Yes of course! Just show the "extension of file names" in windows (do you know how to do that?), then rename the files you want to add like the file you want to replace. So if just rename your new "bj_brown_long_young.gif" to "bj_brown_long_young.png" and the game will read them (and it will read the animation too)Just a quick question.. is there a way to put custom gif files into content/pic subfolders and have the game load them? I know how to do pngs, but not gif files.
Oh excellent, confirmed it working. Pretty neat how it recognizes and loads png-named gif files. Thank you very much!Yes of course! Just show the "extension of file names" in windows (do you know how to do that?), then rename the files you want to add like the file you want to replace. So if just rename your new "bj_brown_long_young.gif" to "bj_brown_long_young.png" and the game will read them (and it will read the animation too)
I don't really understand what you mean. Can you take screenshots, and explain how it should be in your opinion, and how it is actually?Only one of the execution pictures seems to be used for each category of girl, per type of execution. Is this intended? There appear to be more pictures in the pics folder.
I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure this is Jack-o-Nine tails's built in image randomizer system doing exactly the thing it's not supposed to do.Every time I execute someone, for example a young slave by decapitation, it always displays the image decapitation_general_young, and not decapitation_general_young2 or any of the other ones. This happens for the types of execution and ages of slave, with the only images being used the executiontype_general_age images.
Edit: The monster execution images do vary among the 3.
Oh!! I remember pulling my hair out on the edge_of_mists picture. In the qsp, it says it's randomized between the two, but in my game I'd only see one. But randomly after starting a new game, I'd get "edge_of_mists2" and it'd stay forever in that new save.I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure this is Jack-o-Nine tails's built in image randomizer system doing exactly the thing it's not supposed to do.
The game has a hard-coded way of randomizing some pictures, executions pics being one of them. But it's doing a really bad job at it. I had kind of the same issue when doing the new image showing system. It just replaced whatever I wanted show with whatever it wanted to.
The reason why monster pics show right is because they don't use the normal pic showing system. Why? Don't ask me, I'd like to know why too
One of it's other "fun" ways of fucking the game up is going into what I like to call "general mode", where it will only show general pics. Idk what triggers it, idk how to get out of it. But it's there.
Anyway, it's not going to happen starting from the next version.
Yeah.. it was really frustrating.. I was sitting down, having the dumbest look on my face looking at a randomized picture from this system while the debug msg was saying my code got a different picture. Then I tried to force it to pick one specific picture and still didn't work. Thank god for Pararock who showed me the code it the .dll cause I honestly thought I was going crazyOh!! I remember pulling my hair out on the edge_of_mists picture. In the qsp, it says it's randomized between the two, but in my game I'd only see one. But randomly after starting a new game, I'd get "edge_of_mists2" and it'd stay forever in that new save.
Sorry, @qwertyu12359 and @Pianocat... been inactive on the platform here for quite sometime due to quarantine. Just remembered that I can log into the site here using my work laptop earlier (not for gaming, just good enough for doing documents).So, five months later... I don't know where you are about it, kyoto_leon, but I was interesting too by updating the avatars of the 2.1, to give them the same flavor than in the original gameI spoke with Qwertyu12359 about it, but the big issue was to obtain a nice render with an efficient process 'cause there is a LOT of pic.
I used the .psd file you uploaded and which is in the 1.7.5. With this it's possible to obtain the same render than in the original game (I had to fiddle with it, because there was something wrong with this .psd...).
Also, I find a way to automate the process, making it veeeeeeery quick to update a whole bunch of pics, using the marvelous ImageMagick.
There is a drawback using ImageMagick : some layers can't be included into the process. So the rendered pics are a bit below the original ones. I think it's a little price to pay, giving it will be something like 100x faster to upgrade the avatars this way. Here are the original pic, and the new one:
View attachment 657458
View attachment 657457
So, if people here are happy with this render (don't hesitate to give suggestions !), I could quickly create the new avatars. About the Sepia and B&W versions, it will need a small adjustement, but it should be quite easy to update the pics with the same process.
The question is about the .json files: we will have to update them to. It can be done en masse with notepad++, but Qwertyu told me that you are currently working on them, Lokplart : can I modify them, or are you currently editing them ? If yes, I can just edit the colored avatars, and keep the other versions for later![]()
trueYou have to be masochist to play this game. But this game puts you in the boots of a sadist.
there's reason I post at all after so many years too, is good game trapped inside bad game. huge potential.But really, just git gud. The game is a niche concept making no compromise to deliver an experience that still gathered some passionate people around it 6 years later.
