
In general, I don't think there's any bonuses/penalties for being at high excitement. It just decides if, and how much, sex you can have. (And sex game assumes that much sex = good).
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
- Make sex_quality correspond to the level of diligence and sex skill of the slave in the specific skill you're teaching. :Kappa:

Is done now, in the end I made it to be based on diligence, and master tutoring skill + master sex skill in that specific area. Basing it on slave skill was a little annoying code wise, and gameplay wise, this feels better in my opinion.

What color do you want "Cold" to be? These are the colors I can set it to (basically normal skill colors):
$_font_col_rep[0] = '<font color="#cd0000">'
$_font_col_rep[1] = '<font color="#C71585">'
$_font_col_rep[2] = '<font color="#4B0082">'
$_font_col_rep[3] = '<font color="#0000CD">'
$_font_col_rep[4] = '<font color="#008080">'
$_font_col_rep[5] = '<font color="#008000">'
! grey color
$_font_col_rep[6] = '<font color="#C0C0C0">'
! for stats that higher than 5
$_font_col_rep[7] = '<font color="#556832">'
In general, I don't think there's any bonuses/penalties for being at high excitement. It just decides if, and how much, sex you can have. (And sex game assumes that much sex = good).
Shrivelled (red)
Flaccid (pink)
Hanging (pink)

Sated (purple)
Cold (purple)

Contented (blue)
Aroused (teal)
Ignited (teal)

Heated (green)
Ardent (green)

Blazing (olive)
Blazing (red) ~ I really think Ablaze would be cooler but you have the final word.

And since we're speeking about colors, I think mood should work the same way. And that the "auto-spell" section of the slaver's status page is confusing (Auspex being red, just below every colored skills with the color scheme that states "red = awful"; it could be black).


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
Custom colors are gonna require some work, but starting on that now. Have a good idea in general for the colors. Is anyone interested in doing some 'coding' for the game, it's extremely simple (I will explain what to do), but very repetitive. Still, it would save me a lot of time and make the code more consistent :) (Basically you'd be doing a lot of copy pasting).

EDIT: Basis for custom color is done, and pushed to git. If anyone is interested in doing some copypasting work, mention me in this thread and I'll explain. If nobody is, I'll think about doing it myself, but would delay addition of other changes by a little.
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
Custom colors are gonna require some work, but starting on that now. Have a good idea in general for the colors. Is anyone interested in doing some 'coding' for the game, it's extremely simple (I will explain what to do), but very repetitive. Still, it would save me a lot of time and make the code more consistent :) (Basically you'd be doing a lot of copy pasting).
"Custom colors"? Are you referring to Olive? It's included in the game, along with the other ones I mentioned (you get olive for S++, for exemple when wearing the Aketon which gives a bonus to fighting skill, if you already have S+).

Or maybe are you proposing extra colors in general, for things that would benefits from being colored but shouldn't confuse the player into thinking it's good or bad? That could be a good idea for the fighting system, although we're not there yet.


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
"Custom colors"? Are you referring to Olive? It's included in the game, along with the other ones I mentioned (you get olive for S++, for exemple when wearing the Aketon which gives a bonus to fighting skill, if you already have S+).

Or maybe are you proposing extra colors in general, for things that would benefits from being colored but shouldn't confuse the player into thinking it's good or bad? That could be a good idea for the fighting system, although we're not there yet.
Ah, your colors on the thread are different from the actual hex-colors, hence I got confused. But in general, I don't think we should try to use 'skill' colors everywhere, it makes more sense to have 1 group of colors for skills, and 1 group of colors for stats and other things. Take for example slave breast size, or color of merit. Or mood and master excitement :p These right now use same color system as skills do, but with my latest addition to the code, they are able to take custom colors :) It's basically already implemented now, so I'll keep working on it.

Could you edit the list of colors with the hex codes you would like me to use ingame for them? My plan is to have 10 different 'level' of colors for things like this, but it's fine to use less of course.

Could you change the 'title' of the link to my thread from 'insights' to 'builds', to make it more clear to people that if they want to play the most updated version of the game, they can go to my thread? is the commit that does it, but colors are still the same for now.


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
Ah, your colors on the thread are different from the actual hex-colors, hence I got confused. But in general, I don't think we should try to use 'skill' colors everywhere, it makes more sense to have 1 group of colors for skills, and 1 group of colors for stats and other things. Take for example slave breast size, or color of merit. These right now use same color system as skills do, but with my latest addition to the code, they are able to take custom colors :) It's basically already implemented now, so I'll keep working on it.

