
Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
Why are my food bills so high?
I was on my first run on the process of moving to the outcast district.
Thankfully I had a save before moving out, but I lost a lot of progress.
I included the save file before I go broke.
Assistant was set to auto-buy food before moving back to slums and this was racking up the bill. Fixed in Dev' version 2.3.1 (for next billing cycle onward).


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
Thanks for the good work, not sure if this was brought already but could you either decrease slaver medic skill thresholds or aleast add another way to get medic exp, by time i reach B/A Rank on my other skills medic is still at D.
Enema lessons can raise medical skill from F- to D-. From there only personal lessons will raise it further. With medical gown and D- skill, you can train slaves up to C-. The threshold for C- is 75 (+60 from D-) and the threshold for B+ is 150 (+75 from C-).

We are planning to introduce a new active vs. passive wound treatment feature that will give another way to exercise this skill. Doctor is a higher tier of mastery than nurse, so we plan to make A+ / S+ slaver superior to S+ slave in efficacy.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
Following changes have been made on the -ia branches of the Dev' version ( -> 2.3.1), which is save-safe to update from 2.3 and older versions:
  • fixed division by zero breaking end of day sequence when slave eats leftovers, slaver is not hungry and no meal was prepared
  • corrected already-chosen tooltip when selecting ingredients for alchemy
  • brewing skill (lesser of alchemy or magic) is now displayed on the alchemy screen
  • replaced slaver stat decay with significantly higher experience thresholds for non-aligned backgrounds
  • fixed assistant auto-buy costs accumulating for unavailable ingredients while living in the slums after moving out of an apartment
  • story mode now defaults to easy obedience difficulty to reduce ramp from tutorial to full game
  • easy obedience difficulty now includes a 2x training speed bonus unless playing easy custom start which allows changing the training multiplier directly
  • normal start setup screen now conveys that non-aligned skills rise much slower and diverts to custom game if that is unwanted
  • enhanced efficacy of vesturian ambrosia for slaves addicted to dangerous substances
  • revised non-aligned slaver experience thresholds (faster than
  • added progress tooltips for slaver skills
To install, download only the 'code' package (links on the wiki ) that aligns to whether or not you have patch media. If yes, you can use the 'code' link from the line labeled 'complete edition', otherwise use the 'code' link from the line under it.

After downloading, unpack into your game folder and overwrite. Then just start the game as usual and load your saved game. If done correctly, it will display a "version updated" pop-up message.

Loading an older save should not lower your slaver's current stats but will re-calculate the thresholds for raising them further if you are in story mode or disabled the 'ignore story' checkbox under the avatar portrait in a custom start.
Feb 27, 2024
Following changes have been made on the -ia branches of the Dev' version, which is save-safe to update from 2.3:
  • ...
  • replaced slaver stat decay with significantly higher experience thresholds for non-aligned backgrounds
I'll check this out when I get some time. Appreciate the efforts!
Any qsp engine changes or are these just game file changes? I'll need to recompile my linux version if it needed engine changes.


New Member
Aug 9, 2022
-stat decay remove replace with more exp to level up

! raising combat skill above D- requires 3x as much experience for slavers with non-aligned backgrounds
master_fighter_rate_cap_mult = 3

! raising artdirector skill above C- requires 3x as much experience for Robespierre (2), Blade (3), Fenris (11) and Saruman (12)
master_artdirector_rate_cap_mult = 3

! raising medic skill above A+ requires 2x as much experience for all except Doc (7) and Fenris (11)
if hero_choice ! 7 and hero_choice ! 11: master_medic_rate_cap_mult = 2

! raising mage skill above F- requires 4x as much experience for all except Johny (10), Fenris (11) and Saruman (12)
if hero_choice < 10: master_mage_rate_cap_mult = 4


Aug 1, 2020
raising mage skill above F- requires 4x as much experience for al
Uhh isn't this a bit too much? I can understand x2, but x4... I get that magic is different from other skills, but maybe at least x3 for magic and x2 for other skills?
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Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
Uhh isn't this a bit too much? I can understand x2, but x4... I get that magic is different from other skills, but maybe at least x3 for magic and x2 for other skills?
With wizard robe, you can autocast auspex and magna magnifika from day 1 and level up in 3 decades. You can then autocast 3 spells per day of which 2 contribute up to S+. 120 decades for a non-aligned slaver to become an S++ Archmage (half that to reach S+ while wearing robe). That's without proactively casting any other spells, and only casting on one slave per day. You can cast Sententia Veritas on multiple slaves per day and you can cast several other spells also. I predict that most slavers, even at 4x multiplier, will be able to use almost all spells even from a Mundane start by mid to late game.
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Aug 3, 2017
Just add some lore that girls can't grow up naturally (this is why they stay the same age), so u will have to use an incubator or something that will grow her to loli/young, so it the end after some time u will get a special customizable girl who will have eyes, hair color and style depending on her mother (base talents too depending on urs and her mother). Also u will be able to name her too.
And would be nice to add some new role for her aside from assistant/slave so u won't have to kick out those.
Could do something with having them brought up in a nursery/boarding school in the fogs (where time passes differently). This would avoid issues of being banned/censored for underage content.


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
I'll check this out when I get some time. Appreciate the efforts!
Any qsp engine changes or are these just game file changes? I'll need to recompile my linux version if it needed engine changes.
Note on the dev branch we aren’t re-compiling the qsp since there is now a built-in automatic compile when you launch the game. Is that working for you on Linux? (F3 option under file menu)


Aug 23, 2019
If you give a slave too much faerie pollen it takes quite a while for them to recover. If they fall unconscious you can:

a) let them stay in coma until they recover, at cost of an active slot (optimal: pig in barn with S+ nurse-skill farmhand to feed her and keep her alive)

b) revive at medical center and then have them do athletics (supplementing with ambrosia can help to get their endurance high enough to get into a sustainable pattern of exercise, as well as giving supplements, nutritionist or calculated diet, using kamra sparingly [less harmful], raising their mood, ensuring they have a good teacher, and dressing them in sneakers and leotard) enough times each day to overcome the lingering damage

c) do b only long enough to prepare them for a quick sale

d) just give up and get rid of them

Assistants also may help themselves to your supply of drugs they are addicted to, which will harm endurance faster, so don't let them be assistants while recovering unless you've used up your supply of the drugs they crave.

When you purchase faerie pollen from the shop, the text below changes to this:

View attachment 4001856

Also the medical exam will tell you if a slave is addicted. So not that obscure. Knowing how to manage it? It's just a stat dropping, which can be raised in various ways with various degrees of efficiency. Endurance can be raised very quickly and then maintained. The higher the endurance, the more energy the slave has and the more exercise she can do each day, so you can reach an equilibrium where she is able to maintain her rehab and also do other work for you.

Ultimately, using faerie pollen heavily is like taking a loan of time from the future. It has to be paid back eventually if you want to keep that slave.

This is one of the reasons that the Eternal Rome has such a constant demand for new slaves. Most of them are used up and disposed of in short order. Tragic.
She has 25 days of faerie pollen to work off, which will take on average 75 days. Using this save, having her "serve me > acrobatics" as many times as is allowed each day (until her energy stars turn purple indicating that she has reached her daily exercise limit), which is a fairly inefficient way to raise her endurance (only +3 per activity), and allowing for the fact that she helps herself to the 4 pollen remaining in your storage and therefore harms herself more, she still stabilizes at Feeble and even starts to build up her endurance again once she no longer has access to the drug. Not a lost cause at all.
Thank you both immensely for the in depth and useful information. I took option D and got rid of Isabella but thanks to you I'm ready for it ever happening again.

One feature I think would make gameplay more enjoyable and deliver useful information as it's happening is a stat change bubble/notification on button click.

I'm not too sure what the official name of this feature is but many games have them. Usually at the edge or corner of the screen. When a stat changes or an event occurs the bubble pops up for 2-3 seconds with "Isabella: +2 Nature" for instance then disappears. This way the player isn't scratching their head from day to day trying to figure out what action out of the 10 you took caused a certain stat change. Especially for new players there's a large learning curve because there are sooooo many stats (sometime referred to by multiple names) that it's hard to remember the effect of every action, especially since actions impact multiple stats at once.


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
Thank you both immensely for the in depth and useful information. I took option D and got rid of Isabella but thanks to you I'm ready for it ever happening again.

One feature I think would make gameplay more enjoyable and deliver useful information as it's happening is a stat change bubble/notification on button click.

I'm not too sure what the official name of this feature is but many games have them. Usually at the edge or corner of the screen. When a stat changes or an event occurs the bubble pops up for 2-3 seconds with "Isabella: +2 Nature" for instance then disappears. This way the player isn't scratching their head from day to day trying to figure out what action out of the 10 you took caused a certain stat change. Especially for new players there's a large learning curve because there are sooooo many stats (sometime referred to by multiple names) that it's hard to remember the effect of every action, especially since actions impact multiple stats at once.
Might be called "notifications" or "HUD pop-ups". It's a recent game trend, I personally don't like it.

Remember how in some older games from the 90s there used to be no map, so you were supposed to remember each place or draw it on your own? I'm not of the opinion that these games don't deserve to exist, somewhere, especially for obscure indie games.

JONT is one of the them. It has a legacy of trying to be immersive in its game design. The aura cast at auspex is in plain text, the stats and characteristics are also words and not numbers... Same for cause and effect, you are to read, guess or remember what interactions do without an extra-diegetic pop-up that would be counter-nature to the game design. Most of the time, description text, diary or dialogues with characters tell you what you need to know about what action do what. If some are absolutely missing, we should add them in an immersive way, not a video-gamey one. (y)


New Member
Jan 4, 2019
JONT is one of the them. It has a legacy of trying to be immersive in its game design. The aura cast at auspex is in plain text, the stats and characteristics are also words and not numbers... Same for cause and effect, you are to read, guess or remember what interactions do without an extra-diegetic pop-up that would be counter-nature to the game design. Most of the time, description text, diary or dialogues with characters tell you what you need to know about what action do what. If some are absolutely missing, we should add them in an immersive way, not a video-gamey one. (y)
Maybe this is the biggest problem for some players. The biggest problem for me is, that i can't understand what the text is trying to say. My brain can't work with this. I need direct visual feedback or numbers to make a connection between the plain text und the hidden numbers.
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