
Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
Also in which location will you put the actual code that chooses the picture?
You have more coding knowledge than I do! Therefore, do what you think has the minimum amont of drawbacks ;) I'd personally like to touch the code as less a possible unless necessary, but I encourage competent modders to do so!

Did the game used to have specific pictures for dp, self_torture etc? cause I'm seeing things like $dp[save_type] and $self_torture[slave_type] but they have no value.
As I wrote earlier, no specific pictures for them. They fetch from "exhibit" and "gangbang" pictures... It's quite a mess to be honest, because not only there's sex lessons to take into account, but also active sex.

Do I comment them out or just leave them and hope nothing bad happens...
Make it so that in-game, it still handles these acts as it does right now. If that needs change in the future, we'll make it a collective effort as I'll make sure to bring new visuals for it.

The value of "$games" is "scene\" meaning it's pointing to "content/pic/scene". but to no picture? this seams weird. what pictures are supposed to show up for fun rewards??
Weird indeed. What action do you exactly mean by "fun rewards"? "sex rewards" like Sensual massage?

Also these two lines:
$special_bg = 'girls\sex\dog_brown.png'
if rand(0,1) = 1: $special_bg = 'girls\sex\dog_white_2'
Those pictures don't exist.
Nice catch! The solution would be to tie them to "dog_general_(loli/young/milf)" pictures. Or even better, to find a way for "dog_(haircolor)_(hairlength)_(age)".

Tell me for which ones I can just give you the whole file.
I used to keep the most updated version and coordinate efforts to it before the release. But now i107760 fulfills this role, as he is per say the main developer of current and upcoming version.
Lately, modders have been using Gitgud to change the game files. Therefore I invite you to participate also :)

Edit: "Or even better, to find a way for "dog_(haircolor)_(hairlength)_(age)"."
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- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Weird indeed. What action do you exactly mean by "fun rewards"? "sex rewards" like Sensual massage?
Fun time for an hour
Fun time until evening
(these ones).

Nice catch! The solution would be to tie them to "dog_general_(loli/young/milf)" pictures. Or even better, find a way for "dog_(haircolor)_(hairlength)_
On it

I used to keep the most updated version and coordinate efforts to it before the release. But now @i107760 fulfills this role, as he is per say the main developer of current and upcoming version.
Lately, modders have been using Gitgud to change the game files. Therefore I invite you to participate also :)
I looked at it, and every branch there has all the locations as separate .qsrc files which I have no idea how to get :LOL:.
Anyway, I'll wait for i107760 to come online and discuss with him then

This is what I'm talking about when I say that the game used to look for dp, tp, self_torture etc specific pics:
if $dp[slave_type] ! '': $special_bg = $dp[slave_type]
if $tp[slave_type] ! '': $special_bg = $tp[slave_type]

Anyway, they're all commented now. Maybe someone else who worked on the game intended to have specific pictures for them and gave up. Beats me :)

As a little fun sidenote:
I think we can avoid changing the folder names IF we get rid of all the .json files in the "slaves" folder. Which is a change that idk if we need to make and changing the three folder names also prob results in way less loose ends to tie up then replacing the whole slave gen system and also making a new one for custom slaves like issabella.
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- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Lore question: What was the name of those guys that have a monopoly on food production and selling. I remember seeing a post about them (or somewhere on the wiki but I can't find it anymore..) and it mentioned them as being the reason why you can't sell your meat, milk, cream and eggs for higher prices as well as not being able to have more then one animal type.

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Is there a way to stop the church from taking your pregnant slaves away other than just having her abort the pregnancy?


Jul 18, 2018
Hi guys, as I understand it, this game has a few quests but nothing close to an overarching plot, and to be honest, that always kept me from going further with it than I did as a player.

I would like to give it a plot. Is this something the current dev team is interested in working on together, or should I start my own mod?


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
I think we can avoid changing the folder names IF we get rid of all the .json files in the "slaves" folder. Which is a change that idk if we need to make and changing the three folder names also prob results in way less loose ends to tie up then replacing the whole slave gen system and also making a new one for custom slaves like issabella.
First of all, sorry for the delay of my answers.

