You seem to have a very precise idea of what you want for the game. Since it's open source, why not create your own branch on the Git? You'd be able to control both the ideas and their executions. At first, it'll be downloadable as a "mod", but after that, we'll check every new lines of dialogue and description you added, and if it's awesome we'll definitely put it in the master branch
Actually not. I just have a method when it comes to writing I do for stuff I am working on be it for myself or other people's projects.
What I provided was no more than a rough sample of a process I use to avoid ending up with the plot holes this game has.
There is an old saying,"you can lead a horse to water you can't make it drink." I did my part. I voiced what I found wrong.
What do you have for reference besides the game itself?
1. Have you determined the approximate population size?
2. Do you have at the least a general map of the layout of the city. You know one showing the streets, residential area, housing,type and size, the walls, distance to fog ...
3. Do you have a general resource accounting of what they do and do have access to water, food, building material for repairs or anything else ...
4. Division of labor, politics, list of races, numbers of each approx, their needs, ... Any special cases for your world vs common perceptions on them.
5. Basic laws that will be crucial in forming the society. Type of government and make up. Other political forces at work.
6. The mist does the effects go below the ground, how high does it reach
7. Climate and seasonal changes
8. Equivalent in power of spark to power such as jewels (efficiency comparison)
8. The responses already made it clear there wasn't a means in place for identifying citizens vs non-citizens.
What you have is a hodgepodge of ideas strewn together with no regard on how they would affect the society and the combined impact of them.
1. There is a wall of mist surrounding city
2. In wall of mist there are randomly moving gates to other worlds and universes
3. No live births
4. Women are slaves, and are meat supply
5. Vatican is bunch of baby killing soul destroyers to make sparks
6. Slavers only people able to create slaves
7. All sorts of races live in city
8. City has different sections with different groups and in charge and different groups living in them.
9. Chariot races with pony girls, and gladiator fights.
10. Brothels ...
11. market ...
12. training system
There is no glue or anything of substance to bind it together. Without those concepts or interconnections all you have is a bunch of words and sentences that doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
What you have besides that is a crap load of contradiction created by the statements you gave to my previous questions.
1. It was said in a reply to me the Vatican spends most the magic to keep the mist at bay.
2. To costly import a cow.
3. If you think bringing a few cows in is expensive try building material to repair buildings.
Conclusion City will deteriorate in time and end of city.
4. Unequal treatment across races.
Like that has ever ended well with humans involved.
5. Most people who participate in slavery attempted to justify it in some manor, either claims they were beneath them, they were bettering the slaves lives and countless other excuses to sooth the conscience ... Those that don't worry about such issues generally were evil fucks.
There is a commonality among societies that have a general disregard for others rights and lives(no justification types). Eventually they feed upon themselves self destructing from the inside if not taken down by some outside force. It is the nature of the beast. Eventually the same nature or means they use to justify one groups abuse is eventually turned inwards to others in the group.
You've already made it clear there is an unwillingness to change what you call "lore".
No one is going to come in and fix this if somethings can't be changed. It is literally impossible.
You have to many things that create too large of conflicts with one another.
Just the logistics alone you would have to change the stuff that has been said and in lore for this city to get over the 0 on survivability index. Even if women were made the most nutritious meal in the entire universe. That's 1 among hundreds of issues.