Could you change the 'title' of the link to my thread from 'insights' to 'builds', to make it more clear to people that if they want to play the most updated version of the game, they can go to my thread?
Oh yeah, I'm basically colorblind because of my blue-light filter on the screen; that's why I put the color names, but sorry for the confusion.

When you start a custom game, on the bottom right, there's a system of explanation for each colors. Red being "awfull", then there's "poor", "bad", "normal", etc. So I think it's a good idea to re-use these if it fits these concepts. The main goal is to avoid confusing the player; so we should avoid using the red-to-green color scheme if it's not a gradual thing that goes from awful to awesome. But also avoid bloating the games with colors if we could have used the red-to-green color scheme in a fitting way.

And I can seldom do the copy-paste job if you need me for that. I just have poor (non-existent) coding skills, but I have some experience with qgen; so let's hope I can make you gain some time.


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
Oh yeah, I'm basically colorblind because of my blue-light filter on the screen; that's why I put the color names, but sorry for the confusion.

When you start a custom game, on the bottom right, there's a system of explanation for each colors. Red being "awfull", then there's "poor", "bad", "normal", etc. So I think it's a good idea to re-use these if it fits these concepts. The main goal is to avoid confusing the player; so we should avoid using the red-to-green color scheme if it's not a gradual thing that goes from awful to awesome. But also avoid bloating the games with colors if we could have used the red-to-green color scheme in a fitting way.

And I can seldom do the copy-paste job if you need me for that. I just have poor (non-existent) coding skills, but I have some experience with qgen; so let's hope I can make you gain some time.
Where exactly is that message? I propose changing it to make that message work based on the new colors for stats, and have the skills (F- through S+) use 'different'(the ones they are now) colors, since that makes more sense to me. Many stats take 10 values, not just 5, so it makes sense to use different colors there.

I've already coded the game to be able to use this system, all we need to do is come up with 8(not 10 because I propose leaving red(=0) and green(=10) the same as skill color for consistency) new colors for stats, so that I can implement that into the game.

For example, I am not a fan of 'pink', 'purple', and 'blue' for mood and master excitement, they don't really convey what the text says to me, would rather use some different color for that. (The ones you used in your post look better, for example than the ones I just used, which are the colors used in game for skills).

But in general my idea would be to make a gradient from red(=0) to green(=10) basically, or we can use the 'olive' used in the game for =10, and make green(=8). I hope it makes sense what I'm saying, basically color for 'skill levels' (F- through S++) convey a different feeling to me than 'bad to good' for mood and excitement, and other stats in the game. (slave breast size, for example).
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Jan 27, 2018
Speaking of autospell, is there some sort of bug with the effect of the Veritas spell when it's autocasted? I have no clue what would actually be the problem, but it feels like it either drives up fear or something. No idea why, but I've never managed to properly tame a slave with that autocast active.

As far as the fog-fights goes, I don't really have an issue with their difficulty, the fighting in this game is kinda odd, but it makes sense that you can't just stroll in that right at the start, maybe (unless you feel like adding several different parts of the fog with different difficulty). One thing though is that I really wish you could stick the slave you find into cold storage instead of having to either take her in or dispose of her on the spot.

BUG: My character seem to be stuck with a negative mood penalty for living in a decrepit shack, despite having lived in the bull district apartment (maybe not the nicest in the world, but definitely not a shack) from day one (currently 30 decades in)
EDIT: Apparently that was because I hadn't paid that 1time charge to upgrade the house to luxurious. I mean that kinda makes sense, but it was definitely never a shack, and from the way the realestate lady talked about it it sounded a lot like it was just cosmetic, would have been nice to see something written about it.

Question: is there any actual 'campaign/story' to this game besides recruiting Isabella?

Suggestion: How about adding some numbers to the Characteristics so you can keep track of if you maxed them out? For slaves I mean, as the slaver has that rank list thing.
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Jan 1, 2020
So, I'm beginning to dabble a bit into programming. Would this be a good project? What exactly is it coded in, looks like html, css, and javascript.

I would want to modify a few systems.

1: More random events happening at day end.
2: More story events like with Isabella.
3: I would like to do an economy overhaul of some kind, I want there to be something else other than training and selling.