I think changing the folder name will lead to less loose ends... but! We always were encouraged to drop the json system altogether... but would it be necessary now that saving and loading doesn't take 50 seconds? :coffee: Here was the discussion about it: https://f95zone.to/threads/jack-o-n...tsman-community-developpment.390/post-2461921

Lore question: What was the name of those guys that have a monopoly on food production and selling.
Either the slave guild or the Vatican, if my memory doesn't betray me.

Hi guys, as I understand it, this game has a few quests but nothing close to an overarching plot, and to be honest, that always kept me from going further with it than I did as a player.

I would like to give it a plot. Is this something the current dev team is interested in working on together, or should I start my own mod?
Giving it a plot would be amazing. We'd have to think carefully about its implementation so it doesn't become a VN and it keeps its sandbox aspect. A darksoul-esque execution of this plot would, in my opinion, be the ideal for this game. That is to say, deep lore, with plot details unraveling during gameplay (but can be totally missed if the player doesn't care). This is already the way Felicity's quest is implemented; it's a quest only a few % of players are able to do, but it's rewarding and was created with care (exactly like the Painted World Of Ariamis and Archdragon Peak in Dark Souls). The rest of the plot can be like the rest of the game. For exemple how at the beginning you're said: "a legend says that if you ring the bell of awekening, something happens" and it hides thick layers (namely, that it's a conspiracy of the gods made in order for humans to corrupt their true nature and sacrifice themselves to the fire in order to start a new age).

About the plot in itself, it'd have to be respectful of the game's legacy, and to make sure of that, it'll have to be a common efforts between all of us on the thread that are familiar with the lore (in order to avoid creating contradictions). Anyway, please tell us more about your idea. (y)
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- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
First of all, sorry for the delay of my answers.

I think changing the folder name will lead to less loose ends... but! We always were encouraged to drop the json system altogether... but would it be necessary now that saving and loading doesn't take 50 seconds?
Necessary? No, not really, loading is pretty fast, although I have never played the old Jack 50 seconds sound like an eternity.
That being said though, 5 minutes after I posted that I started doing a draft cause I like fighting with code, especially when the code hits back herd :LOL:

My idea was to have three arrays, one for each age and then compress all the necessary info for the random slaves into one string and throw it into the appropriate array (like this: 1001_black_long_young_E-_m1), do a random for age and then another one for id, then take the string apart to get all the info.

It gets rid of the ~2600 elements arrays that that I think get created right from the get go.
It allows for storing all the slave's info into the slave itself after it's been created to you can just do "killvar '$age_array', slave_id" to take it out and $age_array[arrsize($age_array)] = $slave["fullinfo"] to put it back in.

I figured their existence had something to do with efficiency and while I can get things done, I'm not that good at evaluating or min-maxing efficiency, so I stopped. Here is the thing I put together. If someone can tell me that this is faster, I'll gladly kill all the .jsons

if meta_type = 1:
    stock["age"] = 1
    $stock["age"] = 'loli'
    $stock["full_info"] = $slave_info_loli[stock_type]
    $used_slaves_info[len($used_slaves_info)] = $slave_info_loli[stock_type]
    killvar '$slave_info_loli', stock_type
    loli_max -= 1

elseif meta_type = 2:
    stock["age"] = 0
    $stock["age"] = 'young'
    $stock["full_info"] = $slave_info_young[stock_type]
    $used_slaves_info[len($used_slaves_info)] = $slave_info_young[stock_type]
    killvar '$slave_info_young', stock_type
    young_max -= 1

elseif meta_type = 3:
    stock["age"] = 2
    $stock["age"] = 'milf'
    $stock["full_info"] = $slave_info_milf[stock_type]
    $used_slaves_info[len($used_slaves_info)] = $slave_info_milf[stock_type]
    killvar '$slave_info_milf', stock_type
    milf_max -= 1


$stock_basic_info = $mid($stock["full_info"], 1, len($stock["full_info"]) - 6)
$stock["fullimage"] = "content/pic/girls/full/" + $stock_basic_info
$stock["ava"] = "content/pic/girls/face/" + $stock_basic_info
$stock["ava_gray"] = $stock["ava"]
$stock["ava_clear"] = $stock["ava"]
$stock["boobs_img"] = "boobs_" + $replace($mid($stock["full_info"], len($stock["full_info"]) - 5, 2), '-')
$stock["pussy_img"] = "pussy_" + ($mid($stock["full_info"], len($stock["full_info"]) - 2))
stock["boobs"] = boobs_imgToNr[$mid($stock["boobs_img"], 1, 1)]
  • "meta_type" is how the game already chooses age (1-loli, 2-young, 3-milf)
  • "stock_type" would be changed from getting a random between *age*_min and *age*_max to a random between 1 and *age*_max
  • The general form for $slave_info_*age* would be: "*full image name*_*boobs letter id*_*pussy letter id*"
    • Ex: 1007_black_short_young_EE_g1
    • EX: 1001_black_long_young_E-_m1
      • The "-" in the boobs letter is to keep the last bit of the string at a constant length, so you know that in all cases, the string itself, without the last 6 characters is the full image name.
  • This doesn't handle running out of slaves, but that would probably be done by sending it to get a different aged slave. I already have the $used_slaves_info array for a massive re_population of the age arrays in case there are no more slaves.

Either the slave guild or the Vatican, if my memory doesn't betray me.
I don't think it's the slave guild. I'll make up an organisation name and say they're directly under the Vatican. Thanks
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Sistersitting / Housesitting Developer
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2016
I have been gone a while, my dad got the flu (hopefully not corona...) so I've moved back in with him temporarily since he can't leave the house. That also means I have only access to my laptop, and am very busy in general. Right now working on trying to get the barn mod in to the game, after that we can implement these picture changes.

You should 'clone' my gitgud repo to your machine, then you will have all the location modifications. Request access with your gitgud account to the repo, and make your own branch. Then you can modify the location files, and push the changes to your branch.


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
I have been gone a while, my dad got the flu (hopefully not corona...) so I've moved back in with him temporarily since he can't leave the house. That also means I have only access to my laptop, and am very busy in general. Right now working on trying to get the barn mod in to the game, after that we can implement these picture changes.

You should 'clone' my gitgud repo to your machine, then you will have all the location modifications. Request access with your gitgud account to the repo, and make your own branch. Then you can modify the location files, and push the changes to your branch.
Got it. I'll start moving the changes to the dev version of the game.

Edit: By "clone to your machine" you mean download the master and do changes there? Sorry, I've never used gitgud or github before.
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
I don't think it's the slave guild. I'll make up an organisation name and say they're directly under the Vatican. Thanks
Please don't ^^ Being too quick to add lore details might lead to contradictions with some informations already in place but that we didn't pay attention too. We shouldn't be so liberal with adding things, especially in the main game, as it is likely to backfire.

I mean, unless it was language barrier and you just said that for: "I'll make up an organisation name in my mind". In that case, no problem ^^


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Please don't ^^ Being too quick to add lore details might lead to contradictions with some informations already in place but that we didn't pay attention too. We shouldn't be so liberal with adding things, especially in the main game, as it is likely to backfire.

I mean, unless it was language barrier and you just said that for: "I'll make up an organisation name in my mind". In that case, no problem ^^
I didn't really mean for the main game... I'm working on something that idk if it would be included in the main game anyway. Not because I don't want to, but because it deviates from the main gameplay style. It focuses on self sustaining and distancing from the guild by giving opportunities to use the slaves you trained for your own personal gain without selling them.

If that's something that would make it into the game or if you could give me some directions to make it fit better into the lore of the game, then, the organisation would be something like a traders guild that controls the flow of food and with enough influence to set prices in the city. Something corrupt, that's inflating prices for their own traders and making sure no one else sells better them, by any means necessary. Basically a monopoly, like you are selling your slaves for such high prices because you are with the guild, their traders are getting better quality food and they're selling it for higher prices and to more people because of the trader's guild influence.

Which, by the way, is there somewhere where I can read about the lore?
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
I didn't really mean for the main game... I'm working on something that idk if it would be included in the main game anyway. Not because I don't want to, but because it deviates from the main gameplay style. It focuses on self sustaining and distancing from the guild by giving opportunities to use the slaves you trained for your own personal gain without selling them.
It's actually our plan too. We want to remake the economy of the game, as you can see in the roadmap. However, everything is intertwined ^^ But still, we want our slaves to be able to work for us at the bar, fuck strangers at the brothel, play music publicly, sell her paintings... kind of like in the game SlaveMaker.

the organisation would be something like a traders guild that controls the flow of food and with enough influence to set prices in the city. Something corrupt, that's inflating prices for their own traders and making sure no one else sells better them, by any means necessary. Basically a monopoly, like you are selling your slaves for such high prices because you are with the guild, their traders are getting better quality food and they're selling it for higher prices and to more people because of the trader's guild influence.
Not sure, but the different neighborhoods, being in conflicts and alliance with each other, may have the autonomous power to decide their prices and everything. One has dragons, the other has technology, etc. Add a secret organization that controls the prices, and you have a potential lore-conflict (how would they be able to be stronger than the techno-janissaries in the serpentine quarter?).

Which, by the way, is there somewhere where I can read about the lore?
Evangelion-01 is kind of a JONT lore specialist, a living encyclopedia. I hope he comes by and sorts everything out ^^
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Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Do you guys ever see yourselves implementing some sort of system that allows you to keep the children you father with your slaves or at the very least, away of telling the church to go spit when they show up and just half inch your slaves. Because man I'm not going to lie, there attitude is sooo annoying. You guys have created this great game which has some of the best control I've seen in these types of games to date but someone just being able to arrest that control away from you no matter how strong you get feels bad, backwards even. I was just wondering if I can get your guys thoughts on the matter, I assume there is some sort of technical reason for this system I was just curious as to what it was. :) I just want to say I think it's great how active you guys are within the community too, good job guys :D


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Do you guys ever see yourselves implementing some sort of system that allows you to keep the children you father with your slaves or at the very least, away of telling the church to go spit when they show up and just half inch your slaves. Because man I'm not going to lie, there attitude is sooo annoying. You guys have created this great game which has some of the best control I've seen in these types of games to date but someone just being able to arrest that control away from you no matter how strong you get feels bad, backwards even. I was just wondering if I can get your guys thoughts on the matter, I assume there is some sort of technical reason for this system I was just curious as to what it was. :)
I was having this real fucked up idea the other day. When your slave is pregnant, you could go to the medical center and have the baby put in something like an incubation thingy and after like 50 days it would either come to you as a slave, or be put in a cryo chamber if you already have a slave.

How does that sound? :p

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
I was having this real fucked up idea the other day. When your slave is pregnant, you could go to the medical center and have the baby put in something like an incubation thingy and after like 50 days it would either come to you as a slave, or be put in a cryo chamber if you already have a slave.

How does that sound? :p
It's basicly the system Strive uses. It works just fine there that's why my suspicions is that this is something technical otherwise you are just leaving content on the table.

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
If qwertyu12359 and i107760 are ok with the idea, I'll take care of it.
I'm not trying to step on toes, like I said I enjoy this game (I enjoyed dragon defiler too and the fan remake) and it boasts some of the best control I've seen in a game but as I've said the system I'm talking about already exists and works successfully in a game similar to this one (strive) so it just confuses me that it has to be this way so if it isn't going to interfere with the content providers plans or lore I would say go ahead and pull the trigger on that, I'd download it. :D
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- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Not sure, but the different neighborhoods, being in conflicts and alliance with each other, may have the autonomous power to decide their prices and everything.
Conflict is a political issue, not an economical one. It may have economic intents, but it's still a political issue.

The traders guild could be led by influencial and important people from the strongest districts which slowly, over the years, have built up connections that allow them to access each district's strengths and to have some sort of say in how their products flow throughout the district. Corruption is present everywhere, officials and leaders can be bribed or persuaded to turn a blind eye.

Also, isn't Eternal Rome dependent on imports cause of the fog and all that? If the traders are the most efficient and reliable way of going to and from the other worlds then they control the imports and thus have a say in the min price of any imported good. As for other organisations transporting goods too? Their shippings could... "mysteriously" get lost in the fog. And to tie any loose ends, there would be an agreement between the slave guild and the trader guild to not step on each other's toes so the slave guild doesn't import food and the traders don't import slaves.

Other things like cheap to almost free quality food for the 1% most influencial people could be a thing too.

See where I'm going?
On the surface: For the people, providing the best quality goods to the city
Behind the curtains: Corrupt officials and money hungry people and would do anything for the old shiny spark.
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