<look below>That interests me. I'd like to improve the game in order to make an ideal execution of Old Huntsman promising concept. Maybe work with us and give us your insight; I swear this is not rhetoric, I really would like it.
death from overwork very real. but look at numbers in article you posted, please! one victim worked 110 hours PER WEEK. other example young woman working 34 hour SHIFTS. Not hours per week, 34 hours IN A ROW. Probably no breaks. I've done that before, working 40 hours in single stretch. You don't understand what tired means until you are too tired to sleep. also have done 100-120 work weeks. for many months. probably lost years of my life from overwork.Dunno, that seems counter intuitive. Dying from exhaustion always appeared to be a tangible concept:You must be registered to see the links
That's first really stupid fake difficulty in this game and bad psychology. Game world is crushingly oppressive, but slaves all act like spoiled 15 year old middle class kids being asked to work on farm for a day. If things truly bad, slaves would be too terrified to disobey and MOST would be grateful to have dry place to sleep and food.I don't see artificial difficulty in this game. It's ridiculously easy to get obeyed. And ridiculously easy to get filthy rich, compared to real life or even a credible fantasy world. If anything, the difficulty should be "improved" as a result of making the gameplay more like a simulation, but certainly not lowered. Unless you have specific examples of bullshit difficulty (there has to be some, for sure).
Not fetishes, is common sense and self consistency. Fog is shitty deus ex machina, was obviously never any real thought in it. If animals die, humans would die too. If pregnancy not possible without church, population growth limited by church resources -> babies take lots of resources -> JONT society not sustainable. Long term, game is 100% game over for everyone. Maybe self consistent but not really interesting game world.You're not allowed to let your personal fetish tastes influence your critique and rating of your review (as per the rules of F95), because fetish tastes are subjective and arbitrary. We discussed of the pregnancy content in the last pages; the "fog" in the game make every fetus die, but the Vatican has a way to make them live (also for political reasons that piss of the Serpentine President, which he tells you personally). There's plan to add pregnancy content to the game, so you'll be happy.
Not inconceivable, not practical. I gave you numbers for why ... meat animals can be eaten mostly before 1 year old and animals produce very much meat for amount of feed (calories) expended to raise them compared to human with slow growth low efficiency, and also small amount of meat for size of frame.You're not taking into account that there are no animals in Eternal Rome, only monsters. Even cheese is made of pregnant lady milk. That a newly created society with little eatable resources and that misses the taste of meat are ready to eat slave flesh so inconceivable?
Some elements of that are wrong covered above. Physiology -> people not wet tissue paper. Much tougher. Psychology -> in terrifying world, being a slave is safer than being free. Economics -> baby eating only viable when surplus resources available."100% wrong psychology, physiology, and economics" -- Well, no one is a psychology/biology/economics major amongst people on that thread. We can still read papers on Google Scholar our inform ourselves on the current scientific concensus then apply it to Jack-o-nine-tails! If you'd kindly give us arguments with sources, we promise to eventually turn this "1 star worth game" into a "5 stars one".
Those also real problems, but not as deep as ones I talk aboutWell, we wouldn't be modders if we didn't think this game was awesome to begin with. But it has indeed many flaws (from the top of my head: places like the slums with no real usefulness, shitty combat system, unbalanced slave specializations, etc.).
I don't say should REMOVE cannibalism. I say game world was put together by developer who has big gore/cannibalism fetish and took shortcuts to pump as much as he could into game even without thinking of what made sense.Your critique is welcomed, but I think your rating is exaggerated and your arguments could be developed; we're planning to make the game objectively better, not adapt it to your taste. Removing cannibalism won't make the game objectively better, for example. Improving the psychology (I do think it's pretty good for now)/physiology (nothing wrong that caught my attention either)/economics (mediocre, if not terrible for now indeed) will make the game better for sure.
someone removed my rating, but if you're listening then good. I am experienced with QSP language too. If we can agree enough on necessary changes I consider contributing.I invite you to remove your rating and put it in standby (and just write your critique on the thread, without penalizing the global rating) because it's a motivation bummer. A bad rating will discourage new people from trying, and working for a small niche is alright, but having at least a lot of people try our work is an incentive to put effort and time into the game. And again, I invite you to stay here and give us your insight.![]()
Shit son.true
there's reason I post at all after so many years too, is good game trapped inside bad game. huge potential.
<look below>
death from overwork very real. but look at numbers in article you posted, please! one victim worked 110 hours PER WEEK. other example young woman working 34 hour SHIFTS. Not hours per week, 34 hours IN A ROW. Probably no breaks. I've done that before, working 40 hours in single stretch. You don't understand what tired means until you are too tired to sleep. also have done 100-120 work weeks. for many months. probably lost years of my life from overwork.
Compare this to work demanded of slaves in JONT! first apartment characterized as shitty shoebox (forget phrasing), slave told to clean it can kill slave?? pretend apartment is smaller than 73sqm average size Tokyo apartment (750 sq feet), maybe half size.
