
Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
You're focusing on the wrong things. Buying house, nature, temperament, these things don't matter in the early stages of the game. Your standard strategy to make money early on is: Go to guild, accept an Enduring/Tough slave that has job: Servant or Assistant. Set rules: No masturbation, no orgasm, enforce rules. And those rules only. Gladiatrix, Pet Pony, whatever, they're all too hard at the start of the game. So don't accept such contracts. For rebellions, you need a whip. You don't need any special skills to protect yourself, even Jack, the weakest character, can defend himself at day 1 with just a whip.

Now, have Isabella train your slave in the appropriate skills for guild contract job. Not sure about the Doc, but generally you for yourself early in the game, buy Aketon from the shop and start training in the Colosseum until you are at Herculean strength. Keep training your slave with Isabella, moment slave is D+ with B+ appropriate skills for contract, hand in and repeat. As Jack, on hardcore, I can complete such a contract in 2 days. I don't expect a new player to be able to do this, but you can make more than enough money to survive and improve skills on your main character and Isabella.

I've attached the first 4 days of a guide I was planning on making, but abandoned. This guide is for the hardest character on the hardest difficulty, to complete the game very quickly. The guide is obviously not completed due to me getting too busy coding the game and with real life work, but you can take a look at it to see if it helps at all. It's not really intended for new players, but if you follow the steps exactly, it should work (from my testing). Only if you follow the exact steps I describe in the exact order, though. It might help you understand some mechanics on how to break a slave. Try reading the #MECHANIC# parts of the attached files, it mentions some useful things. I can assure you the slave-part of this game is not nonsense. It is hard, but it is skill-based.

Abusing your slave to break her will is possible, but requires the right steps. Just beating wildly on her will not achieve anything but to increase her despair. One last note on my guide, the saves are not necessary. Just start a new game, and do the exact steps described. Use the cheat menu to edit the slaves/enable easy fighting mode to skip any save-scumming that is necesarry, beyond getting a slave with the right job. Guide.txt is my most recent version, which is optimized, guide_old is one of my testing runs for the first 20 days, but might be useful nonetheless despite not being optimal in every place.
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New Member
Dec 15, 2017
Concubine isn't that hard to raise either man, there are some actions that train more than one stat at a time. For concubine you just spam gangbangs until you max it, that should also max some other stats like vaginal, anal, blowjob and deepthroat, if I don't remember wrong. Just be sure to get her to the medic later 'cause almost all the time the slave gets rotfilis with gangbangs (can't trust npcs these days).
For money, if I don't wanna train slaves I just train in the coloseum until B strenght at least. Learn some specials skills, specially Battle Cry. In fog fights can save you from losing the purple bar (fear was it? not sure). To easy win fog fights just buy an aketon, a greataxe and some armor. You spam the Crescent attack (green one) until you get the fury status and your foe gets the unsteadiness one. At that point just spam the Woodcutter atack (red one), that should at least double or triple your damage. If you get unsteady on your foe you can use battle cry to get fury earlier and shorten the fight. Then just collect the slave and sell it or train them for profits. May need some fights to get the hang of it, but once you catch the flow the fogs become a walk in the park xD


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
Thanks I will try and let you know !
If you still can't figure it out, send me a save where either:
1) You are stuck on getting a current slave obedient.
2) You have just accepted a new slave and want to know which steps to take to get her obedient.

I'll outline which actions to do to get her obedient, the second document I attached, guide_old.txt, has 18 days of (near) optimal play for Jack, so take a look at that too if you feel like it. Don't need to actually play it, but just look at the sections from where I accept a contract to where I hand it in, which actions I take to train her.

Getting back into the game, I kind of feel like continuing my work on the guide. I might start a new play-through and try to make a complete guide with attached save files.


Feb 20, 2020
I've just subscribed to this forum !
I'm interested in the game, and I happen to be a developer. I've already delved into the source code, but I haven't modified a single line yet.
The source code isn't very pretty. I'm glad so many people have put so many efforts in this game, and I think I understand why the code is in this current state (QSP, various coders having worked through the years, ...)
I would like to help clean things up if you're ok. I've started improving the wiki by adding informations found in the source code (see : Slaves -> Pride for an example).

Could you please tell me :
- What kind of informations or updates would be most valuable in the wiki ?
- If you would like me to clean up the code, and if so, how ? (indenting, factoring, commenting, renaming, splitting files, ...)
This way I will try to do the best combination of satisfying the community and doing what pleases me :)

Thanks in advance !


