- Apr 11, 2021
- 370
- 383
You can have sex with a mother-daughter duo in the brothel.What incest content does it have?
You can have sex with a mother-daughter duo in the brothel.What incest content does it have?
What the poster above me said, and also a sister event at end game with Johnny's (selecting his portrait in custom starts works too)What incest content does it have?
The "ending" is becoming Patrician, the real ending is selling a slave to the pope. There's also a couple of end game quests like unlocking a special weapon, and training Felicity (and then Julia if your MC was Johnny)Does this game got an End ? and not completed ?though I got no Loli Game
Custom Start with Easy Difficulty -----> Cheat Menu appears in the OptionWhere can I get the cheat menu mod that allows it any difficulty? Searching for it has only led to dead-ends and misdirection.
Is that all? I thought I saw someone mention a way to use it in even on normal mode scenarios. Thanks either way.The "ending" is becoming Patrician, the real ending is selling a slave to the pope. There's also a couple of end game quests like unlocking a special weapon, and training Felicity (and then Julia if your MC was Johnny)
Custom Start with Easy Difficulty -----> Cheat Menu appears in the Option
Wiki is wrong on this. In general, don't trust the wiki. You can buy different weapons, spar with them, and observe the difference for yourself.Is Greataxe($150) the best weapon if you are going to just use one? According to wiki it has strength+4 base damage where as more expensive weapons such as Flamberge, naginata, and morning stars (all $200) only have +1, +3, and +3 modifiers, respectively. Since one of the $200 weapons must do the same type damage of slashing greataxe(I assume it's naginata), why would anyone use more expensive version of the inferior damage?
I don't know why the game doesn't tell us the damage modifier because there is no way to tell in-game. Again, wiki is heavily outdated so I'm not sure if I have to trust it or simply go for one of$200 weapons.
Start a normal game as Milord, eat at the tavern, end day - strength stays at A+. Personality will decline if not supported by cost of living (adjusted through accounting menu) and quality of residence (which includes which district you live in and the quality of interior decor purchased from the real estate office).When I start a custom game, my strength and personality always drops a level. For instance if I start with herculean and aristocrats, it drops to strong and vulgarian the next day no matter what I do on the first day to reinforce my stats. (eating good food, keeping my mood up.)
Master characteristics are continuous, unlike slave stats which reset progress each time they transition between levels. Meaning, if you're just at the level threshold with a master characteristic, losing 1 point drops the level, and gaining 1 point restores it.Shouldn't it take 10 days to drop, because supposedly your starting stat should have + - net balance of 0? It takes -10 to be dropped in a level. Also I just tested your scenario and his strength and personality still dropped a level. Hm..
#1 - she might already be pregnant. after a decade, the medical center can detect itHow to get felicity pregnant? Ive tried fucking her everyday and making her milk the fiend byt she just won't any tip?
This is essentially correct, however I don't feel any one line summary of Jack would be complete without mentioning the extreme content (rape, graphic violence and cannibalism for a start).simulation game with cgs from other games?
It is completed, as in the original creator Old Huntsman finished at v1.21 and then didn't touch it anymore.something i wanted to ask this game isn't completed right