38 sqm apartment is 6.18 meters square, about 20 feet square. if you has square feet 20 room in your home, get timer and measure how long to sweep it, scrub floor, do dishes for 2 people. maybe 1 hour of work. carrying water from outside adds tiny bit of work (I have done that), boiling on fire can be done while sweeping floor. carry water to cesspit and dump not harder than carrying in (but I have not done that). many cities people dumped grey water out windows, no hauling needed to dump.
laundry is harder work. maybe 2 hours without any machines to do laundry for 2, but only need to do that once every 2 weeks. wearing clothes more than one day isn't a problem.
add slave doing lessons maybe 4 hours a day and sexual services 2 hours a day, that's not even a full 8 hour work day. plus sexual services and lessons not hard labor. chinese restaurant harder work than JONT slave and look how old they get before retiring.
now look at real hard work. coal miners worked 12 hour shifts HARD labor starting as young as 5 years old and lived until maybe 35-45 before dying of black lung. men tougher than women, but not THAT much tougher.
missing elements of real suffering:
let's talk starvation first.
starvation not like portrayed in movies. first 2-6 months of malnourishment lots of fun, bodies produces endorphins happy hormones, like runners high but all the time. this why vegans feel so great at first before developing wax paper skin and grey complexion.
after body exhausts stored resources, outcome depends on exact food availability. maybe you has enough to live, but not thrive. you feel weak, can't gain muscle. may still be "strong" if robust body, but no stamina. hunger feeling becomes constant companion. many tricks to make it go away, like drinking water before sleeping so grinding stomach won't wake you up quickly.
eventually you lose ability to feel hunger. stomach hurts, but no appetite. gets hard to understand when you need to eat and wehn you don't need to eat. mind is grey constant fog. existence hurts. only time you feel alive is when immediate threat to your life. eventually become to depending on threats. like drug.
once you go there, is very hard to ever come back even if times get easy again. normal doesn't feel normal. food in the fridge, but is my stomach hurting from illness or because I forgot to eat today? did I eat yesterday? I'll answer you later.
sleeping in bed doesn't feel right. too clean, too soft. only time you feel like that is when too weak or cold to feel discomfort anymore. being comfortable and warm is scary. maybe tomorrow will bring a crisis and I can feel normal again.
I'll take any work I can to get by. Being a slave and being a hungry employee not so different, if I don't work enough I die. Slaves happier than workers when world is scary enough. Employers care nothing for workers, work a laborer to death and hire another one that afternoon. Who cares? Being a slave worth more. Owner paid for me, I represent investment. If master breaks me or kills me, he loses his money. I can't quit job, but hungry laborer can't either. Both are slaves, but one is more disposable than the other.
continued after quote
That's first really stupid fake difficulty in this game and bad psychology. Game world is crushingly oppressive, but slaves all act like spoiled 15 year old middle class kids being asked to work on farm for a day. If things truly bad, slaves would be too terrified to disobey and MOST would be grateful to have dry place to sleep and food.
Only truly resistent slaves would be people fresh out of fog AND too stupid to understand what they're seeing or slaves made out of nobles or rich people too clueless to know what game world really like.
slaves can be broken in game easily as you say but, mostly would not need to. in bad enough situation almost anyone is a willing slave.
gameplay is sets of rules. good gameplay self consistent and logical. I call fake difficulty 2 things:
-elements breaking rules of game logic.
-game rules that violate common sense or inconsistent with each other that add difficulty.
to make real difficulty in simulation, game events must be unpredictable. if entire game is static formula, certain sequence of clicks 100% formula to win.
to make game fair, game must have rules that make sense. if game full of invisible "gotcha" landmines or insta-loss, game is shit game.
difficulty in simulations is interesting concept because difficulty is balancing act. in action games difficulty is planning, timing, predicting, reacting fast. in not real time games, timing not important and fast reacting not factor at all.
developer has to balance rules so forgiving enough that randomizer never or very rarely gives sequence of events that skilled or smart player cannot react to or that player can survive but 100% dooms player in long run. game should also reward exploring and experimenting without constantly save scum, or game is just shitty click simulator.
game should also have lots of hidden state for player to explore, but should not punish exploring the hidden state carefully.
trying to make game "perfectly difficult" impossible. good players or experienced players will game any system except with really obvious fake difficulty just designed to punish being successful.
games that try to compensate with harder starting conditions for experienced players good idea, but good player will be able to recover from those. additional hard "modes" can also help, but those just making rules stricter ... good enough player can overcome that too.
best for developer AND players to accept that once you get good enough any game is cake walk and games where that not true is games nobody new wants to play except hardcore masochists.
Not fetishes, is common sense and self consistency. Fog is shitty deus ex machina, was obviously never any real thought in it. If animals die, humans would die too. If pregnancy not possible without church, population growth limited by church resources -> babies take lots of resources -> JONT society not sustainable. Long term, game is 100% game over for everyone. Maybe self consistent but not really interesting game world.
