Because a) I have nothing to do with the folks doing the proper translation (who according to you and others will eventually release a proper one), b) a year may be nothing to you, but not to most people, and c) I made this thread specifically because people requested it, and needed someone willing to put a bit of effort into making a proper thread.
If you don't like it and will get your proper translation either way, no point in bitching here.
This. A million times this.
Often times I just attribute the people who make those sorts of comments complaining of MTL's to be selfish and uncaring of other people's views or opinions.
If someone takes the time to create it, it literally does zero harm, unless you count the individuals that come out of the wood work to complain of MTL's for the sake of MTL, and nothing to do with the game itself.
It's not the MTL's that damage a games image or progress, if anything it brings light and more crowds to the game, and if a developer see's that, they might think they can make money by having an english translation for future/past/current games.
It's the community that comes in and does nothing but complain and badger/insult the brave souls who take the time out of their day to organize/create work for others to enjoy.
Would you work on something for free if the people benefiting from it do nothing but insult you or put you down?
It's super simple to not comment or join in on a thread that is advertised as MTL.
Don't like the MTL version? create your own translation/thread for the game or PAY someone to do it for you, then you can treat them however you want as long as they are willing to put up with it while you PAY them.
Exactly. If you wait for those guys at kagura you will be waiting for years for something that is already out or could be reworked and manually translated by another person twice over. KG likes to bite off more then it can chew. they already have a few years worth of backlog and with every game they announce the just end up making more promises they aren't going to keep. Fuck em, just because they decided to claim another game they won't finish means less then nothing. If you wait for them, you are gonna be waiting a very long time in most cases.
It's like the holy grail. People willing to wait for something that may not actually ever end up happening.
Personally I have no issues with the MTL, its decipherable if you have a basic understanding of how Japanese writing is different in how things are explained.
No, I get that. I played the first game. I can't lose here. The game auto-counters attacks etc. I have all moves unlocked. Someone else said to get some instant self defeat item. But like you said I need to lose the first fight. It's fine though, thanks for the help. I'll just play it then CG rip it or something.
The first fight(Intro in the school, you don't lose that fight)
It's the fights that take place inside the abandoned school portion that you aim to lose in.
Enemies still only do 1 damage while clothed, but they have the addition of grabbing you which will streamline the process of you losing. The battlefuck system is great in that regard.
They may be referring to the first BOSS fight that happens once you enter the abandoned school, by losing THAT fight it sets you on the defeat route.
You start out OP (I assume virgin victory in original ouka is canon) and as the game progresses you become weaker from defeat/scenes.