Sep 30, 2018
Hi everyone, how's it going ?
Let me just say I'm glad the JoNT community is still going strong

It actually rekindled my passion for continuing the visual overhaul of the game
Though I admit I might be lost to which state the game is currently in so that I can continue to provide the necessary adjustments to fit the new version with what I had in mind a while ago


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
Where exactly is that message?
Start a custom game, it's at the character creation menu before launching the actual gameplay. On the bottom right, below the portrait.

all we need to do is come up with 8(not 10 because I propose leaving red(=0) and green(=10) the same as skill color for consistency) new colors for stats

For example, I am not a fan of 'pink', 'purple', and 'blue' for mood and master excitement.
First, we have to settle on what the color means; the main goal is to get rid of equivocity. Red should mean one thing and only one thing: that the word under this color is awful. Let's settle on that and go from here. There can't be anything colored that is awful and isn't in red (and there can't be something in red that isn't awful). That's the problem which we have to resolve with solutions.

Here's my personal solution: we make two (~three) color systems.
1) A revamp of the current one for anything that goes from red (=0) to green (=6). (simply going left on the hexa-chromatic circle, from green to red equally divided by 6; hoping it won't be an eye-sore in-game):
- Awful (#cd0000)
- Bad (#CC0088)
- Unsatisfactory (#8800CC)
- Average (#0000CC)
- Good (#0087CC)
- Excellent (#00CC87) (the color we'll see most of the time when a skill is maxed up)
- Supreme (#00CC00) (green makes sense to me; Olive really seems dull for something superior)

2) The same one for the mood, sexual excitation, etc. but with two times more values. I understand that you dislike purple, dark blue, and blue but I can't find anything else that makes sense (I tried to find a solution with another gradient that goes from ~salmon to olive but it was dull and didn't address the fact that there'd still be some blue):
- Severely Depressed (#cd0000)
- Depressed (#CC0051)
- Melancholic (#CC00A3)
- Pessimistic (#A300CC)
- Unhappy (#4300CC)
- Calm (#0000CC)
- Cheerful (#0051CC)
- Optimistic (#00A3CC)
- Pleased (#00CCA3)
- Happy (#00CC51)
- Ecstatic (#00CC00)

3) Black for any gradual value that we can't give an adjective to (like breast size; who would dare say that enormous saggy tits are supreme and a firm round B cup on a young slave is unsatisfactory?).

PS: We're limited to choose shades amongst these colors, as we can't use yellow or brown because of the game background not creating a sufficient contrast.


Jan 27, 2018
So, I'm beginning to dabble a bit into programming. Would this be a good project? What exactly is it coded in, looks like html, css, and javascript.

I would want to modify a few systems.

1: More random events happening at day end.
2: More story events like with Isabella.
3: I would like to do an economy overhaul of some kind, I want there to be something else other than training and selling.
It's coded in QSP, which is its own little disaster of a system. If you want to learn more about it I'd recommend contacting Kevin Smarts, he loves teaching people about QSP.


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
Start a custom game, it's at the character creation menu before launching the actual gameplay. On the bottom right, below the portrait.

First, we have to settle on what the color means; the main goal is to get rid of equivocity. Red should mean one thing and only one thing: that the word under this color is awful. Let's settle on that and go from here. There can't be anything colored that is awful and isn't in red (and there can't be something in red that isn't awful). That's the problem which we have to resolve with solutions.

Here's my personal solution: we make two (~three) color systems.
1) A revamp of the current one for anything that goes from red (=0) to green (=6). (simply going left on the hexa-chromatic circle, from green to red equally divided by 6; hoping it won't be an eye-sore in-game):
- Awful (#cd0000)
- Bad (#CC0088)
- Unsatisfactory (#8800CC)
- Average (#0000CC)
- Good (#0087CC)
- Excellent (#00CC87) (the color we'll see most of the time when a skill is maxed up)
- Supreme (#00CC00) (green makes sense to me; Olive really seems dull for something superior)

2) The same one for the mood, sexual excitation, etc. but with two times more values. I understand that you dislike purple, dark blue, and blue but I can't find anything else that makes sense (I tried to find a solution with another gradient that goes from ~salmon to olive but it was dull and didn't address the fact that there'd still be some blue):
- Severely Depressed (#cd0000)
- Depressed (#CC0051)
- Melancholic (#CC00A3)
- Pessimistic (#A300CC)
- Unhappy (#4300CC)
- Calm (#0000CC)
- Cheerful (#0051CC)
- Optimistic (#00A3CC)
- Pleased (#00CCA3)
- Happy (#00CC51)
- Ecstatic (#00CC00)

3) Black for any gradual value that we can't give an adjective to (like breast size; who would dare say that enormous saggy tits are supreme and a firm round B cup on a young slave is unsatisfactory?).