JONT motif gritty harsh grueling reality with slaves. Pregnancy one of most challenging aspects of human condition. Also prerequisite of self sustaining society. Most game developers seem not to understand power of human need to reproduce. Maybe too isolated or depressed. I don't know.
If nobles knew church could save their babies, would invade church and take secrets and sword point. Nobility wants heirs and wants to control those heirs to further the family. Giving up babies to church is suicide for noble houses. Gives church 100% control over ALL families. 100% chance this would never happen. horrible stupid bad awful story telling and game world design.
for PC, story might be different. in keeping with grimdark, more realistic outcome is player slaves deliver stillborn or die early or maybe babies become fiends. I like the last one best. makes it very good idea to give baby to church if player wants to live. Maybe skilled player or rich player traps mutant babies for amusement. Maybe feeds bad slaves to their own children.
Gives upgrade path, too. player gets enough power or influence or maybe skill and can acquire necessary tools to permit healthy births. if steal technology or aquire in black market, perhaps need large house to conceal healthy offspring. or bribe guards and neighbors.
if acquire legitimately, can have babies as much as can afford to.
fiend pregnancy feels like poorly thought excuse to add more gore. definitely not sexy except to very niche audience. also limits sadism of player with forcing slaves to do truly inhuman things. death only threatens your body, birthing a monster would threaten your soul. torture and death passe compared to breaking a human so badly they enjoyed doing that.
might also be another upgrade path. and what tastes like fiend meat? truly an interesting option for producing livestock ... human mothers to inhuman food. maybe reward her by letting her bear her offspring's children if she's good, instead of butchering them immediately.
Not inconceivable, not practical. I gave you numbers for why ... meat animals can be eaten mostly before 1 year old and animals produce very much meat for amount of feed (calories) expended to raise them compared to human with slow growth low efficiency, and also small amount of meat for size of frame.
my point is even elites cannot magic people out of thin air and if they eat all their slaves, what then?
cannibalism makes sense when human life is cheap. when church produces all babies (already bad story like I said above) then church is paying much money for this food we eat later. babies cost many times more in resources than are recovered by slaughtering. for this to be possible game world must be MUCH MORE FORGIVING in available resources.
Some elements of that are wrong covered above. Physiology -> people not wet tissue paper. Much tougher. Psychology -> in terrifying world, being a slave is safer than being free. Economics -> baby eating only viable when surplus resources available.
Game world needs to get its head on straight before it's good.
Those also real problems, but not as deep as ones I talk about
I don't say should REMOVE cannibalism. I say game world was put together by developer who has big gore/cannibalism fetish and took shortcuts to pump as much as he could into game even without thinking of what made sense.
Pregnancy needed to make cannibalism good option since cannibalism only economically viable when human life is cheap. Human life is not cheap when only 1 organization and tiny portion of population raising all babies.
someone removed my rating, but if you're listening then good. I am experienced with QSP language too. If we can agree enough on necessary changes I consider contributing.
There are a lot of things that you mentioned were already in the game's lore prior to qwertyu12359's involvement. Remember that Old Huntsman's the original developer, who wrote the game lore that you don't like, not qwerty12359. So, pinning these criticism at him isn't really fair, I think.true
there's reason I post at all after so many years too, is good game trapped inside bad game. huge potential.
<look below>
death from overwork very real. but look at numbers in article you posted, please! one victim worked 110 hours PER WEEK. other example young woman working 34 hour SHIFTS. Not hours per week, 34 hours IN A ROW. Probably no breaks. I've done that before, working 40 hours in single stretch. You don't understand what tired means until you are too tired to sleep. also have done 100-120 work weeks. for many months. probably lost years of my life from overwork.
Compare this to work demanded of slaves in JONT! first apartment characterized as shitty shoebox (forget phrasing), slave told to clean it can kill slave?? pretend apartment is smaller than 73sqm average size Tokyo apartment (750 sq feet), maybe half size.
38 sqm apartment is 6.18 meters square, about 20 feet square. if you has square feet 20 room in your home, get timer and measure how long to sweep it, scrub floor, do dishes for 2 people. maybe 1 hour of work. carrying water from outside adds tiny bit of work (I have done that), boiling on fire can be done while sweeping floor. carry water to cesspit and dump not harder than carrying in (but I have not done that). many cities people dumped grey water out windows, no hauling needed to dump.
laundry is harder work. maybe 2 hours without any machines to do laundry for 2, but only need to do that once every 2 weeks. wearing clothes more than one day isn't a problem.
add slave doing lessons maybe 4 hours a day and sexual services 2 hours a day, that's not even a full 8 hour work day. plus sexual services and lessons not hard labor. chinese restaurant harder work than JONT slave and look how old they get before retiring.
now look at real hard work. coal miners worked 12 hour shifts HARD labor starting as young as 5 years old and lived until maybe 35-45 before dying of black lung. men tougher than women, but not THAT much tougher.
missing elements of real suffering:
let's talk starvation first.
starvation not like portrayed in movies. first 2-6 months of malnourishment lots of fun, bodies produces endorphins happy hormones, like runners high but all the time. this why vegans feel so great at first before developing wax paper skin and grey complexion.
after body exhausts stored resources, outcome depends on exact food availability. maybe you has enough to live, but not thrive. you feel weak, can't gain muscle. may still be "strong" if robust body, but no stamina. hunger feeling becomes constant companion. many tricks to make it go away, like drinking water before sleeping so grinding stomach won't wake you up quickly.
eventually you lose ability to feel hunger. stomach hurts, but no appetite. gets hard to understand when you need to eat and wehn you don't need to eat. mind is grey constant fog. existence hurts. only time you feel alive is when immediate threat to your life. eventually become to depending on threats. like drug.
once you go there, is very hard to ever come back even if times get easy again. normal doesn't feel normal. food in the fridge, but is my stomach hurting from illness or because I forgot to eat today? did I eat yesterday? I'll answer you later.
sleeping in bed doesn't feel right. too clean, too soft. only time you feel like that is when too weak or cold to feel discomfort anymore. being comfortable and warm is scary. maybe tomorrow will bring a crisis and I can feel normal again.
I'll take any work I can to get by. Being a slave and being a hungry employee not so different, if I don't work enough I die. Slaves happier than workers when world is scary enough. Employers care nothing for workers, work a laborer to death and hire another one that afternoon. Who cares? Being a slave worth more. Owner paid for me, I represent investment. If master breaks me or kills me, he loses his money. I can't quit job, but hungry laborer can't either. Both are slaves, but one is more disposable than the other.
continued after quote
That's first really stupid fake difficulty in this game and bad psychology. Game world is crushingly oppressive, but slaves all act like spoiled 15 year old middle class kids being asked to work on farm for a day. If things truly bad, slaves would be too terrified to disobey and MOST would be grateful to have dry place to sleep and food.
Only truly resistent slaves would be people fresh out of fog AND too stupid to understand what they're seeing or slaves made out of nobles or rich people too clueless to know what game world really like.
slaves can be broken in game easily as you say but, mostly would not need to. in bad enough situation almost anyone is a willing slave.
gameplay is sets of rules. good gameplay self consistent and logical. I call fake difficulty 2 things:
-elements breaking rules of game logic.
-game rules that violate common sense or inconsistent with each other that add difficulty.
to make real difficulty in simulation, game events must be unpredictable. if entire game is static formula, certain sequence of clicks 100% formula to win.
to make game fair, game must have rules that make sense. if game full of invisible "gotcha" landmines or insta-loss, game is shit game.
difficulty in simulations is interesting concept because difficulty is balancing act. in action games difficulty is planning, timing, predicting, reacting fast. in not real time games, timing not important and fast reacting not factor at all.
developer has to balance rules so forgiving enough that randomizer never or very rarely gives sequence of events that skilled or smart player cannot react to or that player can survive but 100% dooms player in long run. game should also reward exploring and experimenting without constantly save scum, or game is just shitty click simulator.
game should also have lots of hidden state for player to explore, but should not punish exploring the hidden state carefully.
trying to make game "perfectly difficult" impossible. good players or experienced players will game any system except with really obvious fake difficulty just designed to punish being successful.
games that try to compensate with harder starting conditions for experienced players good idea, but good player will be able to recover from those. additional hard "modes" can also help, but those just making rules stricter ... good enough player can overcome that too.
best for developer AND players to accept that once you get good enough any game is cake walk and games where that not true is games nobody new wants to play except hardcore masochists.
Not fetishes, is common sense and self consistency. Fog is shitty deus ex machina, was obviously never any real thought in it. If animals die, humans would die too. If pregnancy not possible without church, population growth limited by church resources -> babies take lots of resources -> JONT society not sustainable. Long term, game is 100% game over for everyone. Maybe self consistent but not really interesting game world.
JONT motif gritty harsh grueling reality with slaves. Pregnancy one of most challenging aspects of human condition. Also prerequisite of self sustaining society. Most game developers seem not to understand power of human need to reproduce. Maybe too isolated or depressed. I don't know.
If nobles knew church could save their babies, would invade church and take secrets and sword point. Nobility wants heirs and wants to control those heirs to further the family. Giving up babies to church is suicide for noble houses. Gives church 100% control over ALL families. 100% chance this would never happen. horrible stupid bad awful story telling and game world design.
for PC, story might be different. in keeping with grimdark, more realistic outcome is player slaves deliver stillborn or die early or maybe babies become fiends. I like the last one best. makes it very good idea to give baby to church if player wants to live. Maybe skilled player or rich player traps mutant babies for amusement. Maybe feeds bad slaves to their own children.
Gives upgrade path, too. player gets enough power or influence or maybe skill and can acquire necessary tools to permit healthy births. if steal technology or aquire in black market, perhaps need large house to conceal healthy offspring. or bribe guards and neighbors.
if acquire legitimately, can have babies as much as can afford to.
fiend pregnancy feels like poorly thought excuse to add more gore. definitely not sexy except to very niche audience. also limits sadism of player with forcing slaves to do truly inhuman things. death only threatens your body, birthing a monster would threaten your soul. torture and death passe compared to breaking a human so badly they enjoyed doing that.
might also be another upgrade path. and what tastes like fiend meat? truly an interesting option for producing livestock ... human mothers to inhuman food. maybe reward her by letting her bear her offspring's children if she's good, instead of butchering them immediately.
Not inconceivable, not practical. I gave you numbers for why ... meat animals can be eaten mostly before 1 year old and animals produce very much meat for amount of feed (calories) expended to raise them compared to human with slow growth low efficiency, and also small amount of meat for size of frame.
my point is even elites cannot magic people out of thin air and if they eat all their slaves, what then?
cannibalism makes sense when human life is cheap. when church produces all babies (already bad story like I said above) then church is paying much money for this food we eat later. babies cost many times more in resources than are recovered by slaughtering. for this to be possible game world must be MUCH MORE FORGIVING in available resources.
Some elements of that are wrong covered above. Physiology -> people not wet tissue paper. Much tougher. Psychology -> in terrifying world, being a slave is safer than being free. Economics -> baby eating only viable when surplus resources available.
Game world needs to get its head on straight before it's good.
Those also real problems, but not as deep as ones I talk about
I don't say should REMOVE cannibalism. I say game world was put together by developer who has big gore/cannibalism fetish and took shortcuts to pump as much as he could into game even without thinking of what made sense.
Pregnancy needed to make cannibalism good option since cannibalism only economically viable when human life is cheap. Human life is not cheap when only 1 organization and tiny portion of population raising all babies.
someone removed my rating, but if you're listening then good. I am experienced with QSP language too. If we can agree enough on necessary changes I consider contributing.
I get that. Let's agree on 34h in a row = dead. The game needs to more or less emulate that to be considered realistic.death from overwork very real. but look at numbers in article you posted, please! one victim worked 110 hours PER WEEK. other example young woman working 34 hour SHIFTS. Not hours per week, 34 hours IN A ROW. Probably no breaks. You don't understand what tired means until you are too tired to sleep. also have done 100-120 work weeks. for many months. probably lost years of my life from overwork.
Compare this to work demanded of slaves in JONT! first apartment characterized as shitty shoebox (forget phrasing), slave told to clean it can kill slave?? pretend apartment is smaller than 73sqm average size Tokyo apartment (750 sq feet), maybe half size.
38 sqm apartment is 6.18 meters square, about 20 feet square. if you has square feet 20 room in your home, get timer and measure how long to sweep it, scrub floor, do dishes for 2 people. maybe 1 hour of work. carrying water from outside adds tiny bit of work (I have done that), boiling on fire can be done while sweeping floor. carry water to cesspit and dump not harder than carrying in (but I have not done that). many cities people dumped grey water out windows, no hauling needed to dump.
laundry is harder work. maybe 2 hours without any machines to do laundry for 2, but only need to do that once every 2 weeks. wearing clothes more than one day isn't a problem.
add slave doing lessons maybe 4 hours a day and sexual services 2 hours a day, that's not even a full 8 hour work day. plus sexual services and lessons not hard labor. chinese restaurant harder work than JONT slave and look how old they get before retiring.
now look at real hard work. coal miners worked 12 hour shifts HARD labor starting as young as 5 years old and lived until maybe 35-45 before dying of black lung. men tougher than women, but not THAT much tougher.
Okay. How do we translate that in game? What can we add for an ideal transcription of hunger:let's talk starvation first.
starvation not like portrayed in movies. first 2-6 months of malnourishment lots of fun, bodies produces endorphins happy hormones, like runners high but all the time. this why vegans feel so great at first before developing wax paper skin and grey complexion.
after body exhausts stored resources, outcome depends on exact food availability. maybe you has enough to live, but not thrive. you feel weak, can't gain muscle. may still be "strong" if robust body, but no stamina. hunger feeling becomes constant companion. many tricks to make it go away, like drinking water before sleeping so grinding stomach won't wake you up quickly.
eventually you lose ability to feel hunger. stomach hurts, but no appetite. gets hard to understand when you need to eat and wehn you don't need to eat. mind is grey constant fog. existence hurts. only time you feel alive is when immediate threat to your life. eventually become to depending on threats. like drug.
once you go there, is very hard to ever come back even if times get easy again. normal doesn't feel normal. food in the fridge, but is my stomach hurting from illness or because I forgot to eat today? did I eat yesterday? I'll answer you later.
sleeping in bed doesn't feel right. too clean, too soft. only time you feel like that is when too weak or cold to feel discomfort anymore. being comfortable and warm is scary. maybe tomorrow will bring a crisis and I can feel normal again.
Okay, I need evidence to back up your assessment that in a dangerous world, a slave you've acquired 5 minutes ago will not act like a spoil brat even if she has the temperament to be one. Don't forget that some slaves just got kidnapped recently into this world and might have been important people in their universe (among slaves, there are war heroes, artists...).I'll take any work I can to get by. Being a slave and being a hungry employee not so different, if I don't work enough I die. Slaves happier than workers when world is scary enough. Employers care nothing for workers, work a laborer to death and hire another one that afternoon. Who cares? Being a slave worth more. Owner paid for me, I represent investment. If master breaks me or kills me, he loses his money. I can't quit job, but hungry laborer can't either. Both are slaves, but one is more disposable than the other.
That's first really stupid fake difficulty in this game and bad psychology. Game world is crushingly oppressive, but slaves all act like spoiled 15 year old middle class kids being asked to work on farm for a day. If things truly bad, slaves would be too terrified to disobey and MOST would be grateful to have dry place to sleep and food.
Only truly resistent slaves would be people fresh out of fog AND too stupid to understand what they're seeing or slaves made out of nobles or rich people too clueless to know what game world really like.
Here, you've given 0 example of artificial difficulty that is in the game.gameplay is sets of rules. good gameplay self consistent and logical. I call fake difficulty 2 things:
-elements breaking rules of game logic.
-game rules that violate common sense or inconsistent with each other that add difficulty.
to make real difficulty in simulation, game events must be unpredictable. if entire game is static formula, certain sequence of clicks 100% formula to win.
to make game fair, game must have rules that make sense. if game full of invisible "gotcha" landmines or insta-loss, game is shit game.
difficulty in simulations is interesting concept because difficulty is balancing act. in action games difficulty is planning, timing, predicting, reacting fast. in not real time games, timing not important and fast reacting not factor at all.
developer has to balance rules so forgiving enough that randomizer never or very rarely gives sequence of events that skilled or smart player cannot react to or that player can survive but 100% dooms player in long run. game should also reward exploring and experimenting without constantly save scum, or game is just shitty click simulator.
game should also have lots of hidden state for player to explore, but should not punish exploring the hidden state carefully.
trying to make game "perfectly difficult" impossible. good players or experienced players will game any system except with really obvious fake difficulty just designed to punish being successful.
games that try to compensate with harder starting conditions for experienced players good idea, but good player will be able to recover from those. additional hard "modes" can also help, but those just making rules stricter ... good enough player can overcome that too.
best for developer AND players to accept that once you get good enough any game is cake walk and games where that not true is games nobody new wants to play except hardcore masochists.
A Deus Ex Machina is an element of story that resolves a desperate situation for the characters. The fog is not, it's a premise. You find it as a cheap reason to explain why the society is cannibalistic, but your arguments are speculative conjectures. No, some magic substance that corrupts fetus and kill animal wouldn't necessarily kill humans. But if I said the fog killed animals, I was wrong anyway. And no, the population is not limited by removing pregnancy; it's too common even without birth. It is explained by the Smuggler's Den girl:Fog is shitty deus ex machina, was obviously never any real thought in it. If animals die, humans would die too. If pregnancy not possible without church, population growth limited by church resources -> babies take lots of resources -> JONT society not sustainable. Long term, game is 100% game over for everyone. Maybe self consistent but not really interesting game world.
JONT motif gritty harsh grueling reality with slaves. Pregnancy one of most challenging aspects of human condition. Also prerequisite of self sustaining society. Most game developers seem not to understand power of human need to reproduce. Maybe too isolated or depressed. I don't know.
If nobles knew church could save their babies, would invade church and take secrets and sword point. Nobility wants heirs and wants to control those heirs to further the family. Giving up babies to church is suicide for noble houses. Gives church 100% control over ALL families. 100% chance this would never happen. horrible stupid bad awful story telling and game world design.
I like the idea. If you want to develop it for the game, I'll make a roadmap for you in the OP. It'd be a good post-patrician quest.for PC, story might be different. in keeping with grimdark, more realistic outcome is player slaves deliver stillborn or die early or maybe babies become fiends. I like the last one best. makes it very good idea to give baby to church if player wants to live. Maybe skilled player or rich player traps mutant babies for amusement. Maybe feeds bad slaves to their own children.