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
- If you would like me to clean up the code, and if so, how ? (indenting, factoring, commenting, renaming, splitting files, ...)
This way I will try to do the best combination of satisfying the community and doing what pleases me :)
It's something I've been doing in small parts too while working on other things, I'll change a section of 'old' code into 'new' code standards for you and comment on it. I assume you've found my gitgud page for the game? If not, here: .

There's not really much of a standard, so you can basically do whatever you want. I've been doing:
Indentation = 4 spaces
Conditional = first two layers, capitalized. After, non capitals. Example:
IF x = y:
    IF x = y:
        if x = y:
If you take a look at changes I've been doing, you might see that I've been turning hardcoded things into variables. Relevant commits to your question are these:

Another big inconsistency is for example dialogue variables, in database/#txt and database/#txt_2. So many have indentation in dialogue variables, others don't, generally depends on if dialogue calls: "text text text $variable1" or "text text text$variable2", which gives: $variable1 = "result" and variable2 = " result".

But if you come up with better ideas, feel free to change everything to what you want, and I'll adhere to said schema for new code.
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Feb 20, 2020
Thank you for your answer and the details !
Yes, I had already cloned your gitgud repo. I might try to do small commits at first.
How would like me to work ? Create another gitgud project, do my own commits, then send you merge requests ? Or would you give me the right to create my own branch in your project ? or would you rather have me commit in your master branch ?
What about communication ? Shall we use this thread, or some gitgud feature, or something else ? I can adapt


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
I'll create a in my gitgud, just send me your details so I can add you as a member or request access. For communication we can use this thread or you can PM me if you prefer that on these forums. I generally don't login too often to the gitgud site, so probably best to not communicate over there. As sections are done I can just merge them into master.

Basically, feel free to go crazy, I'll adapt to the scheme you choose for new code when I get to coding again. So if you plan to clean up a significant part of the code, choose whatever standard you deem best. I'll also convert code to said standard when I work on things. Still quite busy with my real life job, so this has taken a back burner, but I'm regaining motivation. Will try to do some coding soon.
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Feb 20, 2020
Great ! I've subscribed to gitgud and I've requested access.
For communication, I will PM you here, then (as soon as I find out how to do it... I feel stupid :) ) ; at least for technical subjects. When it comes to game design or anything that can be of interest to the community, maybe I'd rather talk about it on this thread.
Good luck with your job and thanks for the answers ! I hope to show you some useful commit soon.
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New Member
Dec 2, 2019
I want some quick test so I changed the code. I add these lines to the part "!Spank with slipper" in the interaction folder.

 $special_part = {

slave_rate["beauty"] = 161
slave_rate['stamina'] += 80
slave_rate["sensitivity"] += 80
slave_rate["temper"] += 80
slave_rate["intellect"] += 80
slave_rate["ego"] += 80
slave_rate["pride"] -= 80
slave["fat"] = 1

slave["service"] = 5
slave["cook"] = 5
slave["nurse"] = 5
slave["secretary"] = 5
slave["gladiatrix"] = 5
slave["enchanter"] = 5
slave["expression"] = 5
slave["callisthenics"] = 5
slave["music"] = 5
slave["art"] = 5
slave["pet"] = 5
slave["dressage"] = 5

slave["sub_hj"] = 5
slave["sub_fj"] = 5
slave["sub_hug"] = 5
slave["sub_paizuri"] = 5
slave["sub_vaginal"] = 5
slave["sub_anal"] = 5
slave["sub_fisting"] = 5
slave["anal_stretch"] = 5
slave["sub_kiss"] = 5
slave["sub_thongue"] = 5
slave["sub_bj"] = 5
slave["sub_dt"] = 5
slave["sub_asslik"] = 5
slave["sub_threesome"] = 5
slave["sub_dp"] = 5
slave["sub_dp"] = 5
slave["sub_gangbang"] = 5
slave["sub_bukkake"] = 5
I don't know much about code, these are all copy from somewhere else in this game. When I click Spank with slipper,it do work.
And you can see I didn't make all the sex skills cause some tasks are not allowed all the skills. And when I try to train the Demonstration and Xenophily, they never get level up, always F. Even I changed to the original qsp, all the sex skills never got level up. That only happened on sex skills, common skills are not influenced.

I want to go though the game quickly and got the picture and make a game strategy so I do this. And now it crushed my savedata.


New Member
Dec 2, 2019
First I add those to the "!Tell me about your past" part. Then I fond a new slave don't always want to talk to you. So I just chose another part that seem maybe not so necessary.


Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
If you want to cheat, just use my mod that enables cheat menu in all modes. Or play a sandbox game. I don't really feel like recoding something that already exists (cheat menu). Where you're going wrong though is the fact that many skills are not hardcoded to specific values, but done with skill_rate. If you want to see how to increase skills, take a look at code for the cheat menu, it shows you how it works.
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
If you want to cheat, just use my mod that enables cheat menu in all modes. Or play a custom game.
It's the sandbox game that we've made it let the player able to activate the cheats, without additional mods. :)

The way I've always seen it:
Custom is a "create your own lore" kind of game.
Sandbox is "you have everything you want, have fun" kind of game.
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Kevin Smarts

Well-Known Member
Respected User
Game Developer
Jul 21, 2017
I would suggest that indents are done as tabs and not number of spaces. It improves consistancy when moving to different programs for editing and it saves a tiny bit on size. Its also a little quicker to navigate when moving the cursor around in the text.

Just my experience. ;)

Oh, looked at your gitgub and noticed something, I would put all the game files up as .txt format and then merge to play so you can edit and update the game files seperately then make a build to play/test locally.
As an exampl here's the old GL repo on github:
We changed the postfix to a custom one so we can directly access files using Grep programs but they are UFT-8 text files.
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Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
I would suggest that indents are done as tabs and not number of spaces. It improves consistancy when moving to different programs for editing and it saves a tiny bit on size. Its also a little quicker to navigate when moving the cursor around in the text.

Just my experience. ;)

Oh, looked at your gitgub and noticed something, I would put all the game files up as .txt format and then merge to play so you can edit and update the game files seperately then make a build to play/test locally.
As an exampl here's the old GL repo on github:
We changed the postfix to a custom one so we can directly access files using Grep programs but they are UFT-8 text files.
Considered splitting/merging indeed, but it was just me working on it so didn't really see the point. Which software to split/merge automatically do you use? Would be very nice, would also make it much clearer where in the game file things have been changed.

As for tabs vs spaces, personally don't care too much. Just if we do cleanup, it should be consistent for in the future.
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Kevin Smarts

Well-Known Member
Respected User
Game Developer
Jul 21, 2017
The txt2gme makes the big .txt file and then we use a txtsplit.py to split/merge (Its a python file). For merging we have a batch file set up that runs with a dbl click in windows and uses txtmerge.py and txt2game. The files are on our repo and you're more than welcome to grab them and just open up to change the file/folder names to suit. I got it to spilt open Evil2 so I know it works and if you have issue I can do the split for you.

I linked our old repo as Github is easier to access but its used as a backup so its recent enough that everything works.
The files are:

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Sep 11, 2018
Ok, I definitely hate how the obedience system works in this game.

I resolved the money problem with exploring the fog, but I still can't make certain girls to obey, that's incredibly frustrating and annoying. Can't raise arousal neither, that makes me really want to kill them all, that's the first time in a slave game I ever wanted to really kill my slave ! I'm even shocked of myself !

I tried hard, really hard. Final opinion : This game need a huge rework on girls.

Some are not even afraid on anything ! They're just here smiling while you try every single punishment to find out what they're afraid of ! Only to find out that they don't give a shit lol. I'm incredibly tired of how you have to manage girls on the game.

That's the first time I feel like I have absolutely no choice and that it's the slave that force my gameplay ! It's her who decide what I must do, I don't feel any kind of liberty on how I could act with my slave. You are the slave and your slave is the one commanding yourself how to make her obey. That's nonsense.

And that's enough from me, that is my conclusion and unfortunaly until we have a real update on girls, their behavior, I'd also like the game to explain himself a little bit, because half of the item are not described, things you can't know their effects (if there is one) a lot of stuff I found tiring all along my games and it's been days of trying playing in a lot of different ways, in the end I feel like all those games were the same.

And I also can't understand what's the purpose of punishments, because in the end, it's absolutely useless. I never noticed a clear improvement for any of my decision, except ones Iknew the girl was afraid of.

So until things change I'm done ^^

It kept me busy for long days and I don't regret it at all, I'm just a bit disappointed, but I'll keep checking the patch notes.

Thank you for your advices guys ! ;)
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Feb 20, 2020
Thank you Kevin Smarts for the splitting/merging tips and tools !

Thanks Gussifriz for your post, it's interesting. Reading the aura of your slave can be very helpful if you want to understand why she is obedient or not. If she's not obedient, you should try to raise her fear. It's also helpful to "explain her position" once for each of the first three days. Have you done that ? Do you still have obedience problems ? Which character do you play ?


Jul 9, 2019
I am trying to create my own custom image pack using the tool, but I'm not sure how having multiple photos assigned to a same scene and gir. Is it supposed to be random every time? For me, it seems to work choosing a photo every load and sticking to it.
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