PS: We're limited to choose shades amongst these colors, as we can't use yellow or brown because of the game background not creating a sufficient contrast.
I like them, and that makes sense. Basically what I was trying to get at. For the copypasting, it's probably not necesarry. I'm working on some advanced regex to do it automatically for me, almost figured it out. Will implement these colors in game and see how they look ^^

Hi everyone, how's it going ?
Let me just say I'm glad the JoNT community is still going strong

It actually rekindled my passion for continuing the visual overhaul of the game
Though I admit I might be lost to which state the game is currently in so that I can continue to provide the necessary adjustments to fit the new version with what I had in mind a while ago
If you have any questions about the code or systems, feel free to mention me. I will be glad to give you an update ^^ What kind of additions/revamps are you interested in working on again? Interface, or more adding pictures and stuff like that? https://f95zone.to/threads/jack-o-n...e-development-builds-and-outfit-system.41551/ has links to the current development progress, it's hosted on gitgud if you want to read the code changes.
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Reactions: qwertyu12359


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
Speaking of autospell, is there some sort of bug with the effect of the Veritas spell when it's autocasted? I have no clue what would actually be the problem, but it feels like it either drives up fear or something. No idea why, but I've never managed to properly tame a slave with that autocast active.
Maybe it's a confirmation bias and you're doing something else that is responsible for giving your slave fear? Have you checked on and off whether it actually had an impact by clicking the debug menu (which you can get access to with the Raven Crown; there's info on how to get it in the wiki).
One thing though is that I really wish you could stick the slave you find into cold storage instead of having to either take her in or dispose of her on the spot.
So "- add an option to send fog slave to cryo storage when winning a fight". You'd like me to add that in the roadmap if I understand well?
EDIT: Apparently that was because I hadn't paid that 1time charge to upgrade the house to luxurious. I mean that kinda makes sense, but it was definitely never a shack, and from the way the realestate lady talked about it it sounded a lot like it was just cosmetic, would have been nice to see something written about it.
That's a shack for the slaver's standard, which grow with time passing by.
Would it suffice to make the realestate lady say: "I have a feeling these decorations will really make you feel at home."?
Question: is there any actual 'campaign/story' to this game besides recruiting Isabella?
This is more of a sandbox where you create your own lore/story, in your mind, by your choices.
You'll get access to the Tower/Spires/White Castle/etc. Then the Vatican.
Then you'll get Patrician.
Then do Felicity's quest.

That's it.
Suggestion: How about adding some numbers to the Characteristics so you can keep track of if you maxed them out? For slaves I mean, as the slaver has that rank list thing.
Hm... Well S+ is the maximum, and anyway, you can't train anything above a certain threshold. I can't see anything wrong with that.
But in the debug, sure, we could write "devotion: 0/5" instead of "devotion: 0". That's to be examined.
So, I'm beginning to dabble a bit into programming. Would this be a good project? What exactly is it coded in, looks like html, css, and javascript.

I would want to modify a few systems.

1: More random events happening at day end.
2: More story events like with Isabella.
3: I would like to do an economy overhaul of some kind, I want there to be something else other than training and selling.
It's a good project, for me, because there's always something to do and the game basis is so exciting that it rarely gets boring.
As Gizmoman said, it's in QSP.

For point 1) and 2), you could work along with Nyanto (he proposed as a writer) and expose us (me and i107760) the ideas + the possible executions, so we'd officially add them to the roadmap.
About number 3), it's a priority for v2.2; as you can see in the roadmap. So we can all join our efforts together into creating an economical system (if anyone has an actual trained economist amongst his family/friends, it'd be an amazing insight to make an overhaul cohesive system for JONT).
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Jan 27, 2018
Maybe it's a confirmation bias and you're doing something else that is responsible for giving your slave fear? Have you checked on and off whether it actually had an impact by clicking the debug menu (which you can get access to with the Raven Crown; there's info on how to get it in the wiki).
Not impossible, honestly not sure at all where the fear is coming from, the slave being obedient and hadn't received any punishments at all.
I mean the source of fear increases are fairly limited, feels like gaining it by accident is extremely unlikely (which is why I figured it might have something to do with the spell, as there is a spell that adds fear, which I never use)

So "- add an option to send fog slave to cryo storage when winning a fight". You'd like me to add that in the roadmap if I understand well?
Yeah, I mean you can dump your active slave in the cryo before going out fog-hunting, and you could give it to the auction, then put your current slave in cryo and go pick it up from the slave market before it is sold. But you'd think just sending it directly into cryo if you find something you like wouldn't be out of the question.