Gives upgrade path, too. player gets enough power or influence or maybe skill and can acquire necessary tools to permit healthy births. if steal technology or aquire in black market, perhaps need large house to conceal healthy offspring. or bribe guards and neighbors.
if acquire legitimately, can have babies as much as can afford to.
You know, you have weird fetishes yourself; you should be happy that some things in the game appeal to a very niche audience even if it's one you don't happen to be a part of ^^fiend pregnancy feels like poorly thought excuse to add more gore. definitely not sexy except to very niche audience. also limits sadism of player with forcing slaves to do truly inhuman things. death only threatens your body, birthing a monster would threaten your soul. torture and death passe compared to breaking a human so badly they enjoyed doing that.
For now there's only fiend cum you can feed your slave with (and I'd like pictures of it, I've had this plan for a while but Powerairmax, the former developer was not in favor of it. Things could change now). We can add other options in the future, I'd rather do that after all the other important things in the roadmap tho; the main dev has already gone burnt out it seems and the transition will be harsh.might also be another upgrade path. and what tastes like fiend meat? truly an interesting option for producing livestock ... human mothers to inhuman food. maybe reward her by letting her bear her offspring's children if she's good, instead of butchering them immediately.
This scientific article states that in the prehistoric era, cannibalism was quite common for nutritious reason:Not inconceivable, not practical. I gave you numbers for why ... meat animals can be eaten mostly before 1 year old and animals produce very much meat for amount of feed (calories) expended to raise them compared to human with slow growth low efficiency, and also small amount of meat for size of frame.
my point is even elites cannot magic people out of thin air and if they eat all their slaves, what then?
cannibalism makes sense when human life is cheap. when church produces all babies (already bad story like I said above) then church is paying much money for this food we eat later. babies cost many times more in resources than are recovered by slaughtering. for this to be possible game world must be MUCH MORE FORGIVING in available resources.
I don't get if "wet tissue paper" is literal or a visual metaphor. Without hard evidence to back it up, for economy of means, we must consider that Eternal Rome's average diet is at least viable enough for the rich humans (remember, it's a magic medieval sci-fi world, we can perfectly imagine vitamin complement that are left out of the narrative). Btw, in Eternal Rome, there are undead people in the Necropolis; and they like to feed of humans almost uncontrollably so (based on the guard dialog). So if anything, you're 100% right and the diet is unsustainable; so much that it only a few survive and the other become undead.Some elements of that are wrong covered above. Physiology -> people not wet tissue paper. Much tougher.
As I stated, you've visibly not seen all of the game's possible outcomes. A newly acquired girl will more or less immediately be a willing slave giving the right circumstances.Psychology -> in terrifying world, being a slave is safer than being free.
For that, I think you REALLY didn't pay attention to the game's lore. It's explained everywhere that human food is the most cheap thing there is in this world. There are dozens of economic bullshit in this game (stated in the Roadmap, in the OP). Cannibalism is really not one of them (and why do you say "baby eating"?).Economics -> baby eating only viable when surplus resources available.
From what I understand, the game is good, even based on your standard. You just lacked the explanations to consolidate the world into a cohesive piece. The game only gives information sparsely, like a Dark Souls game; so it's an artistic decision. If you find any lore contradiction even now, please state them, but what you stated above aren't. And more importantly, the biggest risk we're facing as modders is to ADD lore inconsistencies. It's my difficult and unrewarding job to make sure the game stays true to its legacy (hence why I may appear dismissive of new ideas).Game world needs to get its head on straight before it's good.
Maybe, but I'm not convinced by your demonstration, because you're giving arguments that are based on false premise because you lacked information that the game itself gives.I don't say should REMOVE cannibalism. I say game world was put together by developer who has big gore/cannibalism fetish and took shortcuts to pump as much as he could into game even without thinking of what made sense.
Pregnancy needed to make cannibalism good option since cannibalism only economically viable when human life is cheap. Human life is not cheap when only 1 organization and tiny portion of population raising all babies.
That'd be cool. The only definitive critic is creationsomeone removed my rating, but if you're listening then good. I am experienced with QSP language too. If we can agree enough on necessary changes I consider contributing.
Go on then, make a simulation game that perfectly replicates real life psychology, time management, human resource management and all the other things you have grievances with. You'll get a fricking slog of a game, if you actually manage to finish it in a decade thanks to all the variables you have to account for.You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
Incredibly well written.You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
Thank you very muchIncredibly well written.
I'm glad everything is okayMy dad was hospitalized for a while, but is fine now. I got sick too, but nothing major. I've been working with Pianocat to get his moo mod working with the 2.1 version, that is nearly done now, just a few minor things left to do.
I haven't really kept up to date with development, I know that Slaver0 made some changes on the gitgut, but they might conflict with moo mod, will have to take a look and ask him if he's up to updating his changes, if not, do it myself. And if Lokplart is working on things, he might too need to check if the moo mod additions conflict with that.