Hello guys. I've worked a bit on Crimson Assasin and I finally finished it.
All assets are aligned properly, this version is HD so all textures look spotless.
There is also a custom cyberpunk style music, IMO it sound's better than vanilla music.
Catch'a link and see you later!
hey why you forgot the original texture for ReplacementTextures?
what if i want the original colour with the new music?.......
also wtf happen wen you disable the plugin....
i want to make a
definitive edition with
easy swap option from original
in one game.....
i was waiting your files to start the process....
let me see what i can do....
stay tuned for more testing......
salut for now.....
the new music is awesome thanks!!!
just made it....super easy eh he he
now is just perfect......
let me do some more testing and i will release it......
for the SoundReplacer you need to disable the plugin and then reload the scene to work....
so there is no real need to keep 2 of these SAME game in you hdd.....
the new penis have some clipping....wen you compare to the old one....
because is bigger than the other......LOL
so i made a variant on the TextureReplacer....
more is always better....
also if you switch too much the game crash as usual......
[JSK Studio] 26 Overthrow The Demon Queen R v1.2 AIO ABANDONED
ok done...... also i use my personal AutoGeneratedTranslations+resizer i worked so hard to make it perfect
this was made with this:
and is abandoned because of BUGS:
is still functional until a certain degree also if they fix these bugs is not "that bad"
until then is just a unfinished buggy plugin.....that's why i will keep a backup for it....
1) is a RAM Eater....
2) does no support (at the moment) double texture with same name in parallel....this lead to these bugs:
this is because here there is a double texture set name (muneXX) one for combat one for sex.....
also this is why in Crimson Assassin Edition 2024 the Demon Queen was missing.......
3) limited modding support for future skins!!!
because the plugin will crash if you load too many texture at once!!!
[JSK Studio] 26 Overthrow The Demon Queen R v1.2 AIOv4.1
this was remade using:
[BepInEx][plugin] Texture Replacer v1.0.6.5
after many test i finally finished it
is almost perfect now......
1) slow scene transition.....because plugin load on the fly everything....
wen you load a new scene he have to "apply" the texture....
this cause massive slowdown at initial scene only..... once loaded is fine!!!!
2) the double name texture use md5 than is generated based on GPU/driver....
i made this with a NVIDIA.....someone maybe will see some wrong texture.....
if this happen go to the scene with bugged skins press ALT+F11 and wait the dumping done
THEN go here:
\BepInEx\plugins\ModImagesDump\"scene number"
and search for the bugged texture using the thumbnail....
wen you found it copy his name and apply this new md5
on the same file of the bugged texture set......
is easy after you understand the passages.....
3) the title is a bit bugged.....due to a sprite mask i dunno what to do.....
even asked
kumarin no luck......
is just the title... who cares!!!
the rest is working 100%!!!!!
always forgot something to check......ahhh
release moved here:
i hope this will be the last revision.....
as usual if you found something wrong/bad...
post here and then i will see what i can do......
about the FREEZE BUG:
the SoundReplacer.dll plugin does not like the "+" in filepath:
even if put on D:\ alone does no load if you have a plus "+" in the title
who know how many incompatible letters will cause the bug.......
have fun....