That's a shack for the slaver's standard, which grow with time passing by.
Would it suffice to make the realestate lady say: "I have a feeling these decorations will really make you feel at home."?
That or change the 'I hate this shack' text into 'this quality of housing does not match my status' along with maybe a tip somewhere that you can increase the quality of your housing by purchasing decorations.

That said, having both 'quality of housing'(one time payment for furniture) and 'quality of living'(rolling cost every ten days for.... well, not sure to be honest I mean it's not food or clothes or cleaning or furniture since I buy those separately) might feel slightly like overdoing it.

This is more of a sandbox where you create your own lore/story, in your mind, by your choices.
You'll get access to the Tower/Spires/White Castle/etc. Then the Vatican.
Then you'll get Patrician.
Then do Felicity's quest.
Yeah I know it's a sandbox, I was just curious if there was any more specific quests, but just the route to patrician-hood and then some Felicity person? Roger.

Hm... Well S+ is the maximum, and anyway, you can't train anything above a certain threshold. I can't see anything wrong with that.
But in the debug, sure, we could write "devotion: 0/5" instead of "devotion: 0". That's to be examined.
No, I mean the Characteristics, like Endurance saying 'Enduring' or 'Healthy' and so on, I know they're color coded, but the fact that you kinda have to either know what colour means what or compare it to the skills (which are rated D to S) feels unintuitive.


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
Not impossible, honestly not sure at all where the fear is coming from, the slave being obedient and hadn't received any punishments at all.
I mean the source of fear increases are fairly limited, feels like gaining it by accident is extremely unlikely (which is why I figured it might have something to do with the spell, as there is a spell that adds fear, which I never use)
I tested it, and after two decades of auto-casting everything continuously, the fear and the fear rates were still 0. So there's probably something you're doing in you playthrough which causes fear. Or not; I mean, have you verified that the fear went up, or was it just a feeling?

Yeah, I mean you can dump your active slave in the cryo before going out fog-hunting, and you could give it to the auction, then put your current slave in cryo and go pick it up from the slave market before it is sold. But you'd think just sending it directly into cryo if you find something you like wouldn't be out of the question.
Will add that to roadmap for v2.3. :)

That or change the 'I hate this shack' text into 'this quality of housing does not match my status' along with maybe a tip somewhere that you can increase the quality of your housing by purchasing decorations.
In fact, that makes me think that the real estate agent, when she presents you the houses, makes the slaver thinks: "this living room looks small as fuck!". So changing "decoration" actually means "renovating the apartment" in the game's language. And since turning a small apartment into a big coasts quite some money in real life, I feel like we should examine if 50 sparks isn't too cheep. Will add it to the "examine the economy" section of the Roadmap.

That said, having both 'quality of housing'(one time payment for furniture) and 'quality of living'(rolling cost every ten days for.... well, not sure to be honest I mean it's not food or clothes or cleaning or furniture since I buy those separately) might feel slightly like overdoing it.
That actually works well on my playthrough. I noticed my wallet took a hit when I reached "comfortable" living standards, but I became good enough to still make a lot of benefits with each sold slaves and I'm sitting with 10000$ of economy while taking my time.
About what it does exactly lore-wise... well that's a mystery. I also had the idea to maybe delete the "quality of living" feature but heard reasonable arguments against eat about 30 pages ago.

No, I mean the Characteristics, like Endurance saying 'Enduring' or 'Healthy' and so on, I know they're color coded, but the fact that you kinda have to either know what colour means what or compare it to the skills (which are rated D to S) feels unintuitive.
"you kinda have to either know what colour means what or compare it to the skills" - Isn't that sufficient?

You learn quickly that "red = bad" and "green = good" in the game (except in combat... ugh' we'll really have to do something about that).You learn it either by starting a custom game (the code of color is explained on the bottom right of the character creation menu). Or, you figure out the rule by looking at how "cool" the skill characteristic sounds according to the color that the skill is written in. Granted, it's not very easy to understand what is a good (unashamed) or a bad (arrogant) pride level, but you can easily associate a "non-combattant" with the bad/minimum level of fighting skill, and a "Virtuoso" with the best level of skill. And if ever, you can just click on the skill in question and have the ordered list.
Can we add numbers to that list? Maybe. Is it needed? I personally don't think so, but that's i107760's call to make.
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Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
I just found this in the code, for slave/assistant rating:
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Which system should the slave/assistant rating use? 1) or 2), both could be done. (For 1, we simply have D- and D+ have the same color, if we want to stay consistent with skill coloring that uses system 1 for levels (F- through S+). With for example slave that is S+ have Supreme (#00CC00) coloring. Or just use 2) for slave/assitant rating. Right now the code is basically using custom colors for this part.

And same would be done for the other things in the code block. Oh and also, the regex sorcery is complete and the code now is basically consistent. Just need to fix a last few things by hand, by deciding which system we want it to follow, and implement these colors.

Other things to decide upon which system to use:
- Charm 1)
- Tentacle State* 2)
- Tentacle Name 1)
- Faction Reputation 1)
- Brand Reputation 1)
- Energy Stars* ?
- Guilty / Excelled* ?
- Starvation 1)
- House Mess 1)
- Meal Status 1)
- Hair Style ?
- Slave Makeup ?
- Slave Boobs 3)
- Slave Lactation ?
- Slave Virginity ?
- Slave Anal Description ?
- Slave Tattoo ?
- Slave Brand Type ?
- Neoplasty* ?
- Slave Scars 1)
- Slave Bruises 1)
- Slave Grace* ?
- Slave Hygiene 1)
- Slave Beauty Extras 1)

* = has only red or green right now.
1) = I suggest using skill system proposed by qwertyu12359
2) = I suggest using general system proposed by qwertyu12359
3) = I suggest the gradual system proposed by qwertyu12359
? I have no suggestion, want input

Relevant code, in order of above list, so you can see what is being done right now.
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
I just found this in the code, for slave/assistant rating:
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Which system should the slave/assistant rating use? 1) or 2), both could be done. (For 1, we simply have D- and D+ have the same color, if we want to stay consistent with skill coloring that uses system 1 for levels (F- through S+). With for example slave that is S+ have Supreme (#00CC00) coloring. Or just use 2) for slave/assitant rating. Right now the code is basically using custom colors for this part.
I suggest we use 2). Because there's no need for "consistency with skill coloring that uses system 1 for levels" since there's no consistency with the rating ("-" and "+") to begin with.

Other things to decide upon which system to use:
- Charm 1)
- Tentacle State* 2)
- Tentacle Name 1)
- Faction Reputation 1)
- Brand Reputation 1)
- Guilty / Excelled* ?
- Starvation 1)
- House Mess 1)
- Meal Status 1)
- Hair Style ?
- Slave Makeup ?
- Slave Boobs 3)
- Slave Lactation ?
- Slave Virginity ?
- Slave Anal Description ?
- Slave Tattoo ?
- Slave Brand Type ?
- Neoplasty* ?
- Slave Scars 1)
- Slave Bruises 1)
- Slave Grace* ?
- Slave Hygiene 1)
- Slave Beauty Extras 1)
Here's mine:
- Guilty / Excelled* 2) (just not using the blue for neutral, but black instead)
- Hair Style 1) (is it normal that there are duplicate lines in the code for that?)
- Slave Makeup* (from red to green)
- Lactation 3) + 1) ("no lactation" can be in black, level 1 can be in purple (#8800CC) until level 5 (#00CC00)) | Unprecedented but moderns problem require modern solutions.
- Virginity 3) (not an obvious choice, but it kind makes sense).
- Slave Anal Description 3) (none give malus, right? If so, it's just an objective description of reality, coloring it will only deprive the player from deliberating himself whether he likes his slave's anuses tight or loose :coffee: .)
- Slave Tattoo 3) + 1) (same as lactation. We don't want to force exotisme onto the slave, but if he wants to do it, he better go all out, because these are the Eternal Rome exoticism standards of beauty).
- Slave Brand Type 3) (I wish we could color "magical brand" because the games says it's better than the rest, but on the other hand, a brand can handicap you if you want to sold the slave during the auctions...)
- Neoplasty* (that's for the recovery time, right? Let's keep it as is, at least for now).
- Natural Grace (how does that work, as of now? I have no idea)

Correction: Scars and bruises ->>> That should be 2), with only shades of bad.
------> There's one detail I'm thinking about. In Sandbox and Custom Games, the colors for the "houses" are there, but the option to change them, there are all blue. We should apply the 1) color scheme to that too in my opinion (there's clearly a hierarchy, as the real estate agent states). Slums should be in red, for exemple, and White Town in green.
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