While I love this game, and it's currently tied as my favorite Femdom one, with Femdom City MANTIS, I thought I'd share a complaint which really irks me, while waiting for 0.5.
This game is supposed to be primarily Femdom oriented, yet the "best" decisions are always taking a dominant path. It always feels like the game wants to mould a man who's basically a dom, but is alright with existing in female dominated hierarchy, and playing his part. Characters pretty directly express disgust with submissiveness in a game that's supposed to be catering to subs (or female doms). That might be a fetish of some subs, to truly be hated instead of just dominated, but it's definitely not mine. There's one decent sub path if you choose options like you're a godlike saint and a ragdoll just going with the flow but that feels disingenuous and very limiting and then lacks some of the juicy hardcore content. It's only at the very end when your sister's taking a nap that you have a single option which feels normal, where you get to willingly choose to be submissive to a character, yet maintain a shred of dignity, and that's a very tame scene. Maybe I'm an outlier, not worth catering to, but some dudes enjoy hardcore stuff while still being dignified. All of the hardcore scenes are in the level 4 outcome instead of level 5 or 6. That comes with additional unavoidable stuff, some of which isn't desirable - like the Veronica experiment having you have a worthless cock instead of a desirable one, and the branding scene. If a man's submissive he doesn't have to be worthless loser with a pitiful dick. That kind of thinking is probably the mainstream interpretation, but someone into Femdom should know better.
And I also agree with Petruha2k, that the game needs a bit more action and a bit less talk. It's almost tiresome to keep listening to people talking about the hierarchy and making smart decisions and how sly/clever you are or need to be, and how it's all about being big brained and taking x,y,z into consideration. I don't want to play a politician or a guy trying to be C.E.O, I want to play a decent desirable guy who's sometimes forced into submission due to his predicament, and sometimes chooses to be submissive because he has a thing for it.