Although more sounds nice (and it does sound nice) I'm a little concerned about how difficult it might become to manage more than one slave and an assistant. Consider this, that you only get ten energy if you are max energy (and if you use it all you only get 5 after that with a good nights sleep and you are in the red) in a day to spend and that is without enhancement (salons and messages etc) and before you even start to manage your slaves, training and what have you, you need to manage your home and yourself- my point is I don't know if there's enough time in the day ^^'. I sympathies that the spirit might be willing but the body might have trouble keeping upof course there are tutors and schools and what have you that would help out but those cost will begin to get intimidating after a while once they've started mounting up.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. As I said, I'm new to the game, so I guess I missed the point entirely. I just thought that maybe retaining some 'finished' slaves with actual skills could help generating more income, but I guess this would really be too much.The current features that are planed to be added/reworked in the game are public under the "roadmap" spoiler in the first post of the thread.
As Evil Earthworm Jim said, you don't really have the physical capabilities to train two slaves, especially normal skills which get harder and harder the more she knows. You would get to a point where you would neglect one slave to finish the other one's training.
I have an auto trainer in the works. It's not really the same since it trains your prisoner but you'll be able to have a slave/assistant trained to train slaves herself. So you could have two slaves in the training at the same time this way.
Thanks again for the help guys!