I hope? I found a bug?
I was wondering why my charisma was seemingly locked at -F rank, despite me renting what i thought was a fancy new house for a decently long time.
In other words. Your brand reputation going up is really bad and actively harms your charisma when it sounds like from the tooltip it should help your charisma.
So. My Anthill house with a luxury hallway (estate quality of 1+1) minus my B+ brand reputation (3) means the estate quality modifier is negative 1. Which means I am locked at -f rank... Even if I brought say a luxury bed room, to bring that up to zero. id STILL be locked at -f rank.... even though looking at the change log it feels like I should be able to get it to c-. My bad. now i know i need to buy more than just the hallway,and i didnt need to buy the expensive things. but...
I hope this all makes sense. I also hope i am reading the code correctly. I could simply be just wrong, and if so, please dont take any offence. Thanks for reading my massive wall of text!
The link to brand reputation reflects the idea that as you become more famous, your ambition is to reach the next level, not to be satisfied with what you already have. The quality of your home, and its location, and your standard of living, all play into this.
If you live in Serpentine, with B+ brand reputation, and you upgrade your standard of living to B+ (by default standard of living is Basic, C-, for Serpentine residence), and you upgraded your hall, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, your personality attribute will stabilize at C-. If you stay with the C- basic standard of living, then personality will stabilize at D-. If you don't upgrade your home decor, then it will trend down towards F-.
As a perk if you have the amulet artifact from the forum, which boosts personality, then if your personality is already at least B+, it won't fall to a lower level than that, regardless of your living conditions. But the amulet alone won't increase your personality to that level, if your living conditions don't support it.
So, in short, living in Serpentine and taking all(*) available home upgrades plus raising standard of living means you can maintain at least C- personality level (as you expected), and B+ can be maintained if you have the amulet.
(*) If you have extended rentals, you could substitute upgrading some of them instead of the hall/bedroom/kitchen/bathroom (your choice) to achieve the necessary home decor level to maintain C- personality. Upgrading home decor in Serpentine beyond that won't let you reach above C- personality because the maximum standard of living there (B+) also limits you.
To maintain B+ personality without the amulet or to maintain personality above B+ (regardless of the amulet), you need to move to a better residence and upgrade it.