I started trying to make sense of the MTL, and translate some of it I think better.
A long way to go, but here are my results so far.
Unzip, and replace your data folder in the www folder with this data (But First back up your data folder encase you don't like what I have done.)
Just replace your data folder I told you to back up.
If I do More
If I do more, I will advance the number as in data_tag01 would be come tag02 and so on.
If it help's Great. If Not I am truly sorry for bothering you.
EDIT >>> A lot of problems stemmed from the MTL making a mess of things like "\nr<\n[1]>" which is right for the female protagonist, but the MTL translation buggered the hell out of it.
I have pretty much fixed all the park scenes translations, and some of the other scene's. But there is still a lot stuff (I mean a lot) that still needs fixing. If others want to take up and do more that would be great. I pruned and tweaked as I played the game.
I may latter when have time try to plow through some more of it, but it takes time, as I can not read a lick of Japanese, and have to just have the game open, and my editor at the same time. so when I see something I am sure I can fix. I do it right them.
EDIT >>> Also if have trouble downloading
when you down load it right click it and save link as, and should download fine I just tried it. It is something I have seen before.