Serpis prince:
"Did you know that these assholes from the Vatican take away all the pregnant girls for themselves? But I am not willing to let them keep doing this.
But all children somehow are born dead, no matter how hard I try. But I will not give up. What are our achievements, if you have no heir, right? And the process is enjoyable.
I experiment. I do not know what exactly is needed for a successful pregnancy."
Adding another NPC who has the same goal can possibly ruin what is supposed to make the prince unique. But I appreciate how quick witted you were about finding a balanced mechanic after the lore contradicted your plans.
The thing is, all previous changes about the game were "safe" (adding images, replacing musics, correcting bugs and spelling mistakes). But now, our stake for each new change will be quite a burden, since everything is going to possibly "betray the legacy".
Therefore, for safety's sake, we have too possibilities: - such modifications would be made as non-official mods, then wait for lots of feedback before adding it to the main game. And/Or,
- We plan to look at the game code extensively to gather all informations about the lore and make that a wiki page, then check carefully if any change contradicts the informations there before doing anything.