Hi, I can't play install the game. I followed the instructions and when I run Autorun.exe as admin with japan locale, I get that:
And then, if I click on the second option, there's the authorization to download and when I accept it, this message shows up:
And after clicking OK, nothing happens.
Ps: I tried finding the location mentionned in the message (second image) but it doesn't exist since I don't seem to have an AppData file. I also recreated the files but nothing changes.
Ps*: I tried something else. I extracted the content of the "
KAMIDORI.mdf" file, and the message changes:
The location is that of where I put the game and it seem to mention the "
神採りアルケミーマイスター.msi" file, which is also the name of the game.
Here's the content:
Ps**: I put the game in my "C:" drive but i get the same error
Ps***: so I searched and apparently, the error means the program didn't find the file needed, in this case, "
Ps****: I opened "
Setup.ini" and the .msi file is mentionned at the very end, not in kanji, but in the same weird characters as in the error:
I replaced them with kanjis but now i've